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Home / Publications On-Line / Annual Reports / Annual Report 1998–1999 / President’s Message / HMIRC: A New Organization / A Day in the Life of the Public Service of Canada / Our Business Lines / The Year at a Glance /

The Year at a Glance

Claims for Exemption

Claims Registered 155
Decisions Issued 143
Claims in Process 379

As in past years, claims came principally from companies headquartered in Ontario and the United States. Claims are assessed against regulatory criteria which establish when a trade secret is deemed to exist. A valid trade secret claim permits the supplier to withhold or modify information that would normally be included in the product’s MSDS. All claims for which a decision was issued this year met the criteria.

The Commission continues to strive to meet its published service standards. Telephone enquiries were handled within 24 hours, and written enquiries within one week of receipt.

Appeals Filed 1
Appeal Hearings Concluded 0
Appeals Withdrawn 5
Appeals still in Process 1
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The appeals process is seldom used, and only one new appeal was begun in 1998-1999. Each appeal may involve several order items issued by screening officers. Over the lifetime of the Commission, appeal boards have heard eight appeals and ruled on 51 order items issued by screening officers. Appeal board decisions have upheld the majority of these orders, however, a significant number have been modified or rescinded. Seven appeals have been withdrawn prior to issuance of a decision by the appeal board.

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MSDS Violation Statistics

In recent years we have noted a positive trend in our analysis of MSDSs filed with claims for exemption, as screening officers find fewer violations. We believe that this is due to companies having more experience submitting MSDSs with their claims and more knowledge about what is required for compliance.

MSDS Violation Statistics
Violation No. of Occurrences
98–99 97–98 96–97 95–96 94–95 Total %
Toxicological Properties 341 384 698 580 609 2,612 33.7
Hazardous Ingredients 301 391 716 367 238 2,013 26
First Aid Measures 72 97 114 63 113 459 5.9
Fire or Explosion Hazard 66 49 56 104 140 415 5.4
Hazard Classification 38 44 95 42 79 298 3.8
Physical Data 28 29 49 48 55 209 2.7
Headings 22 31 71 122 113 359 4.6
Preparation Information 20 9 14 36 35 114 1.5
Generic Chemical Identity 17 39 13 27 56 152 2
Product Information 15 24 36 49 48 172 2.2
Format/Wording 10 41 126 205 390 772 10
Preventive Measures 4 3 8 5 49 69 0.9
Reactivity Data 2 14 17 19 52 104 1.3
Total 936 1,155 2,013 1,667 1,977 7,748 100
No. of Claims Adjudicated 143 150 204 252 196 947  
No. of Occurrences/Claim 6.5 7.7 9.9 6.6 10.1 8.2  

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