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Governing Authorities
> Board of Trustees
> Executive
> Management

> Staff
> Org Chart


Feathers on wings.




A Profile of Nature's
Governing Authorities


Our Structure

The Board of Trustees of the Canadian Museum of Nature represents Canadians across the country. The Board governs the Museum and reports on its progress to Parliament through the Minister of Canadian Heritage. The President, Vice-President and Management Team, responsible for strategic operating branches, ensure the effective performance of the Museum.

Nature boasts 150 years of excellence in research, collections and public education. The shining face of the Museum -- our Community Services and nature interpretation staff -- is only one facet of our public profile. Behind the scenes, our equally top-notch staff of research scientists, collection specialists, educators and administrators ensure that the Museum serves as the credible and authoritative resource on nature in Canada.

Board of Trustees

R. Kenneth Armstrong, O.M.C., Ontario

Johanne Bouchard, Quebec
Charmaine Crooks, British Columbia
Martin Joanisse, Quebec
Teresa MacNeil
, Nova Scotia
Melody McLeod, Northwest Territories
Chris Nelson, Ontario
Roy Piovesana, Ontario
Harold Robinson, Alberta
Henry Tom, British Columbia
Anne Wallace, Saskatchewan

President and Chief Executive Officer

Joanne DiCosimo

Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer

Maureen Dougan

Management Team

Roger Baird, Collections Services
Mark Graham, Ph.D., Research Services
Mary Ellen Herbert, Community Services
Denyse Jomphe, Human Resources Management Services
Lynne Ladouceur, Financial Management Services
Elizabeth McCrea, Communications Services
Risë Paquette, Development and Fundraising Services
Monty Reid, Exhibition Services
Greg Smith, Information Technology & Library Services
Bruce Williams, Information Services


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