Office of Human Resources
Department of Health

Check List for Families

One or more of these changes may indicate a gambling problem.

  • Unexplained absences
    • goes out more often without saying why or where
    • misses appointments, meetings, dates
  • Has less money than usual
    • stops spending money on “optional” expenses like entertainment, gifts, clothes, repairs, life insurance
    • doesn’t pay bills on time
    • applies for new credit cards
    • borrows money
    • takes out secret loans
  • Is distant, preoccupied, moody
    • seems less interested in family, work, friends, hobbies
    • avoids some friends because of money owed
    • doesn’t want to talk about money or debts: is secretive, edgy, angry, or uses double-talk to confuse you when you try to discuss it
    • acts restless and jittery when not busy
    • may brag about winning at gambling, but says nothing about losing
    • shows physical signs of stress such as headaches, stomach problems
    • develops a habit of lying and deceiving
  • Uses gambling to cope
    • gambles as a way of dealing with stress, loneliness, boredom, depression
    • starts gambling more after giving up or cutting down on cigarettes, alcohol, or other substances
  • Tries but fails to stop or reduce gambling
    • expresses regret or guilt about lost money, promises “never again” but doesn’t hold to it
    • borrows money to repay debts, but gambles the money away
  • Becomes desperate to keep gambling
    • after being upset about losing, gambles even more in the hope of winning back losses
    • lies about past gambling losses
    • lies about money lost or borrowed
    • sells valuables to get money
    • steals money to gamble or repay debts

Addiction Services

For additional information contact 1-800-461-1234.

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