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NRC Seeking Firms to Take NRC Technology to Market

NRC is open for business. To move NRC discoveries to the marketplace, we are seeking Canadian firms capable of exploiting NRC technologies and creating leading-edge commercial products.

Interested? Find out more about our market-ready technologies through our easy-to-use Web database of NRC technologies available for licensing.

The database is organized and browsable by the business sector: life sciences, information and communications technologies, manufacturing, construction and engineering, environment and aerospace. Each entry includes general information about the opportunity, the technology, the markets, the technology transfer possibilities and a point of contact.

Body Heat Power Generator

This technology uses voltage generating thermal couple devices to convert body heat to power. It can be used in micro electronic devices – such as hearing aids, pacemakers and nanomotors – to extend or replace low-voltage batteries.

Find out more about this life sciences licensing opportunity.

Find out more opportunities like this one in our Technology Licensing Opportunities section.

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Date Published: 2004-03-01
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