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Home / Publications On-Line / Estimates / Report on Plans and Priorities 2000–2001 / Message / Departmental Overview / Plans, Results and Resources /

Plans, Results and Resources

>> Material Safety Data Sheet Compliance
>> Client Services
>> Dispute Resolution

HMIRC is taking a leadership role in program improvement. We are moving beyond organizational assessment to turn our program objective and stakeholders’ interests into action. We are adopting a business attitude that focuses on performance and strategic partnerships, while maintaining and preserving our key values and operating principles.

As an organization embracing change, we aim to deliver our mandate and achieve our mission through the establishment of three new business lines. To accomplish this, we have re-defined the organization into three core areas:

  • Material Safety Data Sheet Compliance
  • Client Services
  • Dispute Resolution

Unique in nature, the three business lines utilize individual processes and approaches in response to the different roles they are mandated to carry out. The creation of these new business lines represents a positive and pragmatic step towards modernizing our services and meeting our clients’ changing needs.

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