National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada

Contract Research

NRC has developed research strength in technologies that are the key to economic growth in the 21st Century – advanced manufacturing technologies, biotechnology and information and telecommunications technology. NRC conducts collaborative and fee-for-service research in facilities and offices across Canada. Examples of research areas and facilities include

  • Construction materials evaluation
  • Transgenic plant centre
  • Medical device prototyping
  • Bioprocessing
  • DNA microarray facilities
  • Mass spectrometry labs
  • Nuclear magnetic resonance labs
  • Aquaculture station
  • Offshore engineering basin
  • High-throughput sequencing
  • Virtual environment technology centre
  • Wind tunnels, engine test beds and numerous aerospace testing services

For more information on the capabilities and types of services offered by different NRC facilities, please contact a business development officer  at the institute or technology centre that best matches your research interest

Date Modified: 2004-08-11
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