Office of Human Resources
Department of Health

How to Stay Out of Trouble with Gambling

  • Remember that gambling is about having fun; it isn’t about making money. In any commercial game, the odds are against you. Even if you win for a while, over the long run you are certain to lose.
  • Know the odds. Read the fine print. Think about the risk you are taking and why.
  • Never gamble with more than you can afford to lose. Set your limit and stick to it.
  • Keep a journal of wins and losses. It is easy to remember the wins and forget the losses. At the end of every session, make a note of how much money you started with and how much you took home.
  • Remember these laws, and remind yourself that you can’t change them:
    • There is no such thing as a sure bet.
    • In games of chance, the outcome of each play is random, even though the odds may be fixed.
    • The odds of winning a game of chance are the same for everyone.
    • In games of chance, patterns wins and losses won’t help you predict what will happen next.
  • Listen to yourself while you play. If you find yourself talking as if you could beat the odds, it’s time for a reality check.

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