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Home / Publications On-Line / Other / Service Standard for Referencing and Summarizing Toxicological Information in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries /

Service Standard for Referencing and Summarizing Toxicological Information in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries

>> Part I
>> Part II
>> Appendix

The objective of this Service Standard is to improve the consistency of advice and improve the efficiency of the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) Compliance Division in the production of Advice Documents (AD) and Toxicity Profile Summaries (TPS).

Part I of this Service Standard describes the information which must be included when summarizing a toxicological study for inclusion in an AD or TPS. The information indicated as “mandatory” must be present in a study or the study is considered as not meeting the criteria of the Service Standard and the study is not evaluated further. The information which is indicated as “if available” is to be included in the summary in order to give the reader a better understanding of the nature and scope of the investigation.

Part II of this Service Standard outlines the referencing requirements for various toxicological endpoints under circumstances which will or will not result in a change in classification for the controlled product. Primary sources referred to in this section should be available in English or French and if foreign sources are used they must be fully translated.

Appendix I provides a list of reliable secondary references to be used in AD and TPS. The criteria applied in compiling the list of reliable secondary references included those that reference the primary source of information and those which based on experience and professional judgement, generally provide reliable information. The list should not be considered “all inclusive” and may change from time to time, as more secondary references become available.

Next - Part I