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Important Changes to the Regulations

On June 13, 2002, significant amendments to the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations came into force. These amendments were published in Part II of the Canada Gazette on July 3, 2002. Please note that the reference is SOR/2002-235.

Regulations Amending the Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations
Hazardous Materials Information Review Regulations

New Fee Structure

The following fees now apply to each submission and are based on the number of claims of each type submitted at one time.

$1,800 for each original claim up to 15 original claims in one submission (1–15).
$400 for each of the next 10 original claims in one submission (16–25).
$200 for each additional claim submitted above 25 original claims in one submission.
$1,440 for each refiled claim up to 15 refiled claims in one submission (1–15).
$320 for each of the next 10 refiled claims in one submission (16–25).
$160 for each refiled claim submitted above 25 refiled claims in one submission.

The new fee structure:

  • eliminates the ingredient-based criteria previously used, thus simplifying fee calculations and streamlining the claim registration process;
  • introduces a lower fee for refiled claims; and
  • maintains the current 50% fee reduction on claims filed by a “small business”.

Reduction in the Information Required in Support of a Claim

The new regulations reduce the information required to be submitted in support of a claim. In addition, claimants will now be able to cross-reference to identical information submitted for previous claims thus supporting a reduction in the paper burden.

Removal of Form 1 from the Regulations

Concurrent with the above changes, Form 1 is no longer included as part of the regulations. This will allow claimants and the Commission greater flexibility in the manner of submitting required information and the manner of handling and reviewing that submitted information.

To support and assist claimants in their submission of claims and the calculation of fees under the new fee schedule, the Commission has created a new document entitled Application for a Claim for Exemption.

It is important to note that information required to be submitted under Section 8 of the revised Regulations along with the required fees must still be received by the Commission before a registry number can be issued.

If you wish to obtain additional information or if you have a question, click here for the FAQs or here to contact us.

Other Legislation

Hazardous Products Act
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act
Hazardous Materials Information Review Act Appeal Board Procedures Regulations
Controlled Products Regulations
Canada Labour Code
Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations