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NRC Designated National Historic Chemical Landmark

From left to right: CIC's Dr. Sundararajan, CSC's Dr. Brown and NRC's Dr. Raymont unveil the National Historic Chemical Landmarks plaque.
From left to right: CIC's Dr. Sundararajan, CSC's Dr. Brown and NRC's Dr. Raymont unveil the National Historic Chemical Landmarks plaque.

On October 20, 2004, the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) earned the distinguished honour of being named one of Canada's first National Historic Chemical Landmarks by the Chemical Institute of Canada (CIC) and its constituent society, the Canadian Society for Chemistry (CSC). A plaque was unveiled in a ceremony which commemorated NRC's proud heritage of scientific achievement and technological innovation in chemical sciences and engineering.

From an attention-getting show of flames and a 'big bang' (above) to invisible ink and an electrified pickle (below right), both students and seasoned researchers were captivated by the performance.
From an attention-getting show of flames and a 'big bang' (above) to invisible ink and an electrified pickle (below right), both students and seasoned researchers were captivated by the performance.

More than 75 Ottawa-area high school students attended the event and were treated to an impressive chemistry show. Guest chemists Rashmi Venkateswaran and Pam Wolff thrilled the crowd with a number of live action chemistry demonstrations while explaining the relevance of chemistry to their everyday lives. The student then toured several of the 100 Sussex Drive labs, where researchers talked about their groundbreaking work in areas as diverse as vaccine design to spetroscopy.

The electrified pickle
The electrified pickle

The event served as the official launch of Chemistry Week 2004, which focuses on increasing chemistry awareness and promoting greater understanding of the relevance of chemistry among the general public. As well, NRC officially launched its new Student Science & Tech website that gives students and teachers access to interactive tools and engaging information for use in their day-to-day science learning.

NRC is proud of its past accomplishments and looks forward to continuing to help improve the lives of Canadians, through scientific discovery, technological innovation, and real-world applications.

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Date Published: 2004-11-01
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