National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
Government of Canada

Industrial Technology Advisors (ITAs)
The Human Face of innovation

Industrial innovation is complex and dynamic - an interaction of technology, marketing, regulation, financing and human resources. In day-to-day operations, many SMEs thrive despite constraints of a small staff and limited resources. But lack of critical support in any one area can jeopardize the entire innovation process.

Here's where our team of Industrial Technology Advisors (ITAs) can make a difference. Not only are they the portal to our vast range of programs and services, but also they know the Canadian innovation network by heart. They can guide you through the maze of opportunities it offers and their collective savvy holds the key to many doors. They are the professionals you can trust with your innovative ideas and business plans. In short, they are the human face of innovation.

IRAP's network of 235 ITAs work in 150 locations across the country. These ITAs are scientists and engineers chosen for their business experience and expertise in specific technology sectors. Each ITA is a knowledgeable guide who works in person and on site to lead you to the resources best suited to your situation. Your ITA will help you set priorities and establish the most direct route to achieving your goals.

For Information on IRAP, or to reach an Industrial Technology Advisor (ITA) please contact the IRAP regional office nearest to you or call our toll-free number: 1-877-994-4727

IRAP toll-free number:1-877-994-4727

Date Modified: 2002-06-02
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