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Home / Publications On-Line / Estimates / Report on Plans and Priorities 2003–2004 / President’s Message and Management Representations Statement / Raison d’être / Planning Overview /

Planning Overview

Looking ahead, the Commission has some challenges to meet in the planning period. The organization is adapting well to the changes initiated during renewal; however, we will be dealing with constant change for some years to come. Careful change management will continue to be necessary as new procedures and new ways of doing business are implemented. New staff members need to be integrated into the organization, and staff training and orientation have become ongoing priorities.

Our focus, as always, will be the health and safety of workers, education and dispute prevention with claimants, and the client outreach program with our provincial and territorial partners, with respect to the detection of unfiled claims. We will also continue to work with our Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) partners on the international harmonization of hazard communication requirements.

We continue with our goal to gradually reduce and ultimately eliminate the claims backlog. We have added operations staff in an effort to address the backlog, and a new plan for this endeavour is now in development.

We plan to continue enhancements to our Web site. As an element of our Government On-Line strategy, we are examining options for e-payment and e-filing in the context of certain challenges with respect to security and monetary conversion.

The Commission has embarked on the modernizing comptrollership initiative by establishing a project management office and conducting a capacity assessment. Over the planning period, we expect to identify and put in place the mechanisms and systems that will assure us of continuing improvements in management and reporting.

These and other changes planned for 2003–2006 are all guided by the Commission’s core values: timeliness, accessibility, transparency, quality, consistency, competence, respect and fairness.

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