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Departmental Performance Report 1998–1999

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The Estimates of the Government of Canada are structured in several parts. Beginning with an overview of total government spending in Part I, the documents become increasingly more specific. Part II outlines spending according to departments, agencies and programs and contains the proposed wording of the conditions governing spending which Parliament will be asked to approve.

The Report on Plans and Priorities provides additional detail on each department and its programs primarily in terms of more strategically oriented planning and results information with a focus on outcomes.

The Departmental Performance Report provides a focus on results-based accountability by reporting on accomplishments achieved against the performance expectations and results commitments as set out in the spring Report on Plans and Priorities.

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On April 24, 1997, the House of Commons passed a motion dividing on a pilot basis what was known as the annual Part III of the Estimates document for each department or agency into two documents, a Report on Plans and Priorities and a Departmental Performance Report.

This initiative is intended to fulfil the government’s commitments to improve the expenditure management information provided to Parliament. This involves sharpening the focus on results, increasing the transparency of information and modernizing its preparation.

This year, the Fall Performance Package is comprised of 82 Departmental Performance Reports and the government’s report Managing for Results — Volumes 1 and 2.

This Departmental Performance Report, covering the period ending March 31, 1999, provides a focus on results-based accountability by reporting on accomplishments achieved against the performance expectations and results commitments as set out in the department’s pilot Report on Plans and Priorities for 1998–99. The key result commitments for all departments and agencies are also included in Volume 2 of Managing for Results.

Results-based management emphasizes specifying expected program results, developing meaningful indicators to demonstrate performance, perfecting the capacity to generate information and reporting on achievements in a balanced manner. Accounting and managing for results involve sustained work across government.

The government continues to refine and develop both managing for and reporting of results. The refinement comes from acquired experience as users make their information needs more precisely known. The performance reports and their use will continue to be monitored to make sure that they respond to Parliament’s ongoing and evolving needs.

Planning, Performance and Reporting Sector
Treasury Board Secretariat
L’Esplanade Laurier
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Tel: (613) 957-7042
Fax (613) 957-7044

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