National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
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Project Identification and Signatures-Part 1

Identification and Signatures-Part 1

For all research projects


For research not carried out by NRC employees


Applications for REB review must identify and be signed by:

For all research projects

  • The Principal Investigator
    • This signature certifies that the submission accurately describes the proposed project, and also certifies acceptance of full responsibility for performing the proposed research in accord with NRC's policies, the requirements of the REB and the commitments made in the application as approved by the REB.

  • The NRC Scientific Manager
    • Each NRC Institute, or IRAP, should identify the appropriate person(s) for this responsibility.

    • This signature certifies, on behalf of NRC, that:
      • The proposed research has been assessed by NRC's scientific review processes and has been found to meet NRC's scientific standards;

      • The safety of the proposed research has been evaluated and the risk to human subjects meets NRC's standards;

      • The study team is competent to carry out the research in accord with high scientific and ethical standards; and

      • Planning is in hand or completed for the needed funds and other resources to be available for the research.

For research not carried out by NRC employees

  • The Chief Executive Officer or delegate of the organization that is performing the research.
    • This signature certifies that the organization accepts responsibility for performing the proposed research in accord with NRC's policies, the requirements of the REB and the commitments made in the application as approved by the REB.

  • The NRC collaborating investigator
    • The NRC representative who will work directly with the Principal Investigator must sign to certify co-responsibility with the Principal Investigator. For IRAP, this person might be the lead ITA.

Date Modified: 2004-05-17
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