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Fast Facts: Cocaine

Cocaine is a white powder which results from the processing of the leaves of the coca plant.
Cocaine may be processed into a crystal form known as "crack".


Cocaine is a stimulant and an anaesthetic. It speeds up the nervous system and numbs whatever human tissue it touches. It also:

  • increases blood pressure

  • increases heart rate

  • increases breathing rate

  • causes coma

  • causes heart irregularities

  • suppresses appetite

  • increases alertness

  • causes stroke

  • possible death

Long Term Effects

  • low sex drive

  • depression

  • insomnia

  • deterioration of the wall between the nostrils

  • hallucinations

  • nose bleeds

  • large doses can cause death by heart or lung failure

Cocaine and Pregnancy
Babies born to mothers who use cocaine face:

  • premature birth
  • low birth rate
  • spontaneous abortion
  • brain damage

Cocaine and The Law
Cocaine is listed in the Narcotic Control Act of the Criminal Code.
It is illegal to possess cocaine. Possession may result in a maximum prison sentence of seven years. Possession for the purpose of trafficking* carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

*trafficking - to manufacture, sell, give, transport, send, deliver, distribute or any combination.

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