National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada
National Research Council Canada / Conseil national de recherches Canada Government of Canada
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NRC-CNRC Industrial Research Assistance Program
NRC-IRAP services
Advisory Services
Financial Assistance
National Research Council (NRC)
Science & Technology Organizations
Technology Visits Program-Innovation Insights (TVPii)
Federal Partners in Technology Transfer (FPTT)
International Activities
NRC-IRAP Clients
How IRAP benefits Canadians
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NRC- IRAP Networks

IRAP plays a critical role in bringing together the key players in the Canadian Innovation System for the benefit of SMEs. Extensive networks link entrepreneurs, players knowledgeable about local sources of financing, R&D institutions and technology brokers, and technology transfer centres.

The reach of the IRAP network extends past Canada's borders, with international connections forged by technology trade missions, linkages with Technology Development Officers (TDOs) and numerous visits and collaborations.

National Research Council Canada

National Research Council Canada - NRC-IRAP works closely with NRC's 19 research institutes and four technology innovation centers. Explore NRC and get a head start on the future

Technology Visits Program (TVP) and Innovation Insights (ii)

TVP and ii facilitate the exchange of best practices among managers who have successfully introduced innovation and new technologies into their operations. TVP and ii programs are delivered by the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) with IRAP support.

Science and Technology Organizations

NRC-IRAP is the SME portal to a network of almost 140 of Canada's leading public and private research and technology-based organizations. Contact an Industrial Technology Advisor (ITA) in your Regional Office to discuss why/how these organizations can help you.

Federal Partners in Technology Transfer (FPTT)

FPTT brings together 16 federal government departments and agencies to foster the development of the federal government's technology and knowledge transfer and commercialization processes. FPTT provides opportunities to ITAs and to their industry clients to develop their technology and knowledge transfer capabilities.

International Activities

Although currently modest in scope, IRAP's international activities seek to create and facilitate technology opportunities for SMEs. Through its office for Strategic Alliances (SA) and the efforts of 14 regional ITAs, IRAP facilitates program linkages between its clients and a variety of S&T organizations, primarily in Europe and South East Asia. IRAP regions work with SMEs to expand opportunities for technology exchange and the establishment of joint ventures with foreign enterprises.

Date Modified: 2002-06-26
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