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Home / Publications On-Line / Information Bulletins / Information Bulletin 4 / Background / Security Measures / Procedures for Filing Claims for Exemption /

Procedures for Filing Claims for Exemption

Before a registry number is issued, claims for exemption are reviewed to ensure that all required documentation has been included. At this time a preliminary review of the claim is performed to examine the CBI and compare it to the MSDS submitted with the claim. This is done in order to assess the completeness of the claim and associated MSDS and determine any problems with the claim (e.g. incorrect product groupings for fee purposes).

The claim is then assigned to a screening officer who will review the supporting documentation received from the claimant using the criteria prescribed in the HMIRR and rule on the validity of the claim.

Alongside this claim review, Commission evaluators perform a review of the MSDS or label and the CBI to provide compliance advice to the screening officers. The screening officer also has the statutory mandate to decide whether the MSDS or label complies with the disclosure requirements of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR). In the event of an appeal against the decisions or order of a screening officer, appeal boards will be assigned to specific cases and may be accorded the right of access to the Application for a Claim for Exemption and associated documentation related to the claim for exemption being appealed.

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