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  R"D Activities
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Success Stories




In the spotlight ...

Surface Technologies 2006 - NRC Workshops
7, 8, 14 and 21 November 2006

Information Session on Titanium Powder Injection Moulding for the Medical, Dental & Aerospace Fields
November 24, 2006

Pay Equity Settlement

PMRM 2007 - Polymeric Materials for Regenerative Medicine
April 2-4, 2007

CompMed - SSH Symposium on Computer Simulation in Medicine
May 16-18, 2007

MetFoam 2007 - 5th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams
September 5-7, 2007


Success Stories

Wear resistant coating applied on a process fan component by arc spraying SYNTHESARC's Alpha 1800 cored wireEach day, IMI's specialists are expanding the frontiers of science and technology. This creative and often visionary work can naturally be viewed as a great success, both with regard to the advancement of the materials industry, and the major benefits reaped by industry from the work conducted by our experts.

We can thus say with certainty that many of our projects conducted through partnerships and collaborative efforts have resulted in success stories. Here are just a few examples:

Collaborative Projects

Multi-partner Projects and Consortium

Technology Groups and Special Interest Groups

  • Novoplas - As a result of the R&D efforts of Blendtech, the polymer mixing technology group, the firm Novoplas of Montréal has introduced a production line of engineered materials derived from recycled plastics.

Spin-off Companies

  • RTICA Corporation - RTICA Corporation creates a division to exploit an IMI technology
  • Tecnar Automation Limited - Tecnar Automation markets IMI's technologies in the thermal projection field, and has become a world leader in this specialty.
  • SYNTHESARC inc. - A new leader against industrial wear.
  • Tecnar Automation Limited - Tecnar Automation is carving its niche in the international arc welding market, thanks to a technology developed at the NRC.

A Few Testimonials...

«I was impressed by the quality and ability of IMI's experts, as well as by the technologies developed...»

«At IMI, we discovered a dynamic research team that listened to our needs. IMI is a strategic partner and a necessary asset to the growth of our company»

«Aside from providing immeasurable support in developing the DPV-2000, IMI's researchers... accelerated up its market development,
surpassing all of our forecasts...»


«This initial collaboration with IMI has been extremely positive for our company. The success of this project opens the door to
other opportunities for collaboration.»

The Québec Cartier Mining Company


Last Update : 2005-10-04

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