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National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Mona Lisa
Explore the Mona Lisa
Color View
Original Color
Depth Image
Craquelure Pattern
Shaded Image
Contour Map
Infrared View
X-ray View
Rear Color
Rear Shaded
Rear Color Levels
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Mona Lisa: Rear Color Levels

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  Color View  

Original Color


Depth Image


Craquelure Pattern


Shaded Image


Contour Map


Infrared View


X-ray View


Rear Color


Rear Shaded


Rear Color Levels


Find the Hidden Hotspots


Flash Version

Mona Lisa - Rear Color Levels
Rear Color Levels of the Mona Lisa
Image courtesy of the National Research Council Canada

A color-coded shape image of the back of the painting demonstrating elevetion levels in the panel and the important warping of the panel due to time. The red zone is the most elevated.

Date Published: 2006-09-21
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