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Fast Facts: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)

Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) is a hallucinogen - one of the more powerful illicit drugs.

Odourless, colourless, and tasteless, the fine white powder is sold in capsules or as tablets. It is also frequently sold on stamps, blotter paper, sugar cubes, gum, candy, crackers, or cookies.


  • there is a wide range of possible experiences produced by LSD. These depend on dose, setting, expectations, past experiences, and personality

  • early effects can include numbness, muscle weakness, muscle twitching and impaired coordination

  • later effects include distortion of senses, time and thought processes

  • unpleasant reactions are common including fearfulness, anxiety, depression, and paranoia

  • effects usually begin one hour after the drug is taken and can last up to 12 hours

  • "flashbacks" - a brief recurrence of parts of a trip - may be experienced days or months after the actual experience

  • tolerence to LSD develops very rapidly. Physical dependence does not occur. Street LSD is sometimes impure and may contain "PCP" or "speed"

LSD and Pregnancy

LSD use during pregnancy may increase the risk of spontaneous abortion and congenital abnormalities. Expectant mothers should never use any drug without advice from their doctors.

LSD and The Law

LSD is listed in the Food and Drug Act as a Restricted Drug.

Possession of LSD is illegal and can result in a fine of $1,000.00 or 6 months in prison for the first offence

For additional information, please contact one of the following Addictions Services Offices.

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