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Edmonton - Nanotechnology

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NRC's bold decision to construct a state-of-the-art $120 million National Institute of Nanotechnology (NINT) in Edmonton was taken to achieve a very specific objective: to secure Canada's position at the vanguard of nanotechnology research worldwide.

NRC's new institute is already a hub for Edmonton's rapidly expanding nanotechnology cluster. Established in 2001 as a partnership among NRC, the University of Alberta and the Alberta and federal governments,NINT has the capacity to house 30 principal investigators who will collaborate with more than 100 university scientists and 120 NRC researchers and staff. NINT, and the partnerships it engenders, secure Edmonton's position as Canada's foremost nanotechnology cluster — and are driving the region to the forefront of nanotechnology R&D globally.

NRC scientist looking through inverted microscope.
NRC scientist looking through inverted microscope.

Establishing a cluster champion

The Edmonton cluster consists of 19 commercial organizations with world-renowned expertise in specialized nanoscience-related areas. In 2003,NRC helped initiate a formal partnership among industry, the University of Alberta, and the Government of Alberta. The result is NanoMEMS Edmonton, a vibrant cluster champion committed to building R&D capacity in 'small tech' not only among local members, but also with similar public-private partnerships around the world.


Nanotechnology applies the science of controlling tiny pieces of matter — atoms and molecules — to produce revolutionary products and processes. Although still in its infancy, nanotechnology has produced a wide range of improved consumer products such as sunscreen lotions and golf clubs, and has potential to alter the way we make everything from transistors to skyscrapers.

Aware that the worldwide market for nano-goods and services could reach an astonishing $1.5 trillion U.S. annually by 2015, industry and university communities are eagerly partnering with NRC to leverage its R&D expertise.

NINT researcher verifying lab equipment.
NINT researcher verifying lab equipment.

Uniting key players

NRC has a proven track record of bringing nanotechnology organizations together around common research and commercialization strategies. In 2002, NRC initiated a cluster development Round Table to forge links between NINT and key community stakeholders, including Syncrude Canada Ltd. To ensure the cluster community shares NRC's vision and strategic direction,NRC representatives sit on the steering committee of NanoMEMS Edmonton, on the advisory board of the Microsystems Technology Research Institute, and on the board of directors of CMC Microsystems — all major players that foster growth and company creation around commercially promising NINT technologies.

Building research capacity

NRC and the University of Alberta are committed to recruiting topflight nanotechnology researchers from across Canada and around the world. For example, NINT's unique staffing structure — principal staff may split their time between teaching at the university and leading research groups — has already attracted several leading nanotechnology researchers to Edmonton.

Technical officer working in a nanobiology lab.
Technical officer working in a nanobiology lab.

Assisting with industrial research

The NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program — aimed specifically at helping small- and medium-sized businesses develop technologies for market — contributes funding and expertise to all NRC clusters,including Edmonton's.

The program has been involved in a host of cluster R&D infrastructure projects that have included partnering with major players, including:

  • NINT
  • The Government of Alberta
  • local universities
  • the Alberta Foundation for Science and Engineering Research and Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
  • Microsystems Technology Research Institute
  • Informatics Circle of Research Excellence
  • ACDC Alberta Cancer Diagnostics Centre
  • the Edmonton Economic Development Corporation
  • NRC research institutes across Canada

2001 — Prime Minister of Canada and Premier of Alberta unveil $120 million plan for NINT


2001 — NRC, University of Alberta and Government of Alberta sign Memorandum of Understanding


2002 — NRC initiates cluster development Round Table


2003 — NanoMEMS Edmonton created


2003 — NRC unveils design plans for NINT


2003 — NINT begins construction of Canada's quietest research laboratory


2004 — NINT hosts Canada's first-ever NanoForum Canada


2004 — NINT purchases unique transmission electron microscope


2005 — NINT hosts Canada's third annual Nano-Medicine Workshop


2005 — Announcement of NINT Innovation Centre which includes 15 rental lab and office spaces for collaborators


"By choosing Edmonton as the home of its flagship nanotech lab,NRC has rightly acknowledged the strength of our community's nascent, but rapidly expanding small-tech cluster.Adding NINT to Greater Edmonton's already considerable research infrastructure and established commercial enterprise community will ensure the region attains its goal of becoming one of the leading nanotechnology centres in the world."

Leigh Hill,Director,NanoMEMS Edmonton


NRC aims to make its National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) one of the world's top-five nanotechnology research labs by 2010.


NINT is the most technologicallyadvanced research facility in Canada.


The worldwide market for nano-goods and services could reach an astonishing $1.5 trillion U.S. a year by 2015.


Between them, NRC and the University of Alberta have 55 research teams, comprised of more than 400 researchers, post-docs, technical officers and graduate students, working in the field of nanotechnology.


A nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or 1/80,000 the diameter of a human hair.

Best available science and technology literature

NRC reseachers working at a scanning electron microscope.

NRC is a world leader in electronic publishing, and Canada's largest and best resource for scientific, technical & medical information.NRC's information specialists are highly active in Edmonton's nanotechnology cluster, offering clients access to the same top-notch document-delivery services NRC scientists enjoy.Users can take advantage of:

  • pioneering technical information
  • literature searches
  • cutting-edge industry and market information
  • patent information
  • rapid delivery of up-to-date full text articles from online sources
  • referrals to industry experts or organizations

University of Alberta


Government of Alberta


NanoMEMS Edmonton


Cutting-edge facilities

Of the original $120 million invested in NINT, one-third was earmarked to construct one of the quietest buildings in Canada. NINT offers lab space with ultra-low vibration and minimal acoustic noise or electromagnetic interference. These are conditions critical to conducting nanotechnology research and fabrication — and to attracting world-class scientists as research collaborators.

The six-storey, 20,000-squaremetre facility has specialty labs for chemical and biochemical synthesis and analysis of atomicscale structures. NRC has installed more than $40 million worth of state-of-the-art scientific equipment, including a transmission electron microscope equipped with a cold-field emission gun.

National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6
Tel.: (613) 993-9101

NRC National Institute for Nanotechnology
11421 Saskatchewan Drive
Edmonton, AB T6G 2M9.

Dr. Nils Petersen
Director General
Tel.: (780) 492-8631
Fax: (780) 492-8632

Date Modified: 2006-03-30
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