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Health > Seniors > Mental Health


Common Symptoms of Anxiety
Source:     Veterans Affairs

Dealing with Depression

There are many unanswered questions about seniors and depression - exactly how many seniors experience it, precisely what causes it, how it affects physical health, etc. Moreover, depression often goes undiagnosed in seniors because of preconceptions, misconceptions, or lack of expertise. The good news is that, once diagnosed, depression is treatable, no matter what your age.
Source:     National Advisory Council on Aging


What is Depression? Three Types of Depression. What are the Symptoms? Tips for Good Mental Health
Source:     Veterans Affairs

Self-help groups - Under-used by seniors

Self help groups are so beneficial when it comes to handling the many stresses life can throw our way, why do so few seniors turn to them when they have an issue or a problem to deal with? That's the puzzle to be solved in this issue of Expression.
Source:     National Advisory Council on Aging

Seniors to Seniors

A brochure designed for seniors by seniors from across Canada who share their wisdom about meeting the mental health challenges of later life.
Source:     Health Canada and the British Columbia Psychogeriatric Association

Depression - You don't have to feel this way

When doctors talk about depression, they usually mean major depression. Treatment can help you return to your normal self, enjoying life. Treatment can help prevent depression from coming back.
Source:     The College of Family Physicians of Canada

Mental Illness - Ontario

Anxiety and depression are among the most common, most treatable forms of mental illness in Canada.

**See Also : Mental Health

Information related to this topic.
Source:     Canada Health Portal