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Saguenay - Aluminium Technologies

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Canada is one of the world's top two exporters of primary aluminium. NRC's bold strategy to transform a significant portion of those exports into value-added offerings has created a vibrant technology cluster around the "Aluminium Valley" in Quebec's Saguenay region.

NRC Aluminium Technology Centre research facility located in Saguenay.
NRC Aluminium Technology Centre research facility located in Saguenay.

Investing in the community

In the late 1990s, NRC targeted Saguenay as Canada's most promising investment site for pioneering aluminium transformation R&D. The reason: more than 90 percent of Canada's aluminium production is situated within a 500 square kilometre area in Saguenay. In 2002,NRC constructed its state-of-the-art research facility — the NRC Aluminium Technology Centre — to serve as a hub for the region's most enterprising researchers. The Centre provides cluster stakeholders with wide-ranging support to explore the most profitable ways to transform aluminium into durable, lightweight components for a host of industries.

NRC's partners in Saguenay include:

Alcan Inc.


the Quebec Centre for Aluminium R&D


the Trans-Al network,an association of aluminium parts manufacturers


the Société de la vallée de l'aluminium, a business development organization funded by the Quebec government


the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi along with REGAL, a provincial university aluminium research network headquartered at Université du Québec.

Developed at the NRC-ATC, a laser cladding process, used to protect parts against wear, is set up for industrial use at a local business in the Saguenay region.
Developed at the NRC-ATC, a laser cladding process, used to protect parts against wear, is set up for industrial use at a local business in the Saguenay region.

Building critical partnerships

NRC has nurtured several key partnerships with local aluminium transformation stakeholders in Saguenay. These partnerships play a critical role in NRC's efforts to stimulate groundbreaking research, disseminate world-leading knowledge and commercialize promising technologies.

Targeting success

To ensure the region's cluster remains focused on the most achievable and potentially lucrative goals,NRC's strategic plan targets two broad categories of development: advanced forming, and joining (assembling) technologies.

In the first category, NRC guides researchers and emerging companies through training in die-casting, hydroforming and other processes that form solid aluminium into lightweight, usable parts.The second category involves R&D of laser and friction-stir welding,adhesive bonding, and the mechanical assembly of aluminium parts.

NRC provides advanced computer modeling and state-of-the-art instrumentation for visiting researchers, helping to build a critical mass of knowledge and research that the fledgling cluster can use to commercialize its pioneering ideas.

Attracting top-flight talent

A new semi-solid casting process developed in partnership with Alcan will produce higher quality aluminium parts for the automotive industry.
Located on the grounds of the Université du Québec at Chicoutimi, the $57 million NRC Aluminium Technology Centre attracts top talent by providing pioneering companies with technical support, expertise and lab facilities to develop value-added aluminium products and processes. The Centre's 60 NRC staff, 20 guest researchers, and 20 young scientists receive advanced training to bring new technologies to market.

Canada is the world's second-largest exporter of primary aluminium


Quebec produces 90% of Canadian aluminium exports


Amount of aluminium used in cars is increasing by 5% annually


Transforming technology into business

NRC offers strategic services to businesses that want to take their innovations to market — easing the transition from small start-up company to bona fide industrial presence.

Assisting with industrial research

The NRC Industrial Research Assistance Program — aimed specifically at helping small- and medium-sized businesses develop technologies for market — contributes funding and expertise to all NRC clusters, including Saguenay's.

Advanced modeling technologies developed at NRC-ATC are tools used by scientist and industry engineers to develop new and existing processes in a virtual environment.
Advanced modeling technologies developed at NRC-ATC are tools used by scientist and industry engineers to develop new and existing processes in a virtual environment.

The program has helped link several Saguenay clients to expertise at the NRC Aluminium Technology Centre in such areas as purification of aluminium, metallurgy, and parts for high-performance bicycles, another key market for aluminium technology. It has embarked on collaborative projects with firms investigating such things as the latest aluminium-related laser technology and groundbreaking work in aluminium tubing.Moreover, the program is extensively involved with Quebec's Trans-Al network, a group of more than 100 pioneering small- and medium-sized enterprises.


Alcan Inc.


Canada Economic Development


General Motors Canada


Quebec Centre for Aluminium R&D


REGAL — regroupement université/organismes en R&D-aluminium


SVA (Société de la vallée de l'aluminium)


Trans-Al Network


Université du Québec à Chicoutimi


University of Waterloo


Best available science and technology literature

NRC is a world leader in electronic publishing, and Canada's largest and best resource for scientific, technical & medical information.NRC's information specialists are highly active in Saguenay's aluminium technology cluster, conducting several hundred information searches a year and putting key publications in the hands of the region's leading innovators. They offer technical and business users leading-edge information and business-related services, including access to hundreds of relevant databases and thousands of scientific and technical journals.

Making cars lighter

Concerns over energy efficiency, durability and performance have made the auto-parts industry a gigantic potential market for aluminium transformation technologies. In fact, since 1998, the amount of aluminium used to manufacture cars has risen by more than 130 percent. Auto giants such as General Motors now clamor for reliable, light-weight aluminium parts since they can be up to 40 to 50 percent lighter than their steel counterparts.

A NRC specialist examines crushed sections of hydroformed aluminium tubes prepared for metallographic analysis.
A NRC specialist examines crushed sections of hydroformed aluminium tubes prepared for metallographic analysis.
Fostering collaboration

While the NRC Aluminium Technology Centre has been up and running for less than two years, it has already signed collaborative R&D partnerships with several local small- and medium-sized enterprises, and with industry giants such as Alcan and General Motors. The Alcan collaboration, worth $10.5 million over five years, focuses on breakthrough processes to manufacture lightweight aluminium parts for the enormous global automotive market.

NRC has also negotiated several collaborative agreements with Canadian universities to conduct groundbreaking aluminium transformation R&D. It has inked contracts with the University of Waterloo and the University of Toronto — with General Motors Canada as the industrial partner — and with the Université Laval.


2000 — NRC develops Aluminium Industry Technology Roadmap


2001 — NRC commits to NRC-ATC (Aluminium Technology Centre) for Saguenay region


2002 — NRC unveils design plans for NRC-ATC


2003 — NRC-ATC opens doors


2004 — Official inauguration of NRC-ATC

NRC-ATC is at the cutting edge for the R&D in the behaviour of aluminium as it is being shaped, formed and joined.
NRC-ATC is at the cutting edge for the R&D in the behaviour of aluminium as it is being shaped, formed and joined.

"This NRC Centre is a prime example of what can be accomplished when the region pulls together to work toward a common goal. It ensures the region of the kind of environment that is conducive to aluminium transformation."

Michel Belley, Rector,UQAC

National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road
Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6
Tel.: (613) 993-9101

NRC Industrial Materials Institute
75 de Mortagne Boulevard
Boucherville, QC J4B 6Y4

Dr. Blaise Champagne
Director General
Tel.: (450) 641-5050
Fax: (450) 641-5101

Date Modified: 2006-07-12
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