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President's Insight

Science and Technology for Canada: 90 Years Old

by NRC President, Pierre Coulombe

In 2006 the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) is celebrating 90 years of research and innovation.

There is no more appropriate banner under which to celebrate NRC's achievements and successes than "Science at Work for Canada".   NRC has indeed had a profound influence upon the development and impact of science and technology in Canada. This truly has been nine decades of creating social and economic value for Canadians in many ways.

Ninety years of excellence – in research and developing new knowledge, in entrepreneurship and increasing industry's innovative capacity, in technology transfer and commercialization, in community outreach and building strong partnerships, and in supporting our nation's economic development. Ninety years of public service.

We do, indeed, have a proud history of leadership in Canadian science and technology. Innovations that have fed millions, achievements that have saved lives, generated wealth and helped the environment – discoveries that rank amongst the greatest advances in modern science.

NRC's success is rooted in its ability to strike a critical balance between knowledge development and its application in solving critical issues for Canada, for Canadians and for people around the world. NRC has built a reputation for research excellence and relevance to market technology solutions. It has done so by working closely with industrial, academic and other partners across Canada and around the world, making knowledge and technology transfer intrinsic and central to the way it does business. 

The concept of partnership has been integral to our success and will continue to be a key element of NRC's activities in the future.

This year we are launching a new strategy that will lay out NRC's role in Canadian science and technology for the next five years.

The strategy, called Science at Work for Canada, is our resolve to improve the competitiveness of Canadian industry in key sectors. It is our intent to build a stronger innovation system for Canada. It is our commitment to focus on enduring issues of health and wellness, sustainable energy and the environment – areas crucial to Canada's future prosperity.

Dr. Pierre Coulombe, NRC President.
Dr. Pierre Coulombe, NRC President.

World-leading science and ground breaking discoveries begin with world-leading people. Many extraordinary individuals have been instrumental in NRC's drive to create the innovative, knowledge-based economy that is critical in enabling new technologies and businesses to emerge.

Ten years from now, NRC will celebrate 100 years of achievement. We can only imagine the discoveries and the new technologies that will stem from the work we are undertaking today as we launch Science at work for Canada.

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Date Published: 2006-07-01
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