Government of New Brunswick
Department of Public Safety
Community & Correctional Services
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Victim Services Program

The primary purpose of the Victim Services Program is to provide a number of services for victims including, direct support in crisis situations, coordinating referrals to psychologists to assist victims to deal with traumatization associated with the crime, providing victims with support throughout the criminal justice process, and liaising with police and other community agencies providing victim services to ensure a continuum of care.

The Trauma Counselling Program is available to assist victims of crime in dealing with their therapeutic needs arising from the criminal offence or the trauma of disclosure, which impedes the victim from testifying in court. Some victims, as a result of their victimization, experience symptoms to such a degree that they are unable to cope with regular activities. It is with the aid of Trauma Counselling that the victim may be able to testify in court and end in a successful prosecution. This program provides for direct payment to registered therapists for Trauma Counselling.

The Court Support Program provides support services to victims of crime in order to assist them throughout the court process. The main objective is to explain the criminal justice process and when necessary, accompany them throughout the process. This program provides information concerning court procedures to victims and witnesses of crime who are compelled to testify at criminal proceedings. Coordinators debrief with victims and witnesses following court appearances.


New Brunswick offers Compensation for eligible victims of crime or their survivors under the New Brunswick Victim Services Act. The purpose of the Compensation for Victims of Crime Program is to assist victims with critical expenses directly resulting from being victimized.

This program has been established to provide financial compensation for victims of crime who have suffered financial loss, or pain and suffering as a direct result of personal injuries sustained during certain criminal acts. Compensation is awarded for expenses that are not covered by any other means such as insurance or public programs.

Financial compensation may be provided for:

  • counselling,
  • medical expenses not covered by Medicare or Insurance,
  • physiotherapy,
  • eyewear,
  • child care,
  • relocation,
  • transportation, funeral costs,
  • limited pain and suffering

  • The combined total amount of compensation that can be provided to an individual is $5000 and there are limits on each type of benefit that is available. New Brunswick continues to provide a modest pain and suffering award in recognition of being a victim of crime.

    People who may be eligible for compensation include:
  • direct victims of crime
  • a parent/guardian on behalf of victim
  • a homicide victim's family members.

  • The Victim Impact Statement Program provides victims with the opportunity to participate in the sentencing process by completing a Victim Impact Statement. A Victim Impact Statement may include information of the physical, emotional, and financial harm suffered as a result of the crime. Coordinators provide information and assistance to victims on the preparation of a Victim Impact Statement. This program is available to all victims of crime upon a finding of guilt or a plea of guilt and is authorized by an Order in Council. Victim Impact Statements are voluntary. Victims may read their written statements at the sentencing hearing if they choose to do so. Victims may also present their statements in any other manner that the court considers appropriate. Coordinators file the completed statements with the appropriate court. A Court or Review Board will also consider a Victim Impact Statement when dealing with an accused person found "not criminally responsible" because of a mental disorder. Victim Impact Statements may also be presented at Parole Board Hearings.The Compensation for Victims of Crime Program is available for those victims who have been killed or injured as a result of the commission of a criminal offence. Compensation provides either direct payment to registered therapists for Short Term Counselling or reimbursement to victims for monies paid for counselling. The Short Term Counselling Program provides for therapy in a timely manner to assist victims in alleviating problems associated with being victimized. This program also makes available financial awards for victims of crime who have suffered financial loss, or pain and suffering as a result of personal injuries sustained during certain criminal acts. Payments are made directly to victims of crime who have had expenditures related to injuries resulting from the offence.

    Programs for Child Victims and witnesses include:

    • Court preparation and court support.
    • Referrals for Trauma Counselling to qualified therapists if required.

    Sometimes, children have to testify in court because they were victims or witnesses of crimes. This involvement with the criminal justice system can be a very confusing and frightening experience for children and their families. A child who is well prepared for the experience of testifying is more likely to feel less stress and be able to provide quality evidence.

    Court Follow-up

    a) Sentencing De-brief
    After the court process is completed, Victim Services Co-ordinators will debrief with the victim to ensure that the victim understands what has taken place in court and what will happen as a result of the court outcome. Should the Defence or Crown Prosecutor appeal the Court's decision, Co-ordinators will explain the appeal process to the victim and/or the victim's parent/guardian.

    b) The Solicitor General of Canada has implemented a victim registration process where victims of crime can obtain information on offender releases, transfers from Correctional Service of Canada and victims can attend Parole Hearings. Victims were given the right to read updated victim impact statements at national parole hearings provided they have registered with the Correctional Services of Canada. As part of the Department of Public Safety Victim Services, the registration process is explained in cases where the offender is incarcerated in federal penitentiary and victims are provided with the federal information kits and forms.

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