Text and logo of nature.ca. Canadian Museum of Nature. Text: Discover Nature!
Text: Our Amazing Treasures. Photo of a diamond. Collage of images: photo of a skull of Daspletosaurus torosus CMNFV 8506; illustration of a burying beetle, Nicrophorus sayi; photo of purple saxifrage, Saxifraga oppositifolia.
Introduction Animals Fossils Minerals Plants & Lichens Français

Text: Minerals. Photo: elbaite.

A specimen of elbaite.

Mineralogists Scott Ercit and Joel Grice are proud of their co-discovery of the first deposit of gem-quality elbaite found in Canada.

Find out why Nature's gemmologist Willow Wight thinks that diamonds from the first Canadian mine are an amazing addition to the collections of the Canadian Museum of Nature.

An octrahedral diamond.
A crystal of manganokhomyakovite, which is a species of eudialyte.

Bob Gault
and Joel Grice think the complex crystal structure of eudialyte is truly amazing: they helped solve the structure of this mineral and learned that it is not just one species, but a whole group of minerals.

Museum mineralogist Scott Ercit selected the mineral vesuvianite, from the Jeffrey Mine in Quebec, as an amazing treasure. The reason: it turned up in a most unexpected place!

A specimen of vesuvianite.

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