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Information Bulletin 1

>> Generic Chemical Identity
>> Chemical Nomenclature and GCI
>> Derivation of GCI by Masking Chemical Identity
>> Derivation of GCI from Chemical Class
>> Unacceptable Approaches

This is the first in a series of information bulletins designed to assist in understanding the Hazardous Materials Information Review Act (HIMRA) and Regulations (HMIRR) and the procedures followed by the Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission. Other information bulletins are available on the following topics:

  • Responses to frequently-asked questions, including claim withdrawals, change in product ownership and its impact on claims for exemption (Issue No. 2).
  • Expiration of a three-year trade secret exemption and reapplying for a trade secret exemption (Issue No. 3).
  • Background information, security measures, procedures for filing claims, reminders and common questions and answers (Issue No. 4).

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