Statement of Guidance regarding individuals and entities covered by the United Nations Suppression of Terrorism Regulations

The purpose of this Statement is to provide guidance in the interpretation of the United Nations Suppression of Terrorism Regulations, as amended (the "Regulations"). The Schedule to this Statement lists, where available, locator [personal] information (e.g. date and location of birth, nationality) of listed persons within the meaning of section 1 of the Regulations. The Schedule will be updated from time to time, and available on the web site of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.

Anyone whose name is the same as or resembles the name of a "listed person" as defined in the Regulations(1), and who has property frozen, or has otherwise been affected by the restrictions on listed persons as set out in the Regulations (an "Affected Person") may present documentation establishing that their date or place of birth, or their nationality is different from their namesake on the list. The person to whom that documentation is presented may unfreeze the Affected Person's account or otherwise conduct business with them, provided that they are satisfied that the documentation establishes that the Affected Person is not the person listed in the Schedule.

In all circumstances, when a person deals with an Affected Person, that person should bring the following information to the attention of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Security and Intelligence Service:

Where the Affected Person is unable to produce the required documentation, or where the documentation is insufficient, a certificate issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs or an official authorized by him will be required to unfreeze an account, deal in frozen property or to otherwise transact business with the person at issue.

1. Listed persons as defined in the Regulations include:

(a) names on the schedule to the Regulations; or

(b) names on a list put out by the United Nations Security Council Committee concerning Afghanistan