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Fast Facts: Cannabis

Active Ingredient

From the hemp plant "Cannabis Sativa". Strength varies. Hash oil is the most potent form and marijuana the least potent form.
THC produces the typical effects on mood and perception.


  • May cause feelings of well-being or sadness
  • Increased heart rate
  • Mild confusion, memory loss, inability to concentrate
  • Sense of time and distance often affected
  • Possible negative reactions such as anxiety, fearfulness
  • Larger doses may produce hallucinations, panic, and/or paranoia

Long Term Effects


  • Psychological dependence is common
  • Physical dependence can occur with daily high doses
  • High risk of problems with respiratory system
  • Possible effects on heart, particularly for those with a history of heart disease
  • Possible decrease of immunity against infection
  • Significant psychological adjustment problems can occur in some
  • Problems with memory and concentration can occur
  • Continuous high doses might have an effect on intellectual functioning
  • May contribute to reduced drive or motivation in some
  • Lowers testosterone levels in males, possibly reducing fertility and possibly affecting growth and puberty
  • Tolerance can develop

Marijuana and Pregnancy
Marijuana use may affect the fetus of the pregnant mother. Expectant mothers should never use any drug without the advice of their doctors.

Marijuana and The Law
Cannabis products are listed in the Narcotic Control Act of the Criminal Code. It is illegal to operate a motor vehicle while impaired by marijuana or any other drug.

For additional information, please contact one of the following Addictions Services Offices.


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