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The many faces of family violence

Family Violence Initiative

Projects funded by the Department of Justice Canada under the Family Violence Initiative (April 2003 - March 2004)

Title: Safety for Children Begins at Home: A National Initiative to Enhance Police & Community Response to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

Applicant/Beneficiary : Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System of the London Family Court Clinic

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to develop an information manual that will be a user friendly, Canadian resource for police officers. The manual will provide information on domestic violence and its impacts on children, and on special considerations for police officers responding to domestic violence calls. It will also include a section that profiles promising practices across Canada.

The project will provide a comprehensive framework for Canadian law enforcement professionals responding to the needs of children exposed to domestic violence, and serve to bring police officers together with other community partners involved in coordinated responses to domestic violence.

Title: Domestic Violence Tracking Project Phase II

Applicant/Beneficiary : Saskatchewan Justice

DESCRIPTION: The aim of this project is to conduct an evaluation of policies and procedures in police-reported domestic violence cases. Through an examination and evaluation of current policies and procedures in domestic violence cases, the project will provide both, information on current practices, as well as recommendations for changes where necessary.

The results of the tracking survey will be used to improve policy, programs and procedures in response to domestic violence. It will also be used to promote new approaches to dealing with reported incidents of family violence.

Title: Shelters for Abused Women: Assessment and Effective Practices Project

Applicant/Beneficiary : YWCA Canada

DESCRIPTION: The YWCA of Canada will be carrying out the second phase of a multi-year project (with lead by Status of Women Canada) that is critically examining the delivery of programs and services in the YWCA of Canada shelter system. The second phase of this project consists of an assessment of effective practices in YWCA shelters and to produce a report that will clearly describe these practices.

This project will identify services and programs in the Canadian shelter system, which staff and volunteer identify as "effective practices". The resulting information will contribute to developing policies and programs in-line with the needs of women and children involved in family violence.

Title: Parent Abuse Research in Immigrant Communities

Applicant/Beneficiary: Saint Mary's University, Department of Sociology and Criminology

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to collect preliminary, experiential data about the abuse of parents/ caregivers by their adolescent children in immigrant communities in Nova Scotia. Without information and education, parents are slow to identify the child's behaviour as abuse, they do not know about available services, and are reluctant to access the services they are aware of. This project will pilot test the protocols and methodology required to develop a participatory action research strategy within marginalized communities in Nova Scotia.

Through the development of culturally appropriate educational information for parents and service providers, the project will result in increased community/ service provider capacity to respond to the needs of parents abused by their teenagers.

Title: Trafficking in Women and Girls

Applicant/Beneficiary : Canadian Council for Refugees

DESCRIPTION: The project intended to collect existing information regarding trafficking in women and girls, to create an informal network for information sharing and to hold a one day national conference to bring together key players in the area, with a view to review information, explore needs, analyze barriers, review local situations and develop recommendations for follow-up.

The project results will be the development of recommendations for policies, programs and measures to ensure the protection of trafficked persons, especially women and girls. Ongoing linkages at the local and national levels between different players will permit more effective responses to the needs of trafficked women and children.

Title: Evaluation of Correctional Services Canada Family Violence Prevention Programs

Applicant/Beneficiary : The British Columbia Institute Against Family Violence (BCIFV)

DESCRIPTION: This interdepartmental partnership project intended to support the evaluation of Correctional Services Canada's Moderate and High Intensity Family Violence Prevention programs. The project consisted of 6 phases over two years including; 1) analyses of offender feedback forms submitted following the completion of treatment; 2) an analysis of pre- and post-treatment measures routinely administered by the CSC programs; 3) follow-up interviews with a sample the current partners of offenders who have completed the programs; 4) follow-up interviews with a sample of parole officers supervising offenders who have completed the programs; 5) a post-treatment follow-up analysis of recidivism rates for those offenders released into the community; and 6) the piloting of safety planning guidelines for use with potential victims.

The evaluation suggests that offenders are being appropriately assigned to Moderate and High Intensity treatment and the intake and assignment process for family violence perpetrators is working as intended. Results and recommendations of the evaluation will help to improve prevention treatment programs for offenders and improve safety-planning guidelines for victims.


Title: Elder Abuse – The Hurting Times

Applicant/Beneficiary : Senior Resources Centre of Newfoundland & Labrador

DESCRIPTION: The objective of the project is to promote awareness and knowledge about elder abuse among health care professionals, older adults and the general public and develop an innovative support program for victims of elder abuse that is available in their community through their peers. This objective is being achieved through the provision of information sessions on elder abuse to interested peer advocates volunteers and other seniors in their communities, as well as the development of a Speakers Bureau and working with the media.

The project supports the development and implementation of new cost-effective approaches to service delivery for victims of elder abuse.

Title: National Forum on Family Violence

Applicant/Beneficiary : Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police

DESCRIPTION: This national forum provided the police executives an opportunity to better educate themselves on family violence issues and initiatives, to explore approaches and profile good practices in the police and community response to family violence, and to network with other police chiefs, professionals and government agencies in relation to the issue.

The forum helped to increase the profile of this issue among leaders in the policing community and provided them with the necessary tools (including information, contacts, research and ideas) to effectively address the issue in the context of their work.

Title: Family Law and Family Violence Tool Kits – Evaluation

Applicant/Beneficiary : Public Legal Education of Alberta (PLENA)

DESCRIPTION: This project built upon PLENA's original distribution of the Family Law/Family Violence tool kit. Since the limited distribution last year and the follow-up training for the service providers, requests for additional tool kits have increased. This project supported the reprint of the Family Violence information to be included in the toolkit and funded a follow-up evaluation of the toolkit in 2003/2004.

The Family Law and Family Violence Tool Kit brochures and booklets provide family violence service providers with the information, knowledge and capacity to meet client needs and deliver services to Albertans. This results in better-informed family violence service providers as well as better services to victims of domestic violence in Alberta.

The objective of the evaluation is to gauge the relative utility and product satisfaction associated with the tool kits. The evaluation will bring together intermediaries to engage in a dialogue regarding the utility of the kit and the associated information sessions and training forums.

Title: Conference - A Practioner's Guide to Intimate Partner abuse/femicide

Applicant/Beneficiary : Metro Interagency on Family Violence

DESCRIPTION: Intended to educate service providers, this conference in Atlantic Canada presented a diagnostic tool for assessing the risk of intimate partner femicide and offered safety planning guidance in conjunction with the risk.

This project provided enhanced access to, and community support for proven family violence prevention, intervention and protection measures.


Title: Intermediary Training Guide Pilot Project

Applicant/Beneficiary: PLEA Saskatchewan

DESCRIPTION: This project supported the development and piloting of a Family Violence Intermediary Training Guide. This Guide will provide persons working with victims of family violence with information and resources related to domestic abuse, such as accessing help in the community, accessing the criminal and civil court systems, The Victims of Domestic Violence Act, as well as the legal system as a whole. A corresponding workshop outline and promotional materials were piloted in 2003/2004.

This project will contribute to increased capacity of intermediaries working with victims of domestic abuse to respond to the legal information needs of their clients. It will also help to enhance ability of victims of domestic abuse to participate in the legal process by providing information regarding court proceedings, extra-judicial measures and opportunities for their involvement in the process.

Title : Colloque national "femmes francophones en situation minoritaire solidaires dans la lutte à la violence faite aux femmes" (National Forum on francophone women in minority situations)

Applicant/Beneficiary: La Fédération nationale des femmes canadiennes françaises (FNFCF)

DESCRIPTION: This national forum brought together both service providers and key representatives from each province and territory to discuss issues regarding domestic violence for francophone women in minority situations.

The forum contributed to a better understanding of the circumstances of francophone women in minority situations in the provinces and territories and the development of a national list of services available. Also, a national action plan was developed to address the needs of francophone minority women in abusive situations. The national plan of action should result in increased prevention of violence against francophone women in minority situations.

Title: Nuluaq Project – Infopaper

Applicant/Beneficiary: Pauktuutit Inuit Women's Association

DESCRIPTION: The Nuluaq project represents a national strategy for abuse prevention in Inuit communities. The Family Violence Initiative funded the creation and distribution of an Infopaper (written in plain language English and Inuktitut) that will assist in the connecting of individuals and agencies working to prevent abuse in Inuit communities.

The infopaper will provide a forum for sharing the experiences of those committed to preventing abuse in Inuit communities and will seek to improve networking in the field.

Title: Evaluation and Consultation of "Supporting Child Witnesses of Family Violence" Manuals – Phase II

Applicant/Beneficiary: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada

DESCRIPTION: This project consists of two phases: 1)To evaluate the existing manuals through questionnaires to the volunteers and caseworkers who are utilizing the materials, and 2) To conduct a focus group/consultation with 5 or 6 Aboriginal experts to examine cultural sensitivity and relevance of the existing manuals.

This evaluation/consultation will result in the modification of the resource manuals to make them a valuable tool for agency volunteers and caseworkers. The review will maximize their effectiveness and make the manuals culturally appropriate for use in off-reserve Aboriginal communities.

Title: Child Sexual Abuse: Protection, Investigation and Canada's Laws Phase I & II

Applicant/Beneficiary : Canadian Red Cross

DESCRIPTION: This project consists of the development of an accessible and comprehensive resource tool for Canadian professionals and paraprofessionals, working with children or in relevant professions, entitled "Child Sexual Abuse: Protection, Intervention and Canada's Laws".

The tool will enhance awareness, provide definitions and define impact, vulnerable populations, disclosures, protection, intervention, investigation and Canada's laws in relation to child sexual abuse.

Title: A National Network of support and capacity building for frontline workers addressing partner violence against immigrant and visible minority women

Applicant/Beneficiary : Canadian Council on Social Development

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to develop a service/agency network in order to help to link service providers; provide a way to share knowledge with frontline workers thus enhancing their understanding of the nature and causes of partner violence against immigrant and visible minority women; ensure support for victims through access to relevant and appropriate services; coordinate a more comprehensive response to victims; and, promote best practices.

A significant outcome of the network will be an outline of a national protocol for service delivery. This document would ensure a sustainable, long-term solution to many of the issues facing both frontline workers and the immigrant and visible minority women they serve.


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