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In the spotlight ...

Surface Technologies 2006 - NRC Workshops
7, 8, 14 and 21 November 2006

Information Session on Titanium Powder Injection Moulding for the Medical, Dental & Aerospace Fields
November 24, 2006

Pay Equity Settlement

PMRM 2007 - Polymeric Materials for Regenerative Medicine
April 2-4, 2007

CompMed - SSH Symposium on Computer Simulation in Medicine
May 16-18, 2007

MetFoam 2007 - 5th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams
September 5-7, 2007


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Communications Officer
Tel.: (450) 641-5143
Fax: (450) 641-5102

Photo of Richard Flynn

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Richard Flynn
Communications Officer
Tel.: (450) 641-5143
Fax: (450) 641-5102

Photo of Richard Flynn

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Last Update : 2006-03-14

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