National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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The GD-MS Team

The Chemical Metrology Group at NRC's Institute for National Measurement Standards ( operates the only high resolution GD-MS laboratory in Canada. This world class facility specializes in trace and ultra-trace analysis of high purity conductive and semi-conductive materials and is staffed by highly skilled and experienced scientists who undertake custom application of GD-MS analysis to new or difficult materials. In addition, routine testing services for Canadian and international clientele is provided.

Two high resolution VG 9000 GD-MS systems (Thermo instruments) are operated with cooled pin cell sources, providing semi quantitative elemental surveys of both conducting and semi conducting solids, e.g., gallium, cadmium, tellurium, gallium arsenide, cadmium selenide, cadmium zinc telluride. Click here for a complete list of the materials currently analyzed. The instruments are capable of detecting impurities from the percent level down to sub parts per billion directly in the solid in a single run, which allows for a rapid turn around of submitted samples.

An overview of the GD-MS instrumentation is available here.

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