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President's Insight

Science at Work for Canada

By NRC President, Pierre Coulombe
Everyday we see science and its contribution to our quality of life or to the Canadian economy – be it a breakthrough in medicine that can save lives, or the creation of a new company based on new technology or "know how". What we are seeing in these instances is science at work in our society.

Having joined NRC less than a year ago, it didn't take long for me to appreciate that NRC embodies the term "Science at Work for Canada". As someone who is still learning about the full scope of NRC's impact across Canada and around the world, I find it impressive that this phrase does such a great job of articulating NRC's objectives as well as its role in delivering value for Canada through science and technology.

The fact is that NRC plays an important role in supporting priority areas for Canada such as health, the environment, public safety and security, and communications. It has a long history of making valuable scientific discoveries rooted in delivering a social or economic impact for Canadians. In the short time since I have joined NRC, it has quickly become apparent to me that NRC is a key contributor in building Canada's competitive edge in the global economy.

One doesn't have to look very far to see that impact. This summer the world saw Canadian technology at work during in-space repairs that the crew of the space shuttle Discovery made to their craft using the Canadarm2 and the Space Vision System – technologies originally developed by the National Research Council and its partners. In the course of its history, NRC has not only spun off a multitude of new companies built on NRC technology, but entirely new organizations as well. The Canadian Space Agency, Atomic Energy of Canada, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, and others all had their origins at NRC.

The research and technologies developed at NRC are in use everyday, around the world. From the recently licensed vaccine to eradicate infant meningitis from the planet, to the thin film, anti-counterfeiting technology you see on Canadian currency, NRC is focused on making real-world applications of science and technology for Canadians.

Dr. Pierre Coulombe was appointed as NRC President in February 2005.
Dr. Pierre Coulombe was appointed as NRC President in February 2005.

NRC through its coast to coast institutions undertakes, assists, and promotes the most comprehensive scientific and industrial research in Canada, from discovery to innovation, in the broad national interest of the country.

It is clear that no matter what our specific fields of expertise or tasks are, each of us at NRC, along with our partners, work in the service of Canada with the very best that scientific research and development can bring to bear. NRC is "Science at Work for Canada": leading edge research and development, relevant to industry needs, having a positive economic and social impact on our country. A collaborative vision that embraces innovation.

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Date Published: 2005-09-01
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