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NRC Signs Agreement with France

Photo (from left to right): Margot Montgomery, Directice Général, PARI-CNRC, Philippe Jurgensen, President and CEO of France's Agence nationale de valorisation de la recherche (ANVAR), Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, France Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, M. Jean Sarrazin, Science and Technology Advisor, French Embassy, Nicole Fontaine, Industry Minister Margot Montgomery, Director General, National Research Council Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) and Philippe Jurgensen, President and CEO of France's Agence nationale de valorisation de la recherche (ANVAR), recently signed on Parliament Hill a joint action plan in the presence of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien and Prime Minister of France Jean-Pierre Raffarin. The action plan, set out by NRC and ANVAR, strengthens Canada's science and technology (S&T) ties to France by providing the basis for increased strategic alliances between the two countries. Specifically, the plan calls for three jointly organized technology missions and ten collaborative projects between Canadian and French Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the next year.

NRC has a longstanding collaborative S&T relationship with France, which includes two major Memoranda of Understanding, eleven NRC institute-level agreements and twenty bilateral science and technology cooperation projects.

In addition to the new action plan and on-going scientific collaborations, NRC also intends to link the Canadian Technology Network (CTN) (with support from NRC-IRAP) with the Réseau de développement technologique (RDT) in Paris to help SMEs network on technology and business-related services. These connections also provide Canadian researchers with improved access to the European Union 6th Framework program for research and development.

Find out more about NRC-IRAP and ANVAR:

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Date Published: 2003-06-01
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