BC Seniors' Guide: Programs and Benefits for British Columbia's Seniors

Seniors Guide Cover image.

Message from Premier Gordon Campbell

British Columbia's diverse and growing population of seniors is a vital asset to our communities and our province as volunteers, caregivers, teachers and mentors. The province wants to make sure British Columbians have access to information on topics that are important to seniors.

That's why we've produced this updated edition of the BC Seniors' Guide, containing helpful information on programs and benefits available to seniors in British Columbia.

As a complement to this guide, our government offers a BC Seniors' Line. This line is a free telephone line providing a one-stop source of information for government services, including information about health services.

To contact the BC Seniors' Line, call the toll free number at 1 800 465-4911 or 250 952-1742 in Victoria.

The Province of British Columbia continues to provide seniors with the support and care you need to remain healthy, active, contributing members of the community.


Premier Gordon Campbell