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Commission Renewal: Blueprint for Change – Operational Plan
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Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Disposal of Withdrawn/Expired (Closed) Claim File
Policy Impact Analysis Statement – Sharing an Advice Document with a Claimant
Guidelines for Toxicological Summary Requirements
Service Standard for Referencing and Summarizing Toxicological Information in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries
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Home / Publications On-Line / Other / Service Standard for Referencing and Summarizing Toxicological Information in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries / Part I: Toxicology Summary Information to be Included in AD and TPS / Part II: Referencing Requirements for Toxicology Information from Publicly Available Sources to be Included in ADs and TPSs / Appendix I: List of Reliable Secondary References to be Used in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries /

Appendix I: List of Reliable Secondary References to be Used in Advice Documents and Toxicity Profile Summaries

The following criteria have been applied in compiling the following list of reliable secondary reference sources:

  1. secondary sources which reference the primary source;
  2. secondary sources which, based on experience and professional judgement, generally provide reliable information.

AIHA WEEL (Workplace Environmental Exposure Level) Guides
ATSDR Reports (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry)
BG Chemie Reviews
Chemical Hazards of the Workplace
Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products
CSST MSDS sheets
Documentation of the ACGIH TLV and BEI
ECETOC Documents
Ethel Browning’s Toxicity & Metabolism of Industrial Solvents

  • Vol. I – Hydrocarbons
  • Vol. II – Nitrogen & Phosphorous Solvents

Grant’s Toxicology of the Eye
IARC Monographs (International Agency For Research on Cancer)
NIOSH, Recommended Standard for Occupational Exposure Reports
Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology
Royal Society of Chemistry Datasheets

  • Vol. 1 – Solvents
  • Vol. 2 – Metal & its Compounds
  • Vol. 3 – Corrosive & Irritants
  • Vol. 4 a & b – Toxic Chemicals
  • Vol. 5 – Flammable Chemicals

RTECS (Note: Data is not peer reviewed, caution required)
Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials (Note: Data is not peer reviewed, caution required)
US National Toxicology Program (NTP) Reports
WHO Environmental Health Criteria Reports

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