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Fast Facts: Caffeine

Caffeine is the world's most popular drug.

Caffeine is a stimulant that speeds up your central nervous system. It is found in coffee, tea, cola drinks, cocoa, chocolate, wake-up pills and some headache and cold medicines.

The following products contain varying amounts of caffeine.

  • Wake Up Pills (200mg.)
  • Perked/Brewed Coffee (250 ml.) 100mg.
  • Instant Coffee (250 ml.) 65mg.
  • Soft Drinks (280 ml.) 35mg.
  • Tea (250 ml.) 30mg.
  • Chocolate Bar (50 gm.) 20mg.
  • Hot Chocolate (250 ml.) 4mg.
  • Decaffeinated Coffee (250 ml.) 1mg.

The amount of caffeine in headache and cold medications varies according to product. Caffeine levels can be found on the labels of over-the-counter medicines, but not on prescription drug labels.

Caffeine in beverage form begins to reach all body tissues within 5 minutes after consumption. Caffeine raises general body metabolism causing an increase in:
  • Body temperature and breathing rate
  • Urination, fatty acids levels in the blood, and gastric acid concentration in the stomach
  • Blood pressure
  • Alertness
  • When taken in large doses, caffeine can cause headaches, nervousness, rapid heartbeats and convulsions
  • FATAL oral dose = 5,000mg. = 40 strong cups of coffee taken in a very short period of time
Long Term Effects
  • More than 8 to 9 cups per day can cause:
    • Chronic insomnia and stomach ulcers
    • Persistent anxiety and depression
    • Irregular heartbeat and high cholesterol levels.
  • Caffeine has been suspected to be a cancer causing agent. However, conflicting evidence prevents any formal conclusions from being made.

Caffeine and Pregnancy
Although caffeine has not been proven to cause birth defects, pregnant women are advised to reduce caffeine intake to prevent possible health problems in themselves and their babies.

Caffeine and The Law
Caffeine is not listed in the Food and Drug Act as a restricted Drug. There are no laws prohibiting the use of products containing caffeine.

For additional information, please contact one of the following Addictions Services Offices.

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