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Extending the Reach of Knowledge

In the knowledge-based economy, social and economic development relies on access to fresh sources of scientific, technical and medical information. Among countries in the developed world, the widespread availability of scientific journals is often taken for granted and is seen as an everyday part of business. Such a situation is not the case among developing nations, which lack these key resources.

Canadian Journal of Zoology  Canadian Journal of Botany  Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences

To help address this situation, the NRC Canada Institute for Scientific and Technical Information (NRC-CISTI) recently made all 15 of its scientific journals available to developing countries for a substantially reduced price. The journals, listed below, will be available through the Programme for the Enhancement of Research Information (PERI).

Bernard Dumouchel, Director General of NRC-CISTI, explains, "Information and knowledge play a vital role in a country's economic and social development. We are proud to contribute to the development activities of the PERI countries by ensuring that NRC Research Press journals are available to their researchers."

PERI is a program funded by the London-based International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications. After an initial pilot period, the program began officially in 2002 and has spread rapidly. A total of 120 countries are eligible to access materials through PERI and can now choose from over 8,000 full-text online journals as well as bibliographic and reference databases. PERI also helps promote the creation of national and regional journals and provides training in the preparation, production and management of journals.

NRC Research Press journal titles available to PERI countries

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Date Published: 2004-01-05
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