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The many faces of family violence

Family Violence Initiative

Projects funded by the Department of Justice Canada under the Family Violence Initiative (April 2004 - March 2005)

Title: Seniors' Speak out on Elder Abuse: Workshops for service providers

Applicant/Beneficiary: Senior's Resource Centre – Newfoundland

DESCRIPTION: This project aims at implementing a speakers' bureau and holding three one-day workshops on elder abuse. The implementation of the speakers' bureau involves recruiting and training volunteers in three regions of the province (east, central and west) who speak at community agencies, schools, professional schools etc., about elder abuse issues. The workshops help professionals (police, care givers, lawyers, health and social service sectors) and intermediaries to recognize abuse and know what to do when they suspect it. These activities are intended to raise awareness about elder abuse in the general population, and create and strengthen partnerships between seniors' organizations and other professional organizations.

Title: French Language Professional Development Pilot Project

Applicant/Beneficiary: Ministry of the Attorney General of Ontario, Office of the Coordinator of French Language Services Justice Sector

DESCRIPTION: This project is co-funded under the Access to Justice in Both official Languages Fund and the Family Violence Initiative of the Department. The project consists of the preparation of course material and curriculums and the delivery of advanced language training for justice professionals (police officers, lawyers, court personnel, prosecutors and judges) who already have a fluency in French but do not have experience using French in a court setting or are in need of improving their justice vocabulary. The project also aims at increasing awareness of minority language rights and issues such as family violence and developing strategies within the various operational divisions of the Ontario justice system to more effectively deal with requests for French services and developing partnerships. It is expected that the result of this project will be an increase in the capacity of the Ontario court system and the Ontario Provincial Police to deliver French language services. This project will be completed in March 2007.

Title: Family Law – Family violence — Train-the-Trainer Information Project

Applicant/Beneficiary: Public Legal Education and Information Services of New Brunswick

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop and pilot train-the-trainer information sessions for service providers in rural areas of New Brunswick. The information materials and pilot trainings are intended to provide extensive, easy to understand information on the legal issues, both family and criminal law, that confront many women leaving abusive relationships in rural areas. The training materials will be available in both English and French and workshops will be provided in both official languages in New Brunswick. This project will be completed in March 2006.

Title: Legal Information on Child Sexual Abuse and Youth Protection

Applicant/Beneficiary: Éducaloi — Le carrefour d'accès au droit 

DESCRIPTION: This project aims at producing and disseminating legal information regarding children and youth protection in Quebec, particularly as it pertains to child sexual abuse. The information materials will be available online (in both official languages) through the Internet portal. As well, the materials will be transformed into audio format for distribution to people with limitations affecting their ability to read. This project will be completed in March 2007.

Title: Workshop on Family Violence

Applicant/Beneficiary: Association des juristes d'expression française du Manitoba

DESCRIPTION: A one-day workshop aimed at enhancing public knowledge and informing justice professionals and other professionals about the issue of family violence pertaining to the needs of Franco-minority communities in Manitoba. The information generated from this workshop will help service providers, particularly in rural areas of Manitoba, parents and educators to find legal information on how to address the issue.

Title: Victim Focused Services for the Elderly: Access and Effectiveness

Applicant/Beneficiary: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family (CRILF)

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop information that assists in improving legislation and reporting practices on elder abuse in Alberta; access to services for victims of elder abuse in the Province; the effectiveness of services to meet the needs of victims of elder abuse; and enhancing the knowledge of service providers on legislation, reporting practices, and access and effectiveness of services for victims of elder abuse. This project will be completed in March 2006.

Title: Women's Rights and Freedoms: 20 Years (in) Equality

Applicant/Beneficiary: National Association of Women and the Law

DESCRIPTION: The organization hosted, with West Coast Leaf, a national conference in Vancouver, BC, April 28 to May 1, 2005, with the purpose of reviewing, analyzing, educating and informing further work on women's rights under the Charter on its 20th anniversary. The conference aimed at increasing awareness of, and participation in, the Section 15 process by community groups and individuals with a view of increased access to justice. The conference included a number of workshops on violence against women and youths.

Title: Violence Against Franco-minority women : A special Issue of «  Des Bréves » for the International Day of Women

Applicant/Beneficiary: Fédération nationale des femmes canadiennes-françaises

DESCRIPTION: The organization published a special issue of its newsletter "Les Brèves" on violence against women in March 2005, in conjunction with the International Day of Women (March 8th). This issue was aimed at increasing knowledge of family violence as it pertains to the needs of Franco-minority women and enhancing networking among member groups of the Fédération regarding the issue.

Title: Safety for Children Begins at Home: A National Initiative to Enhance Police & Community Response to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

Applicant/Beneficiary: Centre for Children & Families in the Justice System of the London Family Court Clinic

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of the project is to develop an information manual that will be a user friendly, Canadian resource for police officers. The manual provides information on domestic violence and its impacts on children, and on special considerations for police officers responding to domestic violence calls. It also includes a section that profiles promising practices across Canada.

The project provides a comprehensive framework for Canadian law enforcement professionals responding to the needs of children exposed to domestic violence, and serves to bring police officers together with other community partners involved in coordinated responses to domestic violence.

Title: Child Sexual Abuse: Protection, Investigation and Canada's Laws Phase I&II

Applicant/Beneficiary: Canadian Red Cross

DESCRIPTION: This project consists of the development of an accessible and comprehensive resource tool for Canadian professionals and paraprofessionals, working with children or in relevant professions, entitled "Child Sexual Abuse: Protection, Intervention and Canada‘s Laws" in both official languages.

The tool will enhance awareness, provide definitions and define impact, vulnerable populations, disclosures, protection, intervention, investigation and Canada's laws in relation to child sexual abuse.

Title: A National Network of support and capacity building for frontline workers addressing partner violence against immigrant and visible minority women

Applicant/Beneficiary: Canadian Council on Social Development

DESCRIPTION: The purpose of this project is to develop a service/agency network in order to help to link service providers; provide a way to share knowledge with frontline workers thus enhancing their understanding of the nature and causes of partner violence against immigrant and visible minority women; ensure support for victims through access to relevant and appropriate services; coordinate a more comprehensive response to victims; and, promote best practices.

Title: Choices for Positive Youth Relationships — Nova Scotia Implementation

Applicant/Beneficiary: Speers Society

DESCRIPTION: Choices for Positive Youth Relationships combines ‘A Love That Kills' video with a six-lesson, curriculum-based instructional Guide, for use in secondary school classrooms. Choices for Positive Youth Relationships is a program that honours the diversity of Canadian youth and recognizes that violence is neither gender-specific nor limited to intimate relationships, but may be identified in families, friendships or workplace. The program consists of a variety of discussions and activities, where youth have the opportunity to develop skills and strategies for positive relationships, identify warning signs symptomatic to abusive relationships, and enlist the support of community resources.

This pilot supports the implementation of the Choices for Positive Youth Relationships program in Nova Scotia schools. The Speers Society intends to supply the program (available in English and French language) to the 185 high schools, partner with the Nova Scotia Department of Education to provide in-service education, provide follow-up support to program facilitators and liaise with community organizations to provide on-going local support. This implementation model ensures efficient and widespread use, consistency in delivery, and sustained support.

Title: Effective Implementation of Rights of the Child: an International Conference

Applicant/Beneficiary: International Bureau for Children's Rights

DESCRIPTION: The Bureau held an international conference from November 18-20, 2004 for discussing the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the advancement of this Convention in Canada and abroad, the possible role of Canada in the effective promotion of this Convention and celebrating the 15 th anniversary of the Convention.

The conference provided an opportunity for sharing best practices, at the national and international levels, for the protection of children, and offering measures for combating trafficking in Children for sexual exploitation purposes and protecting child victims and witnesses.

Title: Spousal Abuse Counselling Program for Rankin Inlet

Applicant/Beneficiary: Pulaarvik Kablu Friendship Centre

DESCRIPTION: A pilot project consisting of a culturally appropriate counselling program for abusers, victims, and an educational community outreach program. The program is aimed at reducing spousal abuse incidences in Rankin Inlet. It is designed to provide alternatives to incarceration for abusers by assisting them to change the way they relate to others, particularly their spouses; assist victims to deal with their situation; and raise awareness of domestic violence issues in the community through schools, women's groups, and other special interest groups.


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