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Products & Services
> Loan Services
> Collections reference
. Taxonomic Identification
. Zooarchaeological Analysis
> Conservation
. Herbarium Rules!
. Conservation Services
. Management Services
. Workshop
> Geologic cabinet drawers
> Acid-free storage containers
> Online Collection Data
? Contact Info
> Plant pressing

> Library
> Archives
> Our Collections



Cover of How to Press Flowers video.

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Collections Products and Services

Follow the links in the index at left and in the text below to learn more about the variety of products and services developed at the Canadian Museum of Nature with the benefit of our collections expertise and assets.

Collections Loans
Specimens from our natural history collections are available for loan, for research or exhibit purposes, by recognized researchers and institutions. Special arrangements may be considered to lease specimens and objects for other purposes. On-site access to collections specimens may also be an option.

Collections reference services

Taxonomic Identification
We provide taxonomic identification services, drawing on our vast natural history collections and expertise.

Zooarchaeological Analysis
Nature's extensive osteology collection provides an excellent reference for the identification of vertebrate hard tissues. It is available for use by private contractors on a fee basis.

Conservation Services

Herbarium Rules!
This engaging publication provides clear guidelines for proper handling of your herbarium materials. The booklet can be customized with the identity of your institution.

Collections Conservation
A full range of conservation and consulting services are available. Services include environmental monitoring, design and construction of specimen supports, and assessing and assigning risks to collections. Specialists also conduct research on pyrite oxidation, fluid-preserved collections and effects of relative humidity.

Collections Management
Collections management planning is offered through the Centre for Collections Management and Conservation Research. Consultative services cover decision-making on optimum levels of risk to collections and investments in altering collection profiles.

Collections Risk Assessment and Management Workshops
These interactive workshops are available for organizations responsible for the care and management of collections. Through a series of exercises, participants learn how to do a comprehensive risk assessment on collections and to develop strategies for mitigating risks. A video called Collections at Risk introduces this collection management concept and will help you decide if the workshop is right for you.

Online Collection Data
Some basic catalogue data is available online for several of our collections.


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