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Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Sharing an Advice Document with a Claimant
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Service Standard for Referencing and Summarizing Toxicological Information in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries
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Home / Publications On-Line / Other / Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Sharing an Advice Document with a Claimant / Alternatives / Policy Proposal /

Policy Proposal

  1. The Commission will offer all claimants, on a claim-by-claim basis, an opportunity to review the Advice Document (AD) that has been prepared by an evaluator in the MSDS Compliance Division, and to offer comments to the screening officer.
  2. Where a claimant opts to review an AD, the screening officer will generally indicate whether he/she is inclined to issue an order for MSDS compliance based on the entire AD, or only portions of it. In the case of the latter, the screening officer will identify the specific parts of the AD, so as to focus the review time and effort of the claimant.
  3. A time period of 30 calendar days (which may be extended at the request of a claimant) will be afforded to the claimant during which to review the AD and provide comments in writing to the screening officer. Copies of any additional references and toxicological studies, or other information, cited in the claimant’s commentary should also be provided to the screening officer, if they are not already in the possession of the Commission.
  4. The screening officer will review and evaluate the claimant’s comments and any associated materials, seeking further advice from the MSDS Compliance Division where deemed necessary. The screening officer may enter into further discussions with the claimant, including the convening of a conference call with the claimant and the evaluator.
  5. After the conclusion of these discussions, the screening officer will proceed to make a decision on the compliance of the MSDS in question using all the information at hand and, as has been past practice, contact the claimant by telephone to informally communicate those results. The Statement of Decisions (and Order, where applicable) will then be signed off and issued to the claimant.

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