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Institute for National Measurement Standards
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Institute for National Measurement Standards

Acoustical Standards - Calibration Services

Ordering Calibrations Services

The Acoustical Standards Program maintains and improves Canada's primary acoustical standards implemented with the reciprocity method, and standards on ultrasound. It disseminates acoustical standards that are used by government, industry, trade, and in the health science field.

The Program also develops techniques to improve the reliability and ease of traceability from standards used in the field to the primary national standards. It provides technical support to the Calibration Laboratory Assessment Service (CLAS) involving acoustical calibrations and is active in national and international standards activities pertaining to acoustics.

 Calibration Services
 Measurement Services
 Consultation Services
 Fees for Service

Arrangements can be made for services not described here.

Contact: Dr. George Wong
Tel. (613) 993-6159


The uncertainties quoted in the descriptions below are expanded uncertainties representing a confidence level of approximately 95%. They were obtained by multiplying the standard uncertainty (one standard deviation) by a coverage factor of k = 2.

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Calibration Services

  • Primary pressure reciprocity calibration system for absolute calibration of laboratory standard microphones over the frequency range from 50 Hz to
    20 000 Hz
  • Phase-match of a pair of condenser microphones from 10 to 10 000 Hz
  • Sound level meters, including acoustic sensitivity and electrical performance, and sound level calibrators according to American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards
  • Primary interferometric system for sinusoidal calibration of accelerometers from 20 Hz to 5000 Hz
  • Shock calibration of accelerometers by comparison within the range from 200 m/s2 to 100 000 m/s 2
  • Ultrasound power and transducer beam profile
  • On special request, calibration of acoustical instruments such as integrating averaging sound level meters, noise dosimeters, and filter sets
  • Precision acoustic system for measurement of the variation of ratio of specific heats of gases and gas mixtures

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Measurement Services

  • Frequency analysis of signals
  • Narrow-band, octave- and one-third-octave-band analysis, and
  • Most types of acoustical measurement over the frequency range 16 Hz to 20 kHz and, in certain cases, from 0.5 Hz to 100 kHz.

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Consultation Services

  • Pertaining to national and international acoustical standards, legislation and regulations
  • Acoustical calibrations and measurements
  • Noise and vibration problems including accelerometer calibration
  • Acoustical measurement and calibration system design
  • Precision mechanical, electrical, and electro-acoustical designs and system implementation
  • Ultrasound power measurements and calibrations and transducer design

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Specialized space available to the Program includes an anechoic chamber with a low frequency cut-off at about 80 Hz, a relatively large measurement space (15.2 m x 8.8 m x 6.7 m) for indoor semi-free-field measurements, and complementary acoustical instrumentation.

A primary pressure reciprocity calibration system with environmental control is available. The Program also has systems for sound level meter and acoustical instrument calibration, an ultrasound power and beam profile measurement facility, and a facility for comparison and absolute calibration of accelerometers.

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Fees for Service

Ordering Calibrations Services NEW procedures effective March 23, 2006.

Custom Acoustical Measurement and Services
Fee on request.
Contact Dr. George Wong (Tel. 613-993-6159; Fax. 613-990-8765).
Handling Fee
A charge is levied for any instrument found to be unsuitable for calibration. This fee covers opening, inspection and return and is based on the work done prior to discovery of the fault.

 Precision Sound Level Meters
 Sound Level Calibrators
 Absolute Accelerometer Calibration
 Medical Ultrasound Measurement & Calibration

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Calibration of the frequency response of one condenser measurement microphone by the absolute pressure reciprocity method. The open-circuit sensitivity level has a best uncertainty of 0.04 dB, depending on the frequency and the microphone type.
The uncertainty is 0.06 dB from 50 Hz to 8 000 Hz for laboratory standard 'one-inch' (LS1P) microphones, and 0.18 dB from 50 Hz to approximately 20 000 Hz for laboratory standard 'half-inch' (LS2P) microphones.
For most microphones, the appropriate free-field correction curve for 0° incidence will also be supplied.
Please refer to the technical contact for calibration of microphones under IEC reference environmental conditions.
Frequency response and open-circuit sensitivity of one condenser microphone by comparison with a standard NRC microphone. The best uncertainty is 0.06 dB at 250 Hz for LS1P microphones.
The undertainty is 0.2 dB from 50 Hz to 8 000 Hz for LS1P microphones, and 0.29 dB from 50 Hz to 16 000 Hz for LS2P microphones.


Precision Phase Match of Microphones (A33-01-01-02 to A33-01-01-04)
Pair of Half-Inch
Condenser Microphones

Fee on request
This service provides precision phase match of a pair of half-inch laboratory standard and working standard condenser microphones, with an uncertainty of less than 0.1 degree over a frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 kHz and with an uncertainty of less than 0.5 degree for frequencies to 10 kHz.
Other Microphone Sizes
Fee on request
This is the same service as A33-01-01-02 above, but for other microphone sizes. Refer to the technical contact for information about frequency range, measurement uncertainty, and fees
Microphones with Protection Grids
Fee on request
This is the same service as A33-01-01-02 above, but for microphones with protection grids that cannot be removed. Refer to the technical contact for information about frequency range, measurement uncertainty, and fees.


Precision Sound Level Meters (A33-01-02-01 to A33-01-02-03)
Sound Level Meter
This service applies to one meter that can be fitted with a condenser microphone and comprises "Fast" and "Slow" responses, weighting networks, step attenuators, and linear frequency response. At the reference sound pressure level for the particular instrument, the uncertainties are sufficient to ensure that the sound level meter meets the tolerances of the IEC and ANSI standards of ±0.4 dB for type 0 and ±0.7 dB for type 1 instruments.
See the calibration services for microphones for calibration of the microphone that is fitted to the sound level meter.
Partial Check
(Step Attenuators)

This calibration covers step attenuators and sound pressure level sensitivity at a reference frequency.
Partial Check (Weighting Network)
This service calibrates the weighting network and sound pressure level sensitivity at a reference frequency.
Other Acoustical Measuring Instruments
Fee on request.
Contact Dr. George Wong (Tel. 613-993-6159; Fax. 613-990-8765).

The Program does full and partial calibrations of the meters covered in the services listed below. To discuss calibrations of instruments with other types of microphones and other types of acoustical measuring instruments and systems, such as measuring amplifiers, refer to the technical contact.

Sound Level Calibrators (A33-01-03-01 to A33-01-03-06)
Calibration of one field sound calibrator, such as the Brüel and Kjaer 4230 with a single sound pressure level and a single frequency. The best uncertainty is 0.1 dB when coupled to a particular type of condenser microphone.
See A33-01-03-04 for calibration of pistonphones.
This service calibrates one calibrator, with a single sound pressure level and up to five frequencies, with an uncertainty of 0.3 dB when coupled to a particular type of condenser microphone.
One calibrator, with up to five sound pressure levels and up to six frequencies, is calibrated with an uncertainty of 0.3 dB when coupled to a specified particular type of condenser microphone.
One Pistonphone Standard Calibrator
Calibration of one pistonphone sound calibrator, with a single sound pressure level and a single frequency. The sound pressure level is corrected to reference environmental conditions and the calibration report includes the correction term for deviations from the reference static pressure of 101.325 kPa. The best uncertainty is 0.1 dB when coupled to a particular type of laboratory standard microphone.
Multifunction Calibrator
This service is available for a multifunction calibrator, from 31.5 Hz to
16 000 Hz, at levels of 94dB, 104 dB, and 114 dB. It involves the measurement of inverse A-weighted response, crest factor measured at a level of 94 dB, and time weighting ("Fast" and "Slow").
One calibrator with two sound pressure levels at one frequency is calibrated with an uncertainty of 0.3 dB when coupled to a particular type of condenser microphone.

Calibration of accelerometer by absolute interferometric measurement of sensitivity at 160 Hz with an uncertainty of 0.5% and frequency response at one-third octave frequencies from 20 Hz to
5 000 Hz with selected peak acceleration from10 m/s²with an uncertainty of 1%.
Please refer to the technical contact for other requirements for measurement of frequency response.
As A33-01-04-01 above, except:
frequency response is measured over the range of 20 Hz to 800 Hz only.
As A33-01-04-01 above, except:
the absolute sensitivity is measured at 800 Hz with uncertainty of 1%, and frequency response is measured over the range of 800 Hz to 5 000 Hz only.
Accelerometer calibration by comparison with a reference accelerometer at not more than four selected frequencies from 2 Hz to 10 Hz, with an uncertainty of 3%.
Fee on request
A sinusoidal calibration by comparison with a reference standard accelerometer is first performed to ensure that the accelerometer is in good condition. The best measurement uncertainty is 1%.
A shock calibration of the accelerometer (or the accelerometer with an associated charge amplifier) is then performed by comparison with a reference standard accelerometer. The shock calibration is for acceleration in the range from 200 m/s² to 100 000 m/s². The measurement uncertainty is dependent on shock duration, with a best measurement uncertainty of 3%.
Fee on request
A shock calibration of the accelerometer (or the accelerometer with an associated charge amplifier) is performed by comparison with a reference standard accelerometer that has been calibrated by interferometry. The shock calibration is for acceleration in the range from 200 m/s² to 100 000 m/s². The measurement uncertainty is dependent on shock duration, with a best measurement uncertainty of 3%.
To ensure the integrity of the shock accelerometer, the laboratory may first check one or two points of the accelerometer's response curve by sinusoidal comparison.
A sinusoidal calibration by comparison with a reference accelerometer, calibrated by interferometry, at frequencies from 16 Hz to 5000 Hz. The measurement uncertainty is dependant on frequency, with a best measurement uncertainty of 1%.

Medical Ultrasound Measurement and Calibration
A small portable NRC ultrasound power balance is calibrated and delivered to the client's address by courier service. The client retains the balance to facilitate the calibration of therapeutic transducers and systems before returning the balance to NRC by a courier service. An additional $100 per day is added to the following fees if the balance remains with the client for more than two days. NRC will calibrate the balance upon receipt and notify the client in writing to confirm the performance of the portable ultrasound balance, which has a resolution of < 0.1 W in a range of 10 W with a best uncertainty of 7%.
A service to calibrate the power output of medical ultrasound devices such as those used in diagnostics and physiotherapy: The calibration of one or two probes of a device, at a maximum of five power settings, in the range from 0.5 W to 5W, with a best measurement uncertainty of 4%.
The fee does not include delivery of the devices to or from INMS. If prior arrangement is made with INMS, the expected turnaround time (betwen receipt and dispatch) for the calibration is within two working days..

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