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NRC Nanotechnology Institute to be Among the World's Most Advanced

Dr. Arthur Carty (President of the National Research Council Canada) unveiling the plans for the permanent home of the new NRC National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT). Plans for the permanent home of the new NRC National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT) were unveiled recently in Edmonton, Alberta. The new building will include provisions that will make it one of the world's most technologically advanced research facilities. In order to provide the optimal conditions for nano-scale research, "quiet" lab space is absolutely critical. In the scientific realm, "quiet space" refers to lab space with ultra low vibration and minimal acoustical noise or electro-magnetic interference. The plans were unveiled by Dr. Arthur Carty, NRC President, Dr. Roderick Fraser, President of the University of Alberta and Dan Bader, Deputy Minister of Alberta Innovation and Science Alberta on behalf of Victor Doerksen, Minister of Alberta Innovation and Science.

Artist's rendering of the new NINT building
Artist's rendering of the new NINT building

The NRC National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT), a partnership between NRC, the Government of Alberta and the University of Alberta, will enable NRC and the University to expand collaborations in nanotechnology research. This will include synthesis of new materials and the integration of nanotechnology with microtechnologies to make practical systems. Specialized spaces include laboratories for chemical and biochemical synthesis and analysis of the material structure at the atomic scale, as well as a Class 1000 Clean room for the production of nanostructured systems. NINT is purchasing the latest generation of scientific equipment including electron and scanning probe microscopes, and chemical and material analysis instruments.

The NRC National Institute for Nanotechnology will occupy four floors of the six story, 20,000 square metre building to be built on the University of Alberta campus. The building, which will be built adjacent to the Mechanical and Chemical Engineering buildings, will also house University of Alberta nanotechnology-related research space. The institute will accommodate 120 NRC staff, up to 45 guest workers from industry and universities, and training opportunities for some 275 graduate and post-doctoral researchers.

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Date Modified: 2003-05-05
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