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Personne: Dr. Laura Brown

Comment contactez
(902) 426-3241
(902) 426-9413


Agente principale de recherches, Program: Santé piscicole - Microbiologie


1994: PhD (University of British Columbia) - Sciences d'animaux
1989: MSc (Simon Fraser University) - Sciences biologiques
1981: BSc (McGill University) - Microbiologie et immunologie

Nominations scolaires

Boursière post-doctorale: Stanford University (1995 - 1996)
Professeure adjointe: Pathobiology (University of Guelph) (2004 - courrant)
Professeure adjointe: Atlantic Veterinary College (University of Prince Edward Island) (2003 - courrant)
Professeure adjointe: Biology (Dalhousie University) (2002 - courrant)
Professeure adjointe: Microbiology and Immunology (Dalhousie University) (1997 - courrant)

Affiliations professionnelles

Co-rédacttrice en chef: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health
Directrice de la critique: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
Membre fondatrice: Association of Nova Scotia Women for Education and Research in Science (ANSWERS)
Membre: Genome Canada Science and Industry Advisory Committee

Publications Récentes
Publication: Tsoi, S., Park, K.C., Kay, H.H., O'Brien, T.J., Podor, E., Sun, G., Douglas, S.E., Brown, L.L. and Johnson, S.C. 2006. Identification of a transcript encoding a soluble form of toll-like receptor 5 (TLR5) in Atlantic salmon during Aeromonas salmonicida infection. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology, 109:183-187. [voir]
Publication: Tsoi, S.C.M., Cale, J.M., Ewart, K.V., Douglas, S.E., Brown, L.L. and Bird, I.M. 2004. Use of human cDNA microarrays for identification of differentially expressed genes in Atlantic salmon liver during Aeromonas salmonicida infection. Marine Biotechnology, 5:545-554. [voir]
Publication: Tsoi, S.C.M., Ewart, K.V., Penney, S., Melville, K., Liebscher, R.S., Brown, L.L. and Douglas, S.E. 2004. Identification of immune-relevant genes from Atlantic salmon using suppression subtractive hybridization. Marine Biotechnology, 6:199-214. [voir]
Voir tous les publications par Dr. Laura Brown
Date de modification : 2005-10-04