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Home / Publications On-Line / Other / Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Sharing an Advice Document with a Claimant /

Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Sharing an Advice Document with a Claimant

>> Issue Description
>> Alternatives
>> Policy Proposal
>> Benefits and Costs

An advice document (AD) is routinely prepared by health and safety evaluators in the Commission’s MSDS Compliance Division for the use of screening officers in their determination of the compliance of MSDSs associated with claims for exemption.

Early in 1998, the Commission initiated procedures whereby a copy of the AD may be provided to the claimant for review and comment. This is done at the option of the claimant, i.e., there is no requirement that a claimant review and/or comment on an AD.

The procedures have been extensively pilot-tested and have been judged to be a success by both the Commission and those claimants who participated.

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