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Home / Publications On-Line / Estimates / Departmental Performance Report 1998–1999 / Messages / Departmental Overview / Departmental Performance / Consolidated Reporting /

Consolidated Reporting

Year 2000 Readiness

The Commission is in a good position in regards to the Y2K issue. It has recently upgraded all of its work stations with Y2K compliant PCs. All of the day-to-day software is "off the shelf" and have been regularly updated. The Commission has also completed the re-engineering of its sole Y2K non-compliant database program. This database is used for recording, registering, tracking and managing claims. Through a Health Canada portfolio partnership agreement, Health Canada personnel will be reviewing the Y2K status of the Commission and will be prepared to ensure that the Commission is fully compliant. The Commission is also a member of the Health Canada Y2K Information Technology Sub-Committee. The Commission will be working on its Business Contingency Plan in the upcoming fiscal year.

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