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Tips for Searching

You can search for any word or phrase in this web site. Searches produce a list of documents that contain the word or phrase no matter where they appear in the text. Each item in the list links to a matching document. You cannot search text contained within a graphic or in Adobe Acrobat format.

To search:

  1. Key the word or phrase into the search form
  2. Select the Start search button to start the search

A simple search can be made up of just a word or a phrase. But with Boolean operators and, or, and and not, and the proximity operator near, you can expand or narrow the focus of your search to give you more complete results.

For example:

"wheat quality"
finds documents containing the phrase "wheat quality"
wheat and quality
finds documents containing both wheat and quality
wheat or quality
finds documents containing either wheat or quality
wheat and not quality
finds documents containing wheat but not quality (you must use and not together)
(wheat and not durum) and quality
finds documents containing wheat plus quality but not durum
(wheat and durum) and not quality
finds documents containing wheat and durum but not quality
(wheat or durum) and quality
finds documents containing either wheat or durum plus quality
wheat near quality
finds documents containing wheat near quality (the closer the words are together, the higher on your list of documents that page occurs)

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Last updated: 2004-01-28