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How We Make a Difference
Welcome to the website of the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC). We direct, coordinate and fund research in particle physics and astronomy, delivering world-leading science, technologies and people for the UK (more...)

Ideas pioneered by PPARC have application far wider than particle physics and astronomy. Find out more about their impact in everyday areas as diverse as healthcare, security and computer games. Check out our developing series of 'Case Studies' and learn how PPARC funding makes a difference (more...)

Latest news

Click to read news item     07 November 2006
gLite Brokering Meeting
The PPARC KITE Club invites interested parties from academia and industry to a brokering meeting being held in central London on 4th December 2006


Click to read news item     06 November 2006
Explaining the Universe without the 'physics'?
The public are interested in the Origins of the Universe, but find 'physics' daunting, according to a new PPARC report on how the public, teachers and students view the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Project. The report will inform the UK LHC communications programme.


Click to read news item     03 November 2006
Dti Autumn 2006 Competition for Funding
Funding is available to support Collaborative Research and Development projects that address innovations in the development and application of sensors and imaging technology.


Click to read news item     02 November 2006
Hi-Phi October 2006, Issue Number 153
Cosener's Forum - April 2007: Large Hadron Collider Startup



Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council
Polaris House, North Star Avenue, Swindon SN2 1SZ
Tel +44(0)1793 442000 Fax +44(0)1793 442002

'Research Councils UK' (RCUK) website      'UK Goes to the Planets' website      'Particle Physics UK' website

'Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes' website 'UK Astronomy Technology Centre' website 'Joint Astronomy Centre' website

Please read our legal notice and Freedom of Information (FoI) statement.


   Click to visit the 'Investors in People' (IiP) website - opens in new window

Quick links
Using this site
Including site map, quickfinder and access keys
Science Roadmap
The current and possible future projects in which PPARC will invest in order to deliver its science programme
Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008
A list of the facilities for which PPARC is providing the estimated value of facility time
PPARC events and meetings
How to apply, schemes, forms, handbook and administration
Joint electronic Submission: login
Prepare and submit research grant proposals electronically using the Je-S system
Frontiers, PPARC's flagship magazine
Grants on the Web
Summaries of all current PPARC research grants
PPARC Statistics
Statistics on grants, fellowships and studentships supported by PPARC
Free publications, posters and pamphlets
PPARC Science
An introduction to PPARC science specially written for this web site by acclaimed science writer Nina Hall
Contract Opportunities
Information for UK Industry
Jobs in PPARC