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Abramson, D.; Clear R.M.   A convenient method for assessing mycotoxin production in cultures of Aspergilli and Penicillia .  (Journal of Food Protection).  1996; 59 (5) : 1-3 .  740.

Abramson, D.; Smith, D.M.; Clear, R.M.; Nowicki, T.W.; Usleber, E.; Gessler, R.; Martlbauer, E.   Fusarium toxins in Manitoba barley .  (Proceedings of the 1996 Regional Fusarium/Scab Forum).  1996;   ( ) : 1-3 .  M247.

Abramson, D.;Clear, R.M.;Nowicki, T.W.   Fusarium species and trichothecene mycotoxins in suspect samples of 1985 Manitoba wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1987; 67 ( ) : 611-619 .  591.

Abramson, D; Gan, Z; Clear, R.M.; Gilbert, J.; Marquardt, R.R.   Relationship among deoxynivalenol, ergosterol and Fusarium exoantigens in Canadian hard and soft wheat .  (International Journal of Food Microbiology).  1998; 45 ( ) : 217-224 .  803.

Ackman, Robert G.; Daun, James K.   Identity characteristics for edible oils: origin, current usefulness, and possible future directions .  (INFORM).  2001; 12 (10) : 998-1003 .  815.

Ahmed, Khalique; Daun, James; Przybylski, Roman   Use of FTIR to determine Trierucin, tocopherols and glucosinolates, components important in plant breeding programs .  (GCIRC Bulletin).  2001;   (B19) :   .  842.

Ahmed, M. Khalique; Daun Jim; DeClercq, Doug   Application of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in quantitation of Trierucin in high-erucic-acid rapeseed oils .  (Applied Spectroscopy).  1998; 52 (7) : 990-993 .  767.

Aitken, T.R.   Thirty years of cereal chemistry .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1954; 12 (3) : 157-214 .  M022.

Aitken, T.R.   A survey of test baking procedures employed in America .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1934; 11 (6) : 648-654 .  8.

Aitken, T.R.   A note on the damage to wheat caused by the Indian Meal Moth .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1943; 20 (6) : 700-703 .  62.

Aitken, T.R.   An automatic proofing device for bread doughs .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1930; 7 (4) : 331-339 .  0.

Aitken, T.R.   A.A.C.C. Administrative officers, 1930-31 to 1954-55 .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1955; 13 (3) : 181-232 .  M027.

Aitken, T.R.;Anderson, J.A.   Testing the baking strength of gluten concentrates .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1943; 20 (1) : 79-81 .  49.

Aitken, T.R.;Anderson, J.A.   Conflicting opinions on the quality of bread wheats .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1947; 5 (1) : 6-18 .  82.

Aitken, T.R.;Fisher, M.H.   Mixing tolerances of varieties of hard red spring wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1945; 22 (5) : 392-406 .  78.

Aitken, T.R.;Fisher, M.H.;Anderson, J.A.   Effect of protein content and grade on farinograms, extensograms, and alveograms .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1944; 21 (6) : 465-488 .  68.

Aitken, T.R.;Fisher, M.H.;Anderson, J.A.   Reproducibility studies and some effects of technique on extensograms and alveograms .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1944; 21 (6) : 489-498 .  69.

Aitken, T.R.;Fisher, M.H.;Anderson, J.A.   Blending value of Canadian wheat .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1946; 26 (11) : 578-589 .  83.

Aitken, T.R.;Fisher, M.H.;Anderson, J.A.   Quality of Australian wheat varieties grown in Canada .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1951; 31 ( ) : 439-453 .  112.

Aitken, T.R.;Fisher, M.H.;Geddes, W.F.   The effect on loaf volume, of proving doughs to a definite height as compared with for a fixed time .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1937; 14 (2) : 233-238 .  25.

Aitken, T.R.;Geddes, W.F.   The effect on flour strength of increasing the protein content by addition of dried gluten .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1938; 15 (2) : 181-196 .  32.

Aitken, T.R.;Geddes, W.F.   The relation between protein content and strength of gluten-enriched flours .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1939; 16 (2) : 223-231 .  38.

Aitken, T.R.;Geddes, W.F.   The behavior of strong flours of widely varying protein content when subjected to normal and severe baking procedures .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1934; 11 (5) : 487-504 .  6.

Aitken, T.R.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Olson, P.J.   Effect of 2,4-D on qualities of western Canadian wheat, barley, and oats .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1952; 32 ( ) : 317-332 .  115.

Ambalamaatil, S.; Lukow, O.M.; Hatcher, D.W.; Dexter, J.E.; Malcolmson, L.J.; Watts, B.M.   Milling and quality evaluation of Canadian hard white spring wheats .  (Cereal Foods World).  2002; 47 (7) : 319-327 .  839.

Ames, N.; Clarke, J.; Marchylo, B.; Dexter, J.; Kovacs, M.   The effect of durum wheat gluten strength on pasta quality .  (Wheat protein production and marketing).  1998;   ( ) : 228-233 .  M233.

Ames, N.; Clarke, J.; Marchylo, B.; Lukow, O.   Relationship between B-LMW glutenin subunit alleles and durum wheat strength characteristics .  (Wheat protein production and marketing).  1998;   ( ) : 224-227 .  M234.

Ames, N.P.; Clarke, J.M.; Marchylo, B.A.; Dexter, J.E.; Woods, S.M.   Effect of environment and genotype on durum wheat gluten strength and pasta viscoelasticity .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1999; 76 (4) : 582-586 .  808.

Ames. N.P.; Clarke, J.M.; Marchylo, B.A.; Dexter, J.E.; Schlichting, L.M.; Woods, S.M.   The effect of extra-strong gluten on quality parameters in durum wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  2003; 83 ( ) : 525 - 532 .  854.

Anderson, J.A.   Report of the National Check Sample committee .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1947; 5 (2) : 178-185 .  M001.

Anderson, J.A.   On defining malting quality in barley .  (Proceedings VII Eme Congress International des Industries Agricoles, Paris, France, 1948).  1948;   ( ) :   .  M004.

Anderson, J.A.   The role of statistics in technical papers .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1945; 3 (2) : 69-73 .  73.

Anderson, J.A.   The relationship of moisture to the storage of grains .  (N.R.C. of American Symposium on Moisture Relationships Affecting Wheat and Its Milled Products).  1954;   ( ) :   .  M021.

Anderson, J.A.   Viewpoint on research .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1953; 11 (2) : 89-99 .  M018.

Anderson, J.A.   Canadian research on malting barley. Part II. The relations between certain barley and malt properties .  (The Empire Journal of Experimental Agriculture).  1945; 13 (49) : 1-10 .  67.

Anderson, J.A.   Notes on reviewing .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1948; 6 (1) : 23-26 .  M003.

Anderson, J.A.   Canadian research on malting barley. Part I .  (Wallerstein Laboratories Communications).  1945; 8 (23) : 5-22 .  67.

Anderson, J.A.   Cereals and their products .  (A History of Chemistry in Canada).  1949;   ( ) : 245-252 .  M005.

Anderson, J.A.   Profile of Northrop's views on scientific methodology .  (Chemistry in Canada).  1950; 2 ( ) : 179-183 .  M009.

Anderson, J.A.   The preparation of illustrations and tables .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1945; 3 (2) : 74-104 .  74.

Anderson, J.A.   Factors related to the protein content of malting barley .  (Wallerstein Laboratories Communications).  1945;   ( ) : 179-191 .  72.

Anderson, J.A.   Notes on writing sentences .  (80th Annual Report of the Entomological Society of Ontario).  1950;   ( ) : 1-3 .  M010.

Anderson, J.A.   Maintenance of quality in Canadian cereals through laboratory control .  (Proceedings of the Seventh Pacific Science Congress, N.Z.).  1949;   ( ) : 135-139 .  M006.

Anderson, J.A.   The problem of tough and damp grain .  (A Series of Five Radio Talks to Producers).  1954;   ( ) :   .  M023.

Anderson, J.A.   Grain research: contrasts and concepts .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1957; 34 (6) : 21-37 .  M037.

Anderson, J.A.   Practical problems and applied research .  (Cereal Science Today).  1958; 3 (7) : 175-178 .  M039.

Anderson, J.A.   Bromate reaction in dough .  (Proceedings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute).  1961; 28 (7) : 283-296 .  M045.

Anderson, J.A.   Maintenance of quality in Canadian grains .  (Proceedings of the Belgium-Netherlands Association for Study of Cereals).  1960;   ( ) :   .  M044.

Anderson, J.A.;Aitken, T.R.   Canada's Grain Research Laboratory .  (Cereal Science Today).  1957; 2 (5) : 106-111 .  M035.

Anderson, J.A.;Babbitt, J.D.;Meredith, W.O.S.   The effect of temperature differential on the moisture content of stored wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1943; 21 ( ) : 297-306 .  60.

Anderson, J.A.;Cunningham, R.L.   Micro tests of alimentary pastes. III. The differential response of varieties to processing methods .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1943; 21 ( ) : 265-275 .  58.

Anderson, J.A.;Eva, W.J.   Variations in the protein content of western Canadian wheat 1927-1938. A study based on twelve annual protein surveys .  (Board of Grain Commissioners for Canada, Grain Research Laboratory Bulletin).  1943; 4 ( ) : 1-139 .  56.

Anderson, J.A.;Eva, W.J.   Starch content of western Canadian wheat. II. Its estimation from protein content, and some estimated data .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1943; 21 ( ) : 323-331 .  61.

Anderson, J.A.;Eva, W.J.   The protein content of corresponding grades of wheat drawn from the northern and southern portions of western Canada .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1943; 21 ( ) : 276-288 .  59.

Anderson, J.A.;Irvine, G.N.   Zur beurteilung der backfahigkeit von qualitatsweizen .  (Getreide und Mehl).  1962; 12 (9) : 97-100 .  M052.

Anderson, J.A.;Irvine, G.N.   On assessing the baking quality of strong wheats .  (Report of the International Association of Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 4 ( ) : 18-25 .  M042.

Anderson, J.A.;Larmour, R.K.;Hulse, J.H.   Storage trial of flour and farina .  (Proceedings of the Scandinavian Association of Cereal Chemistry).  1960;   ( ) : 144-147 .  M043.

Anderson, J.A.;Martin, V.G.   Probe for sampling deep grain bins .  (Bulletin).  1943; 3 ( ) : 1-12 .  53.

Anderson, J.A.;Meredith, W.O.S.   The pattern of Canadian research on malting barley .  (Proceedings of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, 1961 Annual Meeting of the Cereal Chemistry Group).  1962;   ( ) :   .  M050.

Anderson, J.A.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Eva, W.J.;Heise, A.C.   Oil seeds in western Canadian grain screenings .  (Canadian Journal of Research, F.).  1944; 22 ( ) : 19-27 .  57.

Anderson, J.A.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Sallans, H.R.   Malting quality of Canadian barleys. IV. A summary of information of special interest to plant breeders .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1943; 23 (5) : 297-314 .  54.

Anderson, J.A.;Neatby, K.W.;Levi, I.   A preharvest survey of the protein content of western Canadian wheat of the 1943 crop .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1944; 21 (4) : 283-295 .  65.

Anderson, J.A.;Thistle, M.W.   On writing scientific papers .  (Canadian Journal of Research).  1947; Bulletin No. 1691 ( ) : 1-28 .  M002.

Arrus, K; Blank, G; Abramson, D.; Clear, R; Holley, R.A.   Aflatoxin production by Aspergillus flavus in Brazil nuts .  (Journal of Stored Product Research).  2005; 41 (5) : 513-527 .  894.

Arrus, Katia; Blank, Greg; Clear, Randall; Holley, Richard A.; Abramson, David   Microbiological and aflatoxin evaluation of Brazil nut pods and the effects of unit processing operations .  (Journal of Food Protection).  2005; 68 (5) : 1060-1065 .  893.

Ayoub, M; Symons, S.J.; Edney, M.J.; Mather, D.E.   QTLs affecting kernel size and shape in a two-rowed by six-rowed barley cross .  (Theoretical and Applied Genetics).  2002; 105 (2-3) : 237-247 .  838.

Babb, J.C.;Dempster, C.J.;Wallis, R.J.   Prediction of the moisture content of eastern Canadian corn using measurements of capacitance and test weight .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1989; 69 ( ) : 109-119 .  622.

Babb, Jeff C.; Khandekar, Madhav L.; Garnett, E. Ray   An analysis of PNA indices for forecasting summer weather over the Canadian prairies with implications for wheat yield and protein .  (Proceedings of the Long-Range Weather and Crop Forecasting Work Group Meeting III.).  1997;   ( ) : 31-36 .  M229.

Babb, Jeff C.; Khandekar, Madhav L.; Garnett, E. Ray   Climatic teleconnections and early prediction of Canadian Red Spring Wheat yields .  (Proceedings of the Second Long-Range Weather and Crop Forecasting Working Group Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 21-23, 1995).  1995;   ( ) : 41-44 .  M196.

Bains, G.S.; Irvine, G.N.   Studies on the quality of some improved varieties of Indian wheats .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  1965; 16 ( ) : 526-535 .  247.

Bains, G.S.; Irvine, G.N.   The quality of Canadian amber durum wheat grades and the role of a pentosan-rich fraction in macaroni dough quality .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  1965; 16 ( ) : 233-240 .  244.

Ballance, G.M.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Development of cytolytic enzyme activities during germination of different barleys .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1974; 54 (2) : 223-229 .  334.

Ballance, G.M.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Purification and partial characterization of an endo-beta1, 3-glucanase from green malt .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1976; 82 ( ) : 64-67 .  354.

Ballance, G.M.;Meredith, W.O.S.;LaBerge, D.E.   Distribution and development of endo-beta-glucanase activities in barley tissues during germination .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1976; 56 ( ) : 459-466 .  353.

Barth, F.W.   Application of the Chopin alveograph to the study of the structural relaxation in dough .  (M. Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba).  1955;   ( ) :   .  M030.

Barthet, Veronique J.; Chornick, Tricia; Daun, James K.   Comparison of methods to measure the oil contents in oilseeds .  (Journal of Oleo Science).  2002; 51 (9) : 589-597 .  830.

Barthet, Veronique J; Daun, James K.   An evaluation of supercritical fluid extraction as an analytical tool to determine fat in canola, flax, solin and mustard .  (Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society).  2002; 79 (3) : 245-251 .  822.

Bass, E.J.   Cytolytic enzymes in germinating barley .  (Ph. D. Thesis, University of Manitoba).  1954;   ( ) :   .  M025.

Bass, E.J.;Bendelow, V.M.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Enzymes that degrade barley gums. V. Relation between endo-beta-polyglucosidase activity and other barley and malt properties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1957; 34 (4) : 219-225 .  160.

Bass, E.J.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Enzymes that degrade barley gums. VII. Fractionation by column chromatography .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1960;   ( ) : 38-47 .  186.

Bass, E.J.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Cytolytic enzymes in germinating barley. A review of current research .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, Annual Meeting).  1955;   ( ) : 11-17 .  M029.

Bass, E.J.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Enzymes that degrade barley gums. VI. Relation between barley gum composition, cytolytic activity, and malting quality .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1959;   ( ) : 129-132 .  175.

Bass, E.J.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Enzymes that degrade barley gums. III. Studies of beta-polyglucosidases of green malt .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1955; 32 (5) : 374-381 .  148.

Bass, E.J.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Enzymes that degrade barley gums. IV. Studies of varietal differences in endo-beta-polyglucosidase activity .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1956; 33 (2) : 129-135 .  153.

Bass, E.J.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.   Enzymes that degrade barley gums. I. Isolation from a bacterial source .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1952; 29 (4) : 262-272 .  118.

Bass, E.J.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.   Enzymes that degrade barley gums. II. Preparations from barley and green malt .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1953; 30 (4) : 313-322 .  123.

Bendelow, V.M.;LaBerge, D.E.   Relationships among barley, malt, and beer phenolics .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1979; 37 (2) : 89-90 .  410.

Bendelow, V.M.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Reliability of prediction tests for malting quality of barley .  (Canadian Journal of Agricultural Science).  1955; 35 ( ) : 252-258 .  140.

Bendelow, V.M.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Johnston, W.H.   Malting quality of Canadian barleys. VII. Parkland .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1958; 38 ( ) : 88-93 .  162.

Bendelow, V.M.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Sisler, W.W.   Assessment of malting and brewing quality for Canadian barley breeding programs .  (Proceedings of the Second International Barley Genetics Symposium, U.S.A., Barley Genetics II).  1970;   ( ) : 575-581 .  M091.

Beta, Trust; Nam, Shin; Dexter, Jim E.; Sapirstein, Harry D.   Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pearled wheat and roller-milled fractions .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2005; 82 (4) : 390-393 .  884.

Bettner, R.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Estimation of malt extract from refractive index of wort .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1969;   ( ) : 171-174 .  282.

Bettner, R.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Changes in beta-amylase during steeping .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1970;   ( ) : 118-126 .  292.

Bettner, R.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   The effect of duration of initial wet-steep period on malt quality .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1969;   ( ) : 70-77 .  280.

Bettner, R.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.   Laboratory drum-malting equipment. II. Multiple units .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1962;   ( ) : 5-12 .  211.

Bhatty, R.S.;MacGregor, A.W.   Gamma irradiation of hulless barley: effect on grain composition, beta-glucan and starch .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1988; 65 (6) : 463-470 .  615.

Binnington, D.S.   An improved reaction microapparatus .  (Industrial and Engineering Chemistry).  1937; 9 ( ) : 353 .  29.

Binnington, D.S.;Geddes, W.F.   Experimental durum milling and macaroni making technique .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1936; 13 (5) : 497-521 .  22.

Binnington, D.S.;Geddes, W.F.   An improved wide-range volume-measuring apparatus for small loaves .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1938; 15 (2) : 235-246 .  33.

Binnington, D.S.;Geddes, W.F.   An automatic recording balance .  (Industrial and Engineering Chemistry).  1936; 8 (1) : 76-79 .  20.

Binnington, D.S.;Geddes, W.F.   The relative macaroni making quality of a number of durum wheat varieties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1937; 14 (3) : 293-304 .  24.

Binnington, D.S.;Geddes, W.F.   Further studies upon the relative macaroni-making quality of a number of durum wheat varieties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1939; 16 (3) : 384-392 .  41.

Binnington, D.S.;Geddes, W.F.   The relative loss in pigment content of durum wheat, semolina and spaghetti stored under various conditions .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1937; 14 (2) : 239-244 .  23.

Binnington, D.S.;Geddes, W.F.   A rapid method for the determination of wheat and flour pigments .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1939; 16 (2) : 252-262 .  36.

Binnington, D.S.;Johannson, H.;Geddes, W.F.   Quantitative methods for evaluating the quality of macaroni products .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1939; 16 (2) : 149-167 .  37.

Binnington, D.S.;Sibbitt, L.D.;Geddes, W.F.   A comparative study of the utility of various commercially available organic solvents for the determination of wheat and flour pigments .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1938; 15 (2) : 119-132 .  31.

Birchard, F.J.;Aitken, T.R.   Some characteristics of Canadian hard red spring wheat with special reference to its value for blending .  (Proceedings of the World's Grain Exhibition and Conference, Canada).  1933; 2 ( ) : 386-399 .  1.

Black, H.C.   The GRL pilot mill .  (Association of Operative Millers-Bulletin).  1980;   ( ) : 3834-3837 .  M121.

Black, H.C.   Laboratory purifier for durum semolina .  (Cereal Science Today).  1966; 11 (12) : 533-534, 542 .  M063.

Black, H.C.;Bushuk, W.   A laboratory flour agglomerator .  (Cereal Science Today).  1966; 11 (12) : 517, 518, 528 .  M064.

Black, H.C.;Bushuk, W.   Modification of the Buhler laboratory mill for milling semolina .  (Cereal Science Today).  1967; 12 (4) : 164-167 .  M065.

Black, H.C.;Fisher, M.H.;Irvine, G.N.   Laboratory milling. I. A small-scale bran finisher .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (1) : 97-101 .  189.

Black, H.C.;Hsieh, F.H.;Martin, D.G.;Tipples, K.H.   Two Grain Research Laboratory research mills and a comparison with the Allis-Chalmers mill .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1980; 57 (6) : 402-406 .  443.

Black, H.C.;Hsieh, F.H.;Tipples, K.H.;Irvine, G.N.   The GRL sifter for laboratory flour milling .  (Cereal Foods World).  1980; 25 (12) : 757-760 .  450.

Black, H.C.;Preston, K.R.;Dexter, J.E.   Modifications to the Buhler laboratory mill to produce a flour comparable in yield and quality to the Allis-Chalmers laboratory mill .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1983; 16 (3) : 191-195 .  508.

Black, H.C.;Preston, K.R.;Tipples, K.H.   The GRL pilot mill. I. Flour yields and analytical properties of flour streams milled from Canadian red spring wheats .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1981; 14 (4) : 315-320 .  470.

Black, H.C.;Williams, P.C.   A laboratory air-classifier .  (Cereal Science Today).  1969; 14 (11) : 358-365 .  283.

Bloksma, A.H.;Hlynka, I.   The effect of remixing on the structural relaxation of unleavened dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (3) : 352-362 .  181.

Bureau, D.;MacGregor, A.W.   Caracteristiques d'une methode de dosage de sucres reducteurs par coloration a la neocuproine. Application a la mesure de l'activite b-amylasique de l'orge .  (Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft & Technologie).  1980; 13 (2) : 92-95 .  427.

Burger, W.C.; LaBerge, D.E.   Malting and brewing quality .  (Barley, Agronomy Monograph).  1985;   (No. 26) : 367- .  C51.

Bushuk, W.   Distribution of water in dough and bread .  (Bakers Digest).  1966; 40 (5) : 38-40 .  M061.

Bushuk, W.   A farinograph technique for studying gluten .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1963; 40 (4) : 430-435 .  216.

Bushuk, W.   Kinetic studies of the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide by wheat catalase .  (M.Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba).  1953;   ( ) :   .  M020.

Bushuk, W.   Accessible sulfhydryl groups in dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (5) : 438-448 .  203.

Bushuk, W.   Sulphydryl-initiated aggregation of mercaptalbumin in 0.1 N sodium chloride solutions .  (Canadian Journal of Biochemistry and Physiology).  1961; 39 ( ) : 1789-1790 .  204.

Bushuk, W.; Kilborn, R.H.; Irvine, G.N.   Studies on continuous-type bread using a laboratory mixer .  (Cereal Science Today).  1965; 10 (8) : 402-405 .  246.

Bushuk, W.;Benoit, H.   Physique macromoleculaire.-Etude de l'effet des heterogeneites de composition sur la determination du poids moleculaire des copolymeres par diffusion de la lumiere .  (Comptes rendus des seances de l'Academie des Sciences).  1958; 246 ( ) : 3167-3170 .  191.

Bushuk, W.;Benoit, H.   Light-scattering studies of copolymers. I. Effect of heterogeneity of chain composition on the molecular weight .  (Canadian Journal of Chemistry).  1958; 36 ( ) : 1616-1626 .  173.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   Water as a constituent of flour, dough, and bread .  (Bakers Digest).  1964; 38 (6) : 43-46, 92 .  M057.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   The bromate reaction in dough. I. Kinetic studies .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (2) : 141-150 .  178.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   The effect of iodate and N-ethylmaleimide on extensigraph properties of dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1962; 39 (3) : 189-195 .  206.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   The bromate reaction in dough. IV. Effect of reducing agents .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (4) : 309-316 .  197.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   The bromate reaction in dough. III. Effect of continuous mixing and flour particle size .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (2) : 178-186 .  192.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   The bromate reaction in dough. V. Effect of flour components and some related compounds .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (4) : 316-325 .  199.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   Weight and volume changes in wheat during sorption and desorption of moisture .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (3) : 390-398 .  182.

Bushuk, W.;Hlynka, I.   The bromate reaction in dough. II. Inhibition and activation studies .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (3) : 343-351 .  180.

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Daun, James K.; DeClercq, D.R.   Sixty years of Canadian flaxseed quality surveys at the Grain Research Laboratory .  (Proceedings of the 55th flax institute of the United States).  1994;   ( ) : 192-200 .  M189.

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Dexter, J. E. ; Marchylo, B.A.   Risposte canadesi alle esigenze di qualita di grano duro da parte dei pastifici tendenze passate, presenti e future. (The durum wheat quality requirements of an evolving processing industry: past, present and future trends.) .  (Tecnica Molitoria).  1997; 48 (9) : 995-1015 .  M225.

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Dexter, J.E.   Wheat Quality Control in Canada .  (Ble' 2000...Enjeux et Strategies).  2000;   ( ) : 277-291 .  M258.

Dexter, J.E.   Obluskiwanie ziarna pszenicy przed przemialem (debranning) - sposobem poprawy efektow pracy mlyna (Debranning of wheat for improved milling performance). .  (Zbozowo Mlynarski).  1998; 42 (2) : 42-45 .  M228.

Dexter, J.E.   Roller milling operations .  (Encyclopaedia of food science, food technology and nutrition).  1993;   ( ) : 1917-1922 .  C53.

Dexter, J.E.   Praktyczne wykorzystanie badan przy przemiale pszenicy (czesc 1) .  (Zbozowo Mlynarski).  1997; 41 (1) : 41-44 .  M210.

Dexter, J.E.   Making the grades: the implications of frequently encountered wheat grading factors .  (Forum on stored grain products).  1997; 12 (2) : 1,8-9 .  M227.

Dexter, J.E.   Development of quality durum wheat varieties in Canada .  (Rachis).  1984; 3 (2) : 23-28 .  M136.

Dexter, J.E.   A Canadian look at wheat quality: an overview .  (Advances in Cereal Science and Technology).  2004;   ( ) : 72-78 .  900.

Dexter, J.E.   Grain, paste products: pasta and asian noodles .  (Food Processing: principles and applications).  2004;   ( ) : 249-271 .  860.

Dexter, J.E.   Praktyczne wykorzystanie badan przy przemiale pszenicy - (cz. 2). (Optymalizacia procesu przemialowego : pegulacja mlewnikow) = Practical applications of milling research - (pt. 2). (Optimization of the milling process : regulation of roller mills) .  (Zbozowo Mlynarski).  1997; 41 (2) : 16-19 .  M211.

Dexter, J.E. ; Marchlyo, B.A. ; Mellish, V.J.   Effects of frost damage and immaturity on the quality of durum wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1994; 71 (4) : 494-501 .  716.

Dexter, J.E. ; Martin, D.G.   L'influence de la teneur en protéines sur le comportement en monture de blé CWRS .  (Industries des Céréales).  1994; 86 ( ) : 3-11 .  M185.

Dexter, J.E.; Clear, R.M.; Preston, K.R.; Marchylo, B.A.; Clarke, J.M.   Fusarium head blight: wheat processing implications .  (Proceedings of the 1996 Regional Fusarium/Scab Forum).  1996;   ( ) : 12-17 .  M208.

Dexter, J.E.; Doust, M.A.; Raciti, C.N.; Lombardo, G.M.; Clarke, F.R.; Clarke, J.M.; Marchylo, B.A.; Schlichting, L.M.; Hatcher, D.W.   Effect of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. var. durum) semolina extraction rate on semolina refinement , strength indicators and pasta properties .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  2004; 84 (4) : 1001-1013 .  862.

Dexter, J.E.; Edwards, N.M.   The implications of frequently encountered grading factors on the processing quality of common wheat. .  (Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin).  1998;   (June) : 7115 - 7122 .  M212.

Dexter, J.E.; Edwards, N.M   The implications of frequently encountered grading factors on the processing quality of Durum wheat .  (Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin).  1998;   (May) : 7165-7171 .  M231.

Dexter, J.E.; Edwards, N.M.   Classificazione del grano duro e influenza sulla lavorazione .  (Tecnica Molitoria).  2001; 52 (6) : 553-566 .  M271.

Dexter, J.E.; Hatcher, D.W.; Clear, R.M.; Preston, K.R.; Marchylo, B.A.   Fusarium head blight: effect on wheat milling and end-product quality .  (Canadian Workshop on Fusarium Head Blight).  1999;   ( ) : 46-50 .  M256.

Dexter, J.E.; Izydorczyk; Preston, K.R.; Jacobs, M.   The enrichment of bread with a fibre-rich fraction derived from roller milling of hull-less barley .  (Advances in cereal science and technology).  2004;   ( ) : 467-472 .  902.

Dexter, J.E.; Marchylo, B.A.   Recent trends in durum wheat milling and pasta processing: impact on durum wheat quality requirements .  (Proceedings of the International Workshop of Durum Wheat, Semolina and Pasta Quality: Recent Achievements and New Trends. Montpellier, France. November 27, 2000).  2000;   ( ) : 77-101 .  M262.

Dexter, J.E.; Marchylo, B.A.; Clear, R.M.; Clarke, J.M.   Effect of fusarium head blight on semolina milling and pasta-making quality of Durum wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1997; 74 (5) : 519-525 .  755.

Dexter, J.E.; Marchylo, B.A.; Preston, K.R.; Clarke, J.M.; Carcea, M.   Comparison of the quality characteristics of some Italian and North American durum wheat cultivars .  (Wheat protein production and marketing).  1998;   ( ) : 234-239 .  M235.

Dexter, J.E.; Marchylo, B.A.; Schlichting, L.M.; Edwards, N.M.   Recent developments in the Canadian durum wheat variety development program .  (Cereals 2000).  2001;   ( ) : 620-625 .  M281.

Dexter, J.E.; Marchylo; B.A.; Schlichting, L.M.; Edwards, N.M.   Qualitatszuchtung von Durumweizen in Kanada: Neue Qualitatskriterien und wichtigste Forschungsergebnisse der Qualitatsverbesserung bei Durumweizen .  (Getreide Mehl und Brot).  2001; 55 (5) : 263-269 .  M275.

Dexter, J.E.; Martin, D.G.   The effects of wheat moisture content and reduction roll temperature and differential on the milling propertities of Canadian hard red spring wheat .  (Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin).  2002;   (July) : 7807-7814 .  M286.

Dexter, J.E.; Nowicki, T.W.   Safety assurance and quality assurance issues associated with fusarium head blight in wheat .  (Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat and Barley).  2003;   ( ) : 420-460 .  C65.

Dexter, J.E.; Preston, D.G.; Martin, D.G.; Gander, E.J.   The Effects of protein content and starch damage on the physical dough properties and bread-making quality of Canadian durum wheat .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1994; 20 ( ) : 139-151 .  714.

Dexter, J.E.; Preston, K.R.   Meeting wheat quality requirements of an evolving processing industry: the Canadian experience .  (Proceedings: international wheat quality conference. May 20 - 24, 2001. Manhattan, Kansas.).  2003;   ( ) : 271-291 .  M295.

Dexter, J.E.; Preston, K.R.; Hatcher, D.W.; Boyacioglu, M.H.; Tulbek, M.C.; Unal, S.S.   Flat bread, chapati and hearth bread quality of milled products varying in extraction rate from Canadian durum wheat cultivars .  (Cereals 2000).  2001;   ( ) : 673-677 .  M279.

Dexter, J.E.; Preston, K.R.; Hatcher, D.W.; Morgan, B.C.; Lukie, C.A.   Influence of Orange Wheat Blossom Midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana Gehin) damage on Canadian hard red spring wheat milling, baking and noodle-making quality .  (ICC 2002).  2002;   ( ) :   .  M287.

Dexter, J.E.; Preston, K.R.; Marchylo, B.A.; Clarke, J.M.; Carcea, M.   Comparison of physical dough, bread-making and pasta-making properties of some Italian and North American durum wheat cultivars of variable strength .  (Cereals 2000).  2001;   ( ) : 659-663 .  M278.

Dexter, J.E.; Sarkar, A.K.   Dry Milling .  (Encyclopedia of Grain Science).  2004;   ( ) : 363-374 .  869.

Dexter, J.E.; Sarkar, A.K.   Roller Milling Operations .  (Encyclopaedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition).  2003; 4 ( ) : 2535-2543 .  C78.

Dexter, J.E.; Symons, S.J.   The importance of protein content, specific weight, kernel weight and kernel size in determining durum wheat semolina milling perfrmance .  (Cereals 2000).  2001;   ( ) : 45-49 .  M285.

Dexter, J.E.; Symons, S.J.; Martin, D.G.   Enhancement of durum wheat quality by preprocessing and an evaluation of fluorscence imaging as a rapid technique for monitoring preprocessing efficiency .  (Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin).  1994;   (August) : 6415-6420 .  M190.

Dexter, J.E.; Symons, S.J.; Martin, D.G.; Preston, K.R.   Preprocessing: effects on the milling and end-use quality of common wheats .  (Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin).  1994;   (October) : 6445-6452 .  M191.

Dexter, J.E.; Williams, P.C.; Martin, D.G.; Cordeiro, H.M.   The Effects of extraction rate and flour-sieve aperture on the properties of experimentally milled soft wheat flour .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1994; 74 ( ) : 51-58 .  704.

Dexter, J.E.;Black, H.C.;Matsuo, R.R.   Research note- An improved method for milling semolina in the Buhler laboratory mill and a comparison to the Allis-Chalmers laboratory mill .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1982; 15 (3) : 225-228 .  485.

Dexter, J.E.;Crowle, W.L.;Matsuo, R.R.;Kosmolak, F.G.   Effect of nitrogen fertilization on the quality characteristics of five North American amber durum wheat cultivars .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1982; 62 ( ) : 901-912 .  501.

Dexter, J.E.;Dronzek, B.L.;Matsuo, R.R.   Scanning electron microscopy of cooked spaghetti .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (1) : 23-30 .  379.

Dexter, J.E.;Kilborn, R.H.;Morgan, B.C.;Matsuo, R.R.   Grain Research Laboratory compression tester: Instrumental measurement of cooked spaghetti stickiness .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1983; 60 (2) : 139-142 .  506.

Dexter, J.E.;Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   The baking performance of Canadian bread wheat classes using a Colombian high-fat high-sugar short process .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1989; 22 (4) : 364-371 .  636.

Dexter, J.E.;Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   The effect of formula variations and dough development method on Colombian alinado bread properties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1990; 67 (1) : 46-52 .  640.

Dexter, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.;MacGregor, A.W.;Tkachuk, R.   The structure and protein composition of vitreous, piebald and starchy durum wheat kernels .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1989; 10 ( ) : 19-32 .  629.

Dexter, J.E.;Martin, D.G.   Réduction sur cylindres lisses de finots (farina) obtenus à partir d'un blé CWRS: effets de la teneur eneau et des condition de réduction sur la composition en grosseur, l'éduction et l'endommagement de l'amidon .  (Industries des Céréales).  1993; 84 ( ) : 43-50 .  M184.

Dexter, J.E.;Martin, D.G.   The effect of prebreak conditions on the milling performance of some Canadian wheats .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1986; 4 ( ) : 157-169 .  566.

Dexter, J.E.;Martin, D.G.; Sadaranganey, G.T.;Michaelides, J.;Mathieson, N.; Tkac, J.J.; Marchylo, B.A.   Preprocessing: effects on durum wheat milling and spaghetti-making quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1994; 71 (1) : 10-16 .  700.

Dexter, J.E.;Martin, D.G.;Matsuo, R.R.   The effect of roll flute orientation on durum wheat experimental milling performance and semolina quality .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1988; 21 (2) : 187-193 .  604.

Dexter, J.E.;Martin, D.G.;Preston, K.R.;Tipples, K.H.;MacGregor, A.W.   The effect of frost damage on the milling and baking quality of red spring wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1985; 62 (2) : 75-80 .  551.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Relationship between durum wheat protein properties and pasta dough rheology and spaghetti cooking quality .  (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry).  1980; 28 (5) : 899-902 .  442.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Effect of starch on pasta dough rheology and spaghetti cooking quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (3) : 190-195 .  414.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Changes in spaghetti protein solubility during cooking .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (5) : 394-398 .  416.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Effect of water content on changes in semolina proteins during dough-mixing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (1) : 15-19 .  404.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Changes in semolina proteins during spaghetti processing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1977; 54 (4) : 882-894 .  375.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Influence of protein content on some durum wheat quality parameters .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1977; 57 ( ) : 717-727 .  373.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Effect of semolina extraction rate on semolina characteristics and spaghetti quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (6) : 841-852 .  400.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   The effect of gluten protein fractions on pasta dough rheology and spaghetti-making quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (1) : 44-57 .  380.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Effect of starchy kernels, immaturity, and shrunken kernels on durum wheat quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1981; 58 (5) : 395-400 .  469.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Effect of smudge and blackpoint, mildewed kernels, and ergot on durum wheat quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (1) : 63-69 .  481.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   The spaghetti-making quality of developing durum wheats .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1977; 57 ( ) : 7-16 .  365.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Daniel, R.W.   The influence of heat damage on durum wheat spaghetti quality .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1989; 22 (3) : 227-237 .  631.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Daniel, R.W.;MacGregor, A.W.   Pasta drying conditions. Effect on spaghetti properties .  (Getreide Mehl und Brot).  1981; 35 (6) : 153-157 .  440.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Dronzek, B.L.   A scanning electron microscopy study of Japanese noodles .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (3) : 202-208 .  412.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Kosmolak, F.G.;Leisle, D.;Marchylo, B.A.   The suitability of the SDS-sedimentation test for assessing gluten strength in durum wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1980; 60 ( ) : 25-29 .  429.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Kruger, J.E.   The spaghetti-making quality of commercial durum wheat samples with variable alpha-amylase activity .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1990; 67 (5) : 405-412 .  651.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;LaChance, J.J.;Morgan, B.C.;Daniel, R.W.   Recent modifications to the durum wheat quality evaluation program at the Grain Research Laboratory .  (Getreide, Mehl und Brot).  1985; 39 ( ) : 131-139 .  M133.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;MacGregor, A.W.   Relationship of instrumental assessment of spaghetti cooking quality to the type and the amount of material rinsed from cooked spaghetti .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1985; 3 ( ) : 39-53 .  545.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Martin, D.G.   The relationship of durum wheat test weight to milling performance and spaghetti quality .  (Cereal Foods World).  1987; 32 (10) : 772-777 .  595.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Morgan, B.C.   High temperature drying: Effect on spaghetti properties .  (Journal of Food Science).  1981; 46 (6) : 1741-1746 .  465.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Morgan, B.C.   Spaghetti stickiness: Some factors influencing stickiness and relationship to other cooking quality characteristics .  (Journal of Food Science).  1983; 48 ( ) : 1545-1551, 1559 .  513.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Morgan, B.C.   Effects of processing conditions and cooking time on riboflavin, thiamine, and niacin levels in enriched spaghetti .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (5) : 328-332 .  496.

Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Preston, K.R.;Kilborn, R.H.   Comparison of gluten strength, mixing properties, baking quality and spaghetti quality of some Canadian durum and common wheats .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1981; 14 (2) : 108-111 .  454.

Dexter, J.E.;Preston, K.R.;Cooke, L.A.;Morgan, B.C.;Kruger, J.E.;Kilborn, R.H.;Elliott, R.H.   The influence of orange wheat blossom midge (Sitodiplosis mosellana Gehin) damage on hard red spring wheat quality and the effectiveness of insecticide treatments .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1987; 67 ( ) : 697-712 .  593.

Dexter, J.E.;Preston, K.R.;Kilborn, R.H.   Milling and baking qualities of some Canadian wheat classes alone and in blends with Brazilian wheat under Brazilian processing conditions .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1987; 20 (1) : 42-49 .  590.

Dexter, J.E.;Preston, K.R.;Kilborn, R.H.;Martin, D.G.   The effect on residual flour quality of removing farina during common wheat milling .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1990; 67 (1) : 39-46 .  639.

Dexter, J.E.;Preston, K.R.;Matsuo, R.R.;Tipples, K.H.   Development of a high extraction flow for the GRL pilot mill to evaluate Canadian wheat potential for the Chinese market .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1984;   ( ) : 253-259 .  542.

Dexter, J.E.;Preston, K.R.;Tipples, K.H.   The effect of various levels of barley, wild oats and domestic oats on the milling and baking performance of hard red spring wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1984; 64 ( ) : 275-283 .  527.

Dexter, J.E.;Preston, K.R.;Tweed, A.R.;Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Relationship of flour starch damage and flour protein to the quality of Brazilian-style hearth bread and remix pan bread produced from hard red spring wheat .  (Cereal Foods World).  1985; 30 (8) : 511-514 .  559.

Dexter, J.E.;Symons, S.J.   Milling efficiency: The relevance of flour ash content and flour color and the potential application of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy and fluorescent imaging .  (Proceedings of the ICC '89 Symposium, June 13-15, Lahti, Finland).  1989;   (Chapter 2) : 73-100 .  M156.

Dexter, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Wheat milling at the Grain Research Laboratory, Part Four, method development, marketing support and applied research .  (Milling Flour and Feed).  1987; 180 (9) : 14-16, 18, 19, 21 .  M151.

Dexter, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Wheat milling at the Grain Research Laboratory, Part Two, equipment and procedures .  (Milling Flour and Feed).  1987; 180 (7) : 16, 18-20 .  M149.

Dexter, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Wheat milling at the Grain Research Laboratory, Part One, Objectives and the reliability of test results .  (Milling Flour and Feed).  1987; 180 (6) : 22, 23, 26, 27 .  M148.

Dexter, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Wheat milling at the Grain Research Laboratory, Part Three, effect of grading factors on wheat quality .  (Milling Flour and Feed).  1987; 180 (8) : 18-23 .  M150.

Dexter, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.;Martin, D.G.   Predicting the commercial milling potential of Canadian western red spring wheat from experimental milling results .  (Milling).  1989; 182 (8) : 9-11 .  M154.

Dexter, J.E.;Tkachuk, R.;Matsuo, R.R.   Amino acid composition of spaghetti: Effect of drying conditions on total and available lysine .  (Journal of Food Science).  1984; 49 (1) : 225-228 .  521.

Dexter, J.E.;Tkachuk, R.;Tipples, K.H.   Physical properties and processing quality of durum wheat fractions recovered from a specific gravity table .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1991; 68 (4) : 401-405 .  660.

Dexter, J.E.;Williams, P.C.;Edwards, N.M.;Martin, D.G.   The relationships between durum wheat vitreousness, kernel hardness and processing quality .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1988; 7 ( ) : 169-181 .  570.

Dexter, James E.   AACC - the link to advances in grain technology .  (Advances in Cereal Science and Technology).  2004;   ( ) : 410 - 414 .  901.

Dexter, James E.; Worden, Graham C.   Trends in demand for wheat .  (Third International Wheat Quality Conference).  2005;   ( ) : 309 - 321 .  905.

Dexter, James; Payeras, Enrique   Not by bread alone .  (World Grain).  1999; 17 (8) : 20-25 .  M255.

Dhaliwal, Y.S.; Hatcher, D.W.; Sekhon, K.S. and Kruger, J.E.   Methodology for preparation and testing of chapattis produced from different classes of Canadian wheat .  (Food Research International).  1996; 29 (2) : 163-168 .  753.

Doguchi, M.;Hlynka, I.   Some rheological properties of crude gluten mixed in the farinograph .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1967; 44 (6) : 561-575 .  266.

Dorrell, D.G.;Daun, J.K.   Effect of seed damage on grade and quality of flaxseed .  (Proceedings of the 47th Annual Meeting of the Flax Institute of the United States).  1978;   ( ) : 1-2 .  387.

Dorrell, D.G.;Daun, J.K.   Effect of weather damage on the grade and quality of flaxseed .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1980; 60 ( ) : 799-805 .  437.

Dronzek, B.L.;Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   A scanning electron microscopy study of wheat gluten .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1980; 13 (4) : 162-166 .  441.

Dushnicky, L.G.; Ballance, G.M.; Sumner, M.J.; MacGregor, A.W.   The role of lignification as a resistance mechanism in wheat to a toxin-producing isolate of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology).  1998; 20 ( ) : 35-47 .  770.

Dushnicky, L.G.; Ballance, G.M.; Sumner, M.J.; MacGregor, A.W.   Detection of infection and host responses in susceptible and resistant wheat cultivars to a toxin-producing isolate of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis .  (Canadian journal of plant pathology).  1998; 20 ( ) : 19-27 .  769.

Dushnicky, L.G.; Ballance, G.M.; Sumner, M.J.; MacGregor, A.W.   Penetration and infection of susceptible and resistant wheat cultivars by a necrosis toxin-producing isolate of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology).  1996; 18 ( ) : 392-402 .  744.

Dworschak, Ragnar G.; Ens, Werner; Standing, Kenneth G.; Preston, Ken R.; Marchylo, Brain A.; Nightingale, Michael J.; Stevenson, Susan G.; Hatcher, David W.   Analysis of wheat gluten proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry .  (Journal of Mass Spectrometry).  1998; 33 (5) : 429-435 .  772.

Edney, M. J.; Morgan, J. E.; Williams, P. C.; Campbell, L. D.   Analysis of feed barley by near infrared reflectance technology .  (Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy).  1994; 2 ( ) : 33-41 .  728.

Edney, M.J. ; LaBerge, D.E. ; Langrell, D.E.   Relationships among the beta-glucan contents of barley, malt, malt congress extract, and beer. .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing chemists).  1998; 56 (4) : 164-168 .  775.

Edney, M.J.; Choo, T.M.; Kong, D.; Ferguson, T.; Ho, K.M.; May, K.W.; Martin, R.A.   Kernel colour varies with cultivars and environments in barley .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1998; 78 ( ) : 217-222 .  766.

Edney, M.J.; Izydorczyk, M.S.   Malt types and products .  (Encyclopaedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition).  2003; 6 ( ) : 3671-3677 .  C73.

Edney, M.J.; Langrell, D.E.   Effect of fermentable sugars and amino acids on fermentability of malts made from four barley varieties .  (Master Brewers Association of the Americas Technical Quarterly).  2005; 42 (2) : 101-106 .  883.

Edney, M.J.; Langrell, D.E.   Evaluating the malting quality of hulless CDC Dawn, acid-dehusked Harrington, and Harrington Barley .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  2004; 62 (1) : 18-22 .  850.

Edney, M.J.; Rossnagel, B.G.   Producing a Quality Malt from Hulless Barley .  (Proceedings of the 8th International Barley Genetics Symposium, Adelaide, Australia, October 22-27, 2000).  2000;   ( ) : 91-93 .  M263.

Edney, M.J.; Rossnagel, B.G.; Endo, Y; Ozawa, S.; Brophy, M.   Pearling quality of Canadian barley varieties and their potential use as rice extenders .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  2002; 36 (3) : 295-305 .  828.

Edney, M.J.; Tkachuk, R.; MacGregor, A.W.   Nutrient composition of the hull-less barley cultivar, condor .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  1992; 60 ( ) : 451-456 .  685.

Edney, M.J.;Marchylo, B.A.;MacGregor, A.W.   Structure of total barley beta-glucan .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1991; 97 ( ) : 39-44 .  646.

Edwards, N. M.; Biliaderis, C. G.; Dexter, J. E.   Textural characteristics of wholewheat pasta and pasta containing non-starch polysaccharides .  (Journal of Food Science).  1995; 60 (6) : 1321-1324 .  733.

Edwards, N. M.; Dexter, J. E.; Sobering, D. C.; and Williams, P. C.   Whole grain prediction of durum wheat yellow pigment by visible/near infrared reflectance spectroscopy .  (Near infrared spectroscopy : the future waves. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Montreal, Canada, 6-11 August 1995).  1996;   ( ) : 462-465 .  M202.

Edwards, N. M.; Scanlon, M. G.; Kruger, J. E.; and Dexter, J. E.   Oriental noodle dough rheology : relationship to water absorption, formulation, and work input during dough sheeting .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1996; 73 (6) : 708-711 .  743.

Edwards, N.; Dexter, J.E.; Scanlon, M.G.; Cenkowski, S.   Relationship of creep-recovery and dynamic oscillatory measurements to Durum wheat physical dough properties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1999; 76 (5) : 638-645 .  785.

Edwards, N.M.; Dexter, J.E.; Scanlon, M.G.   Starch participation in durum dough linear viscoelastic properties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2002; 79 (6) : 850-856 .  834.

Edwards, N.M.; Gianibelli, M.C.; Larroque, O.R.; Ames, N.P.; Clarke, J.M.; Dexter, J.E.; McCaig, T.N.   Relationship of variation in allelic composition and amounts of glutenin subunits to gluten strength for a diverse durum wheat (Triticum turgidum l. var. durum) population. .  (Proceedings: tenth international wheat genetics symposium. Paestum, Italy. 1 - 6 September 2003.).  2003; 1 - Oral presentations ( ) : 431-434 .  M297.

Edwards, N.M.; Izydorczyk, M.S.; Dexter, J.E.; Biliaderis, C.G.   Cooked pasta texture: comparison of dynamic viscoelastic properties to instrumental assessment of firmness .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1993; 70 (2) : 122-126 .  690.

Edwards, N.M.; Mulvaney, S.J.; Scanlon, M.G.; Dexter, J.E.   Role of gluten and its components in determining durum semolina dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2003; 80 (6) : 755-763 .  847.

Edwards, Nancy M.; Dexter, James E.; Scanlon, Martin G.   The use of rheological techniques to elucidate durum wheat dough strength properties .  (ICheap 5. The 5th Italian Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering).  2001; 2 ( ) : 825-830 .  M264.

Edwards, Nancy M.; Peressini, Donatella; Dexter, James E.; Mulvaney, Steven J.   Viscoelastic properties of durum wheat and common wheat dough of different strengths .  (Rheologica Acta).  2001; 40 ( ) : 142-153 .  811.

Edwards, Nancy M.; Preston, Ken R.   Studying gluten functionality .  (Third International Wheat Quality Conference).  2005;   ( ) : 195-203 .  906.

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Eva, W.J.;Anderson, J.A.   The relations between Kjeldahl protein, Zeleny protein, and loaf volume in western Canadian wheats and flours .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1944; 21 (6) : 562-566 .  66.

Eva, W.J.;Birchard, F.J.   Factors affecting the protein content of Canadian hard red spring wheat .  (Proceedings of the World's Grain Exhibition and Conference, Canada).  1933; 2 ( ) : 408-412 .  2.

Eva, W.J.;Fisher, M.H.   Studies on variance in Buhler mills, with a bibliography on experimental milling .  (Cereal Science Today).  1957; 2 (5) : 124-129 .  167.

Eva, W.J.;Geddes, W.F.;Frisell, B.   A comparative study of various methods of measuring flour gassing power .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1937; 14 (4) : 458-480 .  26.

Eva, W.J.;Levi, I.   A note on the chemical composition of Manitoba shelled corn, 1941 crop .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1943; 23 ( ) : 362-364 .  52.

Eva, W.J.;Levi, I.;Anderson, J.A.   Starch content of western Canadian wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1943; 21 ( ) : 173-179 .  55.

Eva, W.J.;Milton, N.;Geddes, W.F.   Observations on ash dishes of different materials .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1938; 15 (6) : 835-841 .  35.

Eva, W.J.;Milton, N.;Geddes, W.F.   Comparative methods of moisture determination with special reference to the Brabender grinder and oven .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1939; 16 (4) : 460-468 .  40.

Eva, W.J.;Rankin, E.E.   A comparison of five methods for determining starch content of wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Research, B.).  1945; 23 ( ) : 260-268 .  79.

Fajardo, J. E.; Dexter, J. E.; Roscoe, M. M.; Nowicki, T. W.   Retention of ergot alkaloids in wheat during processing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1995; 72 (3) : 291-298 .  730.

Feillet, P; Dexter, J.E   Quality requirements of durum wheat for semolina milling and pasta production .  (Pasta and Noodle Technology).  1996;   ( ) : 95-131 .  C62.

Fisher, M.H.;Aitken, T.R.;Anderson, J.A.   Effects of mixing, salt, and consistency on extensograms .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1949; 26 (2) : 81-97 .  94.

Fisher, M.H.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Note on a semimicro milling procedure for durum wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1946; 23 (6) : 565-568 .  84.

Fleury, M.D.; Edney, M.J.; Campbell, L.D. and Crow, G.H.   Total, water-soluble and acid soluble arabinoxylans in western Canadian barleys .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1997; 77 ( ) : 191-196 .  752.

Frisell, B.;Geddes, W.F.   Chart for correcting crude protein to a 13.5% moisture basis .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1934; 11 (3) : 258-259 .  3.

Fukatsu, Makoto;Thorsteinson, Charles T.;Daun, James K.;Toshitake, Tamura   Determination of lipolytic activity of lipase by HPLC .  (Yukagaku (Journal of the Japanese Oil Chemists Society)).  1997; 46 (6) : 697-700 .  758.

Gan, Zhibo; Marquardt, Ronald R.; Abramson, David; Clear, Randy M.   The characterization of chicken antibodies raised against Fusarium spp. by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunoblotting .  (International Journal of Food Microbiology).  1997; 38 ( ) : 191-200 .  804.

Gan, Zhibo; Marquardt, Ronald R.; Abramson, David; Clear, Randy M.   The characterization of chicken antibodies raised against Fusarium spp. by ELISA and immunoblotting .  (Proceedings of the 1996 Regional Fusarium/Scab Forum).  1996;   ( ) : 49-53 .  M245.

Garnett, E.R.; Khandekar, M.L. ; Babb, J.C.   On the utility of ENSO and PNA indices for long-lead forecasting of summer weather over the crop-growing region of the Canadian prairies. .  (Theoretical and applied climatology).  1998; 60 ( ) : 37-45 .  761.

Gawalko, Eugene J.; Garrett, Robert G.; Nowicki, Thomas   Trace Elements in Western Canadian Hard Red Spring Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.): Levels and quality assurance .  (Journal of AOAC International).  2001; 84 (6) : 1953-1963 .  814.

Gawalko, Eugene, J.; Nowicki, Thomas W.; Babb, Jeff; Tkachuk, Russell   Comparison of closed-vessel and focused open-vessel microwave dissolution for determination of Cadmium, Copper, Lead, and Selenium in wheat, wheat products, corn bran, and rice flour by transverse-heated graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry .  (Journal of AOAC International).  1997; 80 (2) : 379-387 .  749.

Geddes, W.F.   Official A.A.C.C. basic baking test .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1934; 11 (4) : 363-367 .  9.

Geddes, W.F.;Aitken, T.R.   The types of bread produced in Canada .  (Proceedings of the III International Congress of Tech. and Agr. Industries, Paris).  1934; 1 (11) : 1-3 .  5.

Geddes, W.F.;Aitken, T.R.   The characteristics of Canadian hard red spring wheat .  (Proceedings of the III International Congress of Tech. and Agr. Industries, Paris).  1934; 1 (11) : 1-14 .  4.

Geddes, W.F.;Aitken, T.R.   An experimental milling and baking technique requiring 100 grams wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1935; 12 (6) : 696-707 .  17.

Geddes, W.F.;Aitken, T.R.   The comparative quality of flours from corresponding wheats milled on an Allis-Chalmers experimental mill and a Brabender automatic laboratory mill .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1937; 14 (4) : 511-524 .  27.

Geddes, W.F.;Aitken, T.R.;Fisher, M.H.   The relation between the normal farinogram and the baking strength of western Canadian wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1940; 17 (5) : 528-551 .  45.

Geddes, W.F.;Eva, W.J.   A comparative study of the Blish and Sandstedt and a modified Rumsey procedure for the estimation of diastatic activity .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1935; 12 (4) : 402-410 .  15.

Geddes, W.F.;Eva, W.J.;Milton, N.   The relation between the protein content of western Canadian hard red spring wheat, amber durum wheat, and barley .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1940; 20 (11) : 599-607 .  44.

Geddes, W.F.;Frisell, B.   An experimental flour mill for 100-gram wheat samples .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1935; 12 (6) : 691-695 .  16.

Geddes, W.F.;Hildebrand, F.C.;Anderson, J.A.   The effect of wheat type, protein content, and malting conditions on the properties of malted wheat flour .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1941; 18 (1) : 42-60 .  46.

Geddes, W.F.;Lehberg, F.H.   The quantitative determination of bromine in bromated flours .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1938; 15 (1) : 49-58 .  30.

Geddes, W.F.;Lehberg, F.H.   Flax studies. I. The relation between weight per measured bushel, weight per thousand kernels and oil content of flaxseed .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1936; 14 ( ) : 45-47 .  18.

Geddes, W.F.;Lehberg, F.H.   Flax studies. II. An improved refractometric method for estimating the oil content of flaxseed .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1936; 14 ( ) : 48-61 .  19.

Geddes, W.F.;McCalla, A.G.   Comparison of a bromate and malt-phosphate-bromate formula in testing wheat quality for the plant breeder .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1934; 11 (4) : 384-395 .  7.

Geddes, W.F.;Milton, N.   The analytical error of the Kjeldahl nitrogen test .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1939; 16 (3) : 393-404 .  39.

Gilles, K.A.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Smith, F.   The carbohydrates of the Gramineae. The constitution of the water-soluble polysaccharides of the grain of barley (Hordeum vulgare) .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1952; 29 (4) : 314-316 .  120.

Golubchuk, M.   Carotenoids of the urediospores of rust fungi (uredinales) .  (M.Sc. Thesis, University of Manitoba).  1952;   ( ) :   .  M016.

Goulden, C.H.;Geddes, W.F.;Whiteside, A.G.O.   A study of carotene content and other quality characteristics in a series of hybrid wheats .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1934; 11 (5) : 557-566 .  10.

Goulden, C.H.;Paull, A.E.   Statistical methods in cereal chemistry .  (Biometrics Bulletin).  1946; 2 (2) : 26-30 .  81.

Hanna, W.F.;Peterson, R.F.;Anderson, J.A.   How are new wheat varieties tested? .  (Agricultural Institute Review).  1951; 6 (4) : 17-26 .  M011.

Harada, O; Lysenko, E.D.; Edwards, N.M.; Preston, K.R.   Effects of commercial hydrolytic enzyme additives on Japanese-style sponge and dough bread properties and processing characteristics .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2005; 82 (3) : 314-320 .  878.

Harada, O; Lysenko, E.D.; Preston, K.R.   Effects of Commercial Hydrolytic Enzyme Additives on Canadian Short Process Bread Properties and Processing Characteristics .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2000; 77 (1) : 70-76 .  789.

Hariri, G; Williams, P.C. and El-Haramein, F. Jaby   Influence of Pentatomid Insects on the Physical Dough Properties and Two-layered Flat Bread Baking Quality of Syrian Wheat .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  2000; 31 ( ) : 111-118 .  807.

Hatcher, D. W.; Symons, S. J.; Kruger, J. E.   Measurement of the time-dependent appearance of discolored spots in alkaline noodles by image analysis .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1999; 76 (2) : 189-194 .  779.

Hatcher, D.W.   Impact of a reduced wheat meal sample size on the falling number test .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2005; 82 (4) : 450-454 .  887.

Hatcher, D.W.   Influence of Frozen Noodle Processing on Cooked Noodle Texture .  (Journal of Texture Studies).  2004; 35 ( ) : 429-444 .  864.

Hatcher, D.W. ; Kruger, J.E.   Distribution of polyphenol oxidase in flour millstreams of Canadian common wheat classes milled to three extraction rates .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1993; 70 (1) : 51-55 .  683.

Hatcher, D.W.; Anderson, M.J.; Clear, R.M.; Gaba, D.G.; Dexter, J.E.   Fusarium head blight: Effect on white salted and yellow alkaline noodle properties .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  2003; 83 (1) : 11-21 .  841.

Hatcher, D.W.; Anderson, M.J.; Desjardins, R.G.; Edwards, N.M.; Dexter, J.E.   Effects of flour particle size and starch damage on processing and quality of white salted noodles .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2002; 79 (1) : 64-71 .  820.

Hatcher, D.W.; Barker, W.   A rapid microassay for determination of peroxidase in wheat and flour .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2005; 82 (2) : 233-237 .  877.

Hatcher, D.W.; Kruger, J.E.   Simple phenolic acids in flours prepared from Canadian wheat: relationship to ash content, color, and polyphenol oxidase activity .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1997; 74 (3) : 337-343 .  751.

Hatcher, D.W.; Kruger, J.E. and Dhaliwal, Y.S.   Effect of roller mill extraction rate on the chapatti-making quality of Canadian flours .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1997; 74 (4) : 502-508 .  754.

Hatcher, D.W.; Kruger, J.E.; Anderson, M.J.   Influence of water absorption on the processing and quality of oriental noodles .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1999; 76 (4) : 566-572 .  784.

Hatcher, D.W.; Preston, K.R.   Investigation of a Small-Scale Asymmetric Centrifugal Mixer for the Evaluation of Asian Noodles .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2004; 81 (3) : 303-307 .  856.

Hatcher, D.W.; Symons, S.J.   Assessment of Oriental Noodle Appearance as a Function of Flour Refinement and Noodle Type by Image Analysis .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2000; 77 (2) : 181-186 .  791.

Hatcher, D.W.; Symons, S.J.   Influence of Sprout Damage on Oriental Noodle Appearance as Assessed by Image Analysis .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2000; 77 (3) : 380-387 .  796.

Hatcher, D.W.; Symons, S.J.   Image Analysis of Asian Noodle Appearance: Impact of Hexaploid Wheat with a Red Seed Coat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2000; 77 (3) : 388-391 .  795.

Hatcher, D.W.; Symons, S.J.; Manivannan, U.   Developments in the use of image analysis for the assessment of oriental noodle appearance and colour .  (Journal of Food Engineering).  2004; 61 (1) : 109-117 .  853.

Hatcher, D.W.;Lagasse, S.; Dexter, J.E.; Rossnagel, B.; Izydorczyk, M.   Quality characteristics of yellow alkaline noodles enriched with hull-less barley flour .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2005; 82 (1) : 60-69 .  873.

Hlynka, I.   Some observations on the 'Research' extensometer .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  1955; 6 (12) : 763-767 .  144.

Hlynka, I.   Application of physics to studies of breadmaking quality of wheat .  (Proceedings of the First Symposium on Food Physics).  1956;   ( ) : 99-112 .  156.

Hlynka, I.   A short method for structural relaxation in dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1957; 34 (2) : 117-125 .  158.

Hlynka, I.   Structural relaxation in dough .  (Bakers Digest).  1955; 29 (2) : 27-30 .  M026.

Hlynka, I.   Physical properties of dough .  (Wallerstein Laboratories Communications).  1957; 20 (70) : 217-232 .  M036.

Hlynka, I.   Dough mobility and absorption .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1959; 36 (4) : 378-385 .  174.

Hlynka, I.   Dough structure: its basis and implication .  (Bakers Digest).  1962; 36 ( ) : 44-47 .  M049.

Hlynka, I.   The effect of complexing agents on the bromate reaction in dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1957; 34 (1) : 1-15 .  157.

Hlynka, I.   Some practical aspects of dough rheology .  (Brot und Geback).  1967; 21 ( ) : 195-198 .  M068.

Hlynka, I.   Influence of temperature, speed of mixing, and salt on some rheological properties of dough in the farinograph .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1962; 39 (4) : 286-303 .  209.

Hlynka, I.   A survey of intermolecular forces in relation to dough properties .  (Symposium on Proteins, 25th Anniversary of the Associate Committee on Grain Research, Saskatoon).  1952;   ( ) : 17-25 .  M012.

Hlynka, I.   Rheological properties of dough and their significance in the breakmaking process .  (Bakers Digest).  1970; 44 (2) : 40-41, 44-46, 57 .  M087.

Hlynka, I.   Some experiments on the development of a continuous system in heavy batters or thin doughs .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1964; 41 (4) : 243-251 .  236.

Hlynka, I.   Intercomparison of farinograph absorption obtained with different instruments and bowls .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (1) : 67-70 .  179.

Hlynka, I.   Some rheological aspects of yeast-leavened dough .  (Bakers Digest).  1972; 46 (2) : 44-45 .  M095.

Hlynka, I.   Amylograph mobility and liquefaction number .  (Cereal Science Today).  1968; 13 (6) : 245,254 .  M077.

Hlynka, I.   Fortschritte auf dem gebiet der teig-rheologie (Lines of progress in dough rheology) .  (Brot und Geback).  1967; 21 (7) : 125-130 .  M073.

Hlynka, I.   Brabender award address. "Reminiscences of a rheologist" .  (Cereal Science Today).  1966; 11 (7) : 295-298, 315 .  M059.

Hlynka, I.   Effect of bisulfite, acetaldehyde, and similar reagents on the physical properties of dough and gluten .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1949; 26 (4) : 307-316 .  96.

Hlynka, I.;Anderson, J.A.   Further studies on the reaction of wheat proteins with reducing carbohydrates .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1951; 28 (2) : 136-144 .  111.

Hlynka, I.;Anderson, J.A.   Recent advances in dough rheology .  (Proceedings of the Second International Congress on Rheology).  1953;   ( ) : 297-302 .  126.

Hlynka, I.;Anderson, J.A.   Laboratory dough mixer with an air-tight bowl .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1955; 32 (1) : 83-87 .  138.

Hlynka, I.;Anderson, J.A.   Lines of attack on dough chemistry .  (Agricultural and Food Chemistry).  1957; 5 (1) : 56-59 .  M034.

Hlynka, I.;Anderson, J.A.   Relaxation of tension in stretched dough .  (Canadian Journal of Technology).  1952; 30 ( ) : 198-210 .  119.

Hlynka, I.;Barth, F.W.   Chopin alveograph studies. I. Dough resistance at constant sample deformation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1955; 32 (6) : 463-471 .  149.

Hlynka, I.;Barth, F.W.   Chopin alveograph studies. II. Structural relaxation in dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1955; 32 (6) : 472-480 .  150.

Hlynka, I.;Bass, E.J.   Reaction of dough and gluten with glucose .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1949; 26 (6) : 513-518 .  99.

Hlynka, I.;Bushuk, W.   The weight per bushel .  (Cereal Science Today).  1959; 4 (8) : 239-240 .  M040.

Hlynka, I.;Chanin, W.G.   Effect of pH on bromated and unbromated doughs .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1957; 34 (5) : 371-378 .  163.

Hlynka, I.;Kuzina, F.D.;Shuey, W.C.   Conversion of constant-flour farinograph absorption to constant-dough basis .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (4) : 386-390 .  198.

Hlynka, I.;Martens, V.   A precise gassing power unit .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1955; 13 (2) : 147-151 .  147.

Hlynka, I.;Martens, V.;Anderson, J.A.   A comparative study of ten electrical meters for determining moisture content of wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Research, F.).  1949; 27 ( ) : 382-397 .  98.

Hlynka, I.;Matsuo, R.R.   Quantitative relation between structural relaxation and bromate in dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1959; 36 (3) : 312-317 .  172.

Hlynka, I.;Matsuo, R.R.   Measurement of the improver response in dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (6) : 721-727 .  188.

Hlynka, I.;Robinson, A.D.   Moisture and its measurement .  (Chapter 1 in: Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products. AACC Monograph Series).  1954; 11 ( ) : 1-45 .  M014.

Hlynka, I.;Templin, P.R.;Anderson, J.A.   Decomposition of bromate in dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1953; 30 (5) : 391-403 .  128.

Hlynka, K.;Anderson, J.A.   A machine for measuring the extensibility and resistance to extension of gluten .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1946; 23 (2) : 115-134 .  80.

Holas, J.;Tipples, K.H.   Factors affecting farinograph and baking absorption. I. Quality characteristics of flour streams .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (5) : 637-652 .  394.

Hsieh, F.H.   The cereal grain industry in Canada: Part 4 - Flour milling .  (Cereal Foods World).  1979;   ( ) :   .  M116.

Hsieh, F.H.;Daun, J.K.;Tipples, K.H.   The effect of rapeseed oil added to control grain dust on the quality of wheat .  (Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society).  1982; 59 (1) : 11-15 .  477.

Hsieh, F.H.;Martin, D.G.;Black, H.C.;Tipples, K.H.   Some factors affecting the first break grinding of Canadian wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1980; 57 (3) : 217-223 .  436.

Hu, X.; Daun, J.K.; Scarth, R.   Characterization of wax sediments in refined canola oils .  (Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society).  1993; 70 (5) : 635-537 .  695.

Hu, X.; Daun, J.K.;Scarth, R.   Proportions of C18:1n-7 and C18:1n-9 fatty acids in canola seedcoat surface and internal lipids .  (Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society).  1994; 71 (2) : 221-222 .  703.

Hucl, P.; Preston, K.; Williams, P.; McColl, S.   Spring wheat cultivar variation for protein concentration and grade in Saskatchewan .  (Wheat protein production and marketing).  1998;   ( ) : 100-109 .  M236.

Ikezoe, K.;Tipples, K.H.   Farinograph studies on the effect of various oxidizing agents in the sponge-and-dough system .  (Cereal Science Today).  1968; 13 (9) : 327-328, 330, 358 .  M079.

Irvine, G.N.   Rheologische studien an durum-mahlprodukten. (Rheological studies of durum semolinas.) .  (Getreide und Mehl).  1962; 12 (1) : 3-6 .  205.

Irvine, G.N.   Uber die Mahleigenschaften von kanadischen Durumweizen .  (Getreide und Mehl).  1964; 14 (4) : 37-39 .  233.

Irvine, G.N.   Starch damage in milling wheats of different hardness .  (Proceedings of the 5th World Cereal and Bread Congress, GDR. Part 3).  1970;   ( ) : 107-111 .  289.

Irvine, G.N.   Durum wheat:fifty years of progress .  (Cereal Science Today).  1965; 10 (6) : 328-332, 359 .  M058.

Irvine, G.N.   Fifteen years of rapeseed quality surveys .  (Proceedings of the International Conference on the Science, Technology and Marketing of Rapeseed aand Rapeseed Products).  1970;   ( ) : 133-148 .  M094.

Irvine, G.N.   Maintaining the quality of Canadian wheat .  (Ceres: Journal of the Home-Grown Cereals Authority).  1968; 3 ( ) : 3-6 .  M078.

Irvine, G.N.   Effect of temperature on the kinetics of the lipoxidase system of wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1959; 36 (2) : 146-156 .  170.

Irvine, G.N.   Technological advances in the milling and baking industries and their effect upon markets for Canadian wheat .  (Canadian Agriculture in the Seventies, Wheat, Feed Grains and Oilseeds).  1970; Appendix B ( ) : 137-145 .  M092.

Irvine, G.N.   Probleme in der versuchsmullerei: Die zusammenhange zwischen ausmahlungsgrad und backmethoden .  (Getreide und Mehl).  1968; 18 ( ) : 50-52 .  M069.

Irvine, G.N.   Some effects of semolina lipoxidase activity on macaroni quality .  (The Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society).  1955; 32 (11) : 558-561 .  145.

Irvine, G.N.   Wheat and its quality .  (Proceedings of the Canadian Centennial Symposium on Wheat, Saskatoon).  1967;   ( ) : 233-247 .  M067.

Irvine, G.N.   Milling and baking quality .  (Proceedings of the Symposium on "Bread").  1974;   ( ) : 115-126 .  M099.

Irvine, G.N.   Experimental determination of milling quality in North America .  (Getreide, Mehl und Brot).  1974; 28 ( ) : 221-223 .  M098.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   The inhibition of wheat lipoxidase by cyanide .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1955; 32 (2) : 140-143 .  141.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Communication to the editor. An improved wheat prediction test for macaroni quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1955; 32 (1) : 88 .  143.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   A note on the determination of brightness in flour .  (Transactions, American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1952; 10 (1) : 59-60 .  116.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Note on the lipoxidase activity of various North American wheats .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1953; 30 (3) : 255-257 .  122.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Kinetic studies of the lipoxidase system of wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1953; 30 (3) : 247-255 .  121.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Factors affecting the color of macaroni. IV. Semolina particle size .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1952; 29 (1) : 65-70 .  114.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Changing varietal patterns in Canadian durum exports .  (Proceedings of the Third International Bread Congress, Hamburg).  1955;   ( ) : 229-230 .  151.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Effect of lipoxidase activity on the macaroni making quality of durum wheats .  (Proceedings of the Third International Bread Congress, Hamburg).  1955;   ( ) : 230-233 .  152.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Some technical factors in the production and marketing of Canadian wheat .  (The Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science).  1959; 25 (4) : 439-449 .  M041.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Factors affecting the color of macaroni. I. Fractionation of the xanthophyll pigments of durum wheats .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1949; 26 (6) : 507-512 .  101.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Air bubbles in macaroni doughs .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1951; 28 (3) : 240-243 .  109.

Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   Variation in principal quality factors of durum wheats with a quality prediction test for wheat or semolina .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1953; 30 (4) : 334-342 .  127.

Irvine, G.N.;Bradley, J.W.;Black, H.C.   Communication to the editor. Improvement of semolina quality through steam-treatment of durum wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1967; 44 (2) : 230-231 .  262.

Irvine, G.N.;Bradley, J.W.;Martin, G.C.   A farinograph technique for macaroni doughs .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (2) : 153-164 .  193.

Irvine, G.N.;Bushuk, W.;Anderson, J.A.   Note on the catalase activity of North American wheats .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1954; 31 (3) : 267-270 .  133.

Irvine, G.N.;Bushuk, W.;Anderson, J.A.   Kinetic studies of the catalase system of wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1954; 31 (3) : 256-266 .  131.

Irvine, G.N.;Golubchuk, M.;Anderson, J.A.   The carotenoid pigments of the uredospores of rust fungi .  (Canadian Journal of Agricultural Science).  1954; 34 ( ) : 234-239 .  132.

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Irvine, G.N.;McMullen, M.E.   The "remix" baking test .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (5) : 603-613 .  184.

Irvine, G.N.;Winkler, C.A.   Factors affecting the color of macaroni. II. Kinetic studies of pigment destruction during mixing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1950; 27 (3) : 205-218 .  104.

Irvine, G.N.;Winkler, C.A.   A note on the apparent reversal of the oxidation of carotenoid pigments during mixing of macaroni doughs in 40% alcohol .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1951; 28 (2) : 158-160 .  110.

Irvine, G.N.;Winkler, C.A.;Anderson, J.A.   Factors affecting the color of macaroni. III. Varietal differences in the rate of pigment destruction during mixing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1950; 27 (5) : 367-374 .  106.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Dexter, J.E.; Desjardins, R.G.; Rossnagel, B.G.; Lagasse, S.L.; Hatcher, D.W.   Roller milling of Canadian Hull-less Barley: Optimization of Roller Milling Conditions and Composition of Mill Streams .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2003; 80 (6) : 637-644 .  M292.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Edney, M.J.   Chemistry of Malting .  (Encyclopaedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition).  2003; 6 ( ) : 3677-3685 .  C74.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Hussain, A.; MacGregor, A.W.   Effect of Barley and Barley Components on Rheological Properties of Wheat Dough .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  2001; 34 ( ) : 251-260 .  826.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Jacobs, M.; Dexter, J.E.   Distribution and structural variation of nonstarch polysaccharides in milling fractions of hull-less barley with variable amylose content .  (Cereal Chemistry).  2003; 80 (6) : 645-653 .  M291.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Lagasse, S.L.; Hatcher, D.W.; Dexter, J.E.; Rossnagel, B.G.   The enrichment of Asian noodles with fiber-rich fractions derived from roller milling of hull-less barley .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  2005; 85 (12) : 2094-2104 .  885.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; MacGregor, A.W.   Effects of Malting on Phase Transition Behaviour of Starch in Barley Cultivars with Varying Amylose Content .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  2001; 107 (2) : 119-128 .  810.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Macri, L.J.; MacGregor A.W.   Structure and physicochemical properties of barley non-starch polysaccarides - I. Water-extractable B-glucans and arabinoxylans .  (Carbohydrate Polymers).  1998; 35 ( ) : 249-258 .  759.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Macri, L.J.; MacGregor A.W.   Structure and physicochemical properties of barley non-starch polysaccarides - II. Alkali--extractable B-glucans and arabinoxylans .  (Carbohydrate Polymers).  1998; 35 ( ) : 259-269 .  760.

Izydorczyk, M.S.; Symons, S.J.; Dexter, J.E.   Fractionation of wheat and barley .  (Whole-grain foods in health and disease).  2002;   ( ) : 47-82 .  C68.

Izydorczyk, M.S.;Biliaderis, C. G.;Macri, L.J.;MacGregor, Alex W.   Fractionation of oat (1-3), (1-4)-b-D-Glucans and characterisation of the fractions .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1998; 27 ( ) : 321-325 .  765.

Jelaca, S.L.;Hlynka, I.   Effect of wheat-flour pentosans in dough, gluten, and bread .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1972; 49 ( ) : 489-495 .  315.

Jelaca, S.L.;Hlynka, I.   Water-binding capacity of wheat flour crude pentosans and their relation to mixing characteristics of dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1971; 48 ( ) : 211-222 .  297.

Jensen, S.Aa.;Munck, L.;Kruger, J.E.   A rapid fluorescence method for assessment of pre-harvest sprouting of cereal grains .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1984; 2 ( ) : 187-201 .  533.

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Kent-Jones, D.W.;Geddes, W.F.   A co-operative study of the utility of different methods for evaluating flour strength .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1936; 13 (3) : 239-280 .  21.

Kerber, E.R.;Tipples, K.H.   Effects of the D genome on milling and baking properties of wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1969; 49 ( ) : 255-263 .  278.

Kilborn, R.H.   Minor ingredients as a factor in bread properties .  (Bakers Digest).  1967; 41 (2) : 24-27, 30, 32 .  M070.

Kilborn, R.H.   The application of instrumentation to dough mixing studies in Canada .  (Research Institute of Food Technology).  1977;   ( ) : 50-54 .  374.

Kilborn, R.H.   Mixing curves and energy measurements in test baking .  (Bakers Journal).  1979; 39 ( ) : 18-19, 39-41 .  M113.

Kilborn, R.H.; Dempster, C.J.   Communication to the editor. Power-input meter for laboratory dough mixers .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1965; 42 (4) : 432-435 .  245.

Kilborn, R.H.;Aitken, T.R.   Baking laboratory layout and procedures .  (Cereal Science Today).  1961; 6 (8) : 253-259 .  M046.

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Kilborn, R.H.;Irvine, G.N.   A laboratory moulder for test baking .  (Cereal Science Today).  1963; 8 (10) : 341-342, 344, 356 .  229.

Kilborn, R.H.;Kruger, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   The GRL paste viscosity indicator for rapid determination of alpha-amylase in Canadian red spring wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1989; 69 ( ) : 1093-1100 .  638.

Kilborn, R.H.;Nomura, S.;Preston, K.R.   Sponge-and-dough bread. I. Reduction of fermentation time and bromate requirement by the incorporation of salt in the sponge .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1981; 58 (6) : 508-512 .  474.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   Grain Research Laboratory instrumentation for studying the breadmaking process .  (Rheology of Wheat Products. The American Association of Cereal Chemists).  1985;   ( ) : 133-149 .  M142.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   A dough sheeting and molding property indicator .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (3) : 171-174 .  482.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   Salt used to reduce sponge time .  (Bakers Journal).  1981;   ( ) : 54 .  453.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   A modified extensigraph procedure for measuring the stretching properties of fermented dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (5) : 381-384 .  495.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   A dough height tracker and its potential application to the study of dough characteristics .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1981; 58 (3) : 198-201 .  455.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.   Device senses changes in dough consistency during dough mixing. Part I: with Tweedy mixer .  (Bakers Journal).  1981;   ( ) : 16-19 .  448.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.;Kubota, H.   Description and application of an experimental heat sink oven equipped with a loaf height tracker for the measurement of dough expansion during baking .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1990; 67 (5) : 443-447 .  652.

Kilborn, R.H.;Preston, K.R.;Tipples, K.H.   Effects of fermentation, sponge, salt and oxidation on sponge-and-dough bread quality .  (Proceedings of the International Symposium on Advances in Baking Science and Technology. Dept. of Grain Science, Kansas State University).  1984;   (Section III) : M-1 .  M137.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Studies with a laboratory-scale "acceletron" heat and steam accelerator .  (Bakers Digest).  1970; 44 ( ) : 50-52 .  M093.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Factors affecting mechanical dough development. III. Mechanical efficiency of laboratory dough mixers .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1973; 50 ( ) : 50-69 .  321.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Factors affecting mechanical dough development. II. Implications of mixing at a constant rate of energy input .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1972; 49 ( ) : 48-53 .  309.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Factors affecting mechanical dough development. I. Effect of mixing intensity and work input .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1972; 49 ( ) : 34-47 .  308.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Factors affecting mechanical dough development. IV. Effect of cysteine .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1973; 50 ( ) : 70-86 .  322.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Device senses changes in dough consistency during dough mixing. Part II: With horizontal bar mixer .  (Bakers Journal).  1981;   ( ) : 40-42 .  449.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Heat sink reference oven .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1981; 58 (4) : 295-299 .  457.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   The effect of oxidation and intermediate proof on work requirements for optimum short-process bread .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (5) : 407-412 .  419.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Canadian test baking procedures. II. GRL-Chorleywood method .  (Cereal Foods World).  1981; 26 (11) : 628-630 .  476.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Implications of the mechanical development of bread dough by means of sheeting rolls .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1974; 51 ( ) : 648-657 .  339.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Canadian test baking procedures. I. GRL remix method and variations .  (Cereal Foods World).  1981; 26 (11) : 624-628 .  475.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   The GRL-1000 laboratory dough mixer .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1974; 51 ( ) : 500-508 .  336.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Sponge-and-dough-type bread from mechanically-developed doughs .  (Cereal Science Today).  1968; 13 (1) : 25-28, 30 .  M076.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.   Improved small-scale laboratory mixing unit .  (Cereal Science Today).  1969; 14 (9) : 302-305 .  M081.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tipples, K.H.;Preston, K.R.   Grain Research Laboratory compression tester: Its description and application to measurement of bread-crumb properties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1983; 60 (2) : 134-138 .  504.

Kilborn, R.H.;Tweed, A.R.;Tipples, K.H.   Dough development and baking studies using a pilot scale dough brake .  (Bakers Digest).  1981; 55 (1) : 18-19, 22-24, 26, 28-31 .  445.

Kim, Hyun-Ock;Williams, P.C.   Determination of starch and energy in feed grains by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy .  (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry).  1990; 38 (3) : 682-688 .  642.

Kosmolak, F.G.;Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Leisle, D.;Marchylo, B.A.   A relationship between durum wheat quality and gliadin electrophoregrams .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1980; 60 ( ) : 427-432 .  434.

Kruger, J. E.;Hatcher, D. W.   FY sedimentation test for evaluation of flour quality of Canadian wheats .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1995; 72 (1) : 33-37 .  726.

Kruger, J. E.;Hatcher, D. W.;Dexter, J. E.   Influence of sprout damage on oriental noodle quality .  (7th International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1995;   ( ) : 9-18 .  737.

Kruger, J.E.   On the relationship between free and latent beta-amylases in wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1970; 47 (1) : 79-85 .  286.

Kruger, J.E.   Nephelometric determination of cereal amylases .  (Fourth International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1987;   ( ) : 584-590 .  576.

Kruger, J.E.   Monitoring for sprout-damage in cereals and its implications for end-product quality .  (Fifth International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals, Norway, June 5-9, 1989).  1990;   ( ) : 321-328 .  M160.

Kruger, J.E.   A note on the semiautomated determination of catalase in wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1976; 53 (5) : 796-801 .  357.

Kruger, J.E.   Mobilization of endosperm reserves during germination of wheat .  (Fourth International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1987;   ( ) : 358-369 .  577.

Kruger, J.E.   Severity of sprouting as a factor influencing the distribution of amylase levels in pilot mill streams of Canadian wheats .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1981; 61 ( ) : 817-828 .  473.

Kruger, J.E.   The Canadian grading system for wheat and its implications in the monitoring of sprout-damage .  (Fourth International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1987;   ( ) : 543-549 .  575.

Kruger, J.E.   Model systems for a better understanding of the enzymic degradation of starch during breadmaking .  (Cereal Polysaccharides in Technology and Nutrition).  1984;   ( ) : 23-34 .  M132.

Kruger, J.E.   Rapid analysis of changes in the molecular weight distribution of buffer-soluble proteins during germination of wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1984; 61 (3) : 205-208 .  526.

Kruger, J.E.   Changes in the levels of proteolytic enzymes from hard red spring wheat during growth and maturation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1973; 50 ( ) : 122-131 .  323.

Kruger, J.E.   Effects of proteolytic enzymes on gluten as measured by a stretching test .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1971; 48 ( ) : 121-132 .  295.

Kruger, J.E.   Changes in the amylases of hard red spring wheat during growth and maturation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1972; 49 (4) : 379-390 .  312.

Kruger, J.E.   Progress in the chemistry of some quality-affecting enzymes resulting from pre-harvest sprout damage .  (Cereal Research Communications).  1980; 8 (1) : 39-47 .  M114.

Kruger, J.E.   Purification and some properties of malted-wheat BAPA-ase .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1971; 48 ( ) : 512-522 .  303.

Kruger, J.E.   Changes in the polyphenol oxidases of wheat during kernel growth and maturation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1976; 53 (2) : 201-213 .  349.

Kruger, J.E.   Biochemistry of preharvest sprouting in cereals .  (Preharvest Field Sprouting in Cereals, CRC Press Inc.).  1989;   (Chapter 4) : 61-84 .  M145.

Kruger, J.E.   Modification of wheat beta-amylase by proteolytic enzymes .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (4) : 298-302 .  418.

Kruger, J.E.   Research and testing procedure for oriental noodles at the GRL .  (Cereals '97).  1997;   ( ) : 66-69 .  M241.

Kruger, J.E.   Changes in the amylases of hard red spring wheat during germination .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1972; 49 (4) : 391-398, 737 .  313.

Kruger, J.E.   Changes in the catalases of wheat during kernel growth and maturation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1977; 54 (4) : 820-826 .  372.

Kruger, J.E.   Instrumental assessment of sprout-damage in wheat at primary or terminal receival points .  (Cereal Foods World).  1990; 35 (9) : 935-939 .  M170.

Kruger, J.E.   Biochemistry of pre-harvest sprouting in cereals and practical applications in plant breeding .  (Cereal Research Communications).  1976; 4 (2) : 187-194 .  M104.

Kruger, J.E. ;Hatcher, D.W. ;Anderson, M. J   The effect of incorporation of rye flour on the quality of oriental noodles .  (Food research international).  1998; 31 (1) : 27-35 .  774.

Kruger, J.E.; Hatcher, D.W.   Enzymes and their role in affecting noodle quality .  (Cereals '97).  1997;   ( ) : 100-102 .  M242.

Kruger, J.E.; MacGregor, A.W.; Marchylo, B.A.   Endogenous Cereal Enzymes .  (Food Enzymology).  1991; V.2 (Chapter 17) : 1-46 .  C57.

Kruger, J.E.;Anderson, M.H.;Dexter, J.E.   Effect of flour refinement on raw cantonese noodle color and texture .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1994; 71 (2) : 177-182 .  705.

Kruger, J.E.;Babb, J.C.;Morris, L.J.;Tipples, K.H.   Ability of the Canadian grading system to segregate Canadian wheat by alpha-amylase levels .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1989; 69 ( ) : 39-48 .  623.

Kruger, J.E.;Hatcher, D.W.   A Sensitive kinetic microassay for the determination of wheat-amylase .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1993; 70 (2) : 234-235 .  689.

Kruger, J.E.;Hatcher, D.W.;DePauw, R.   A Whole seed assay of polyphenol oxidase in Canadian prairie spring wheats and its usefulness as a measure of noodle darkening .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1994; 71 (4) : 324-326 .  712.

Kruger, J.E.;LaBerge, D.E.   Changes in peroxidase activity and peroxidase isozyme patterns of wheat during kernel growth and maturation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1974; 51 (3) : 345-354 .  332.

Kruger, J.E.;LaBerge, D.E.   Changes in peroxidase activity and peroxidase isozymes of wheat during germination .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1974; 51 (5) : 578-585 .  338.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   The use of reduced beta-limit dextrin as substrate in an automated amylase assay .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1972; 49 ( ) : 453-458 .  314.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   High-performance aqueous gel permeation chromatographic analysis of beta-limit dextrin hydrolysis by malted hard red spring wheat, malted durum wheat, and fungal (aspergillus oryzae) alpha-amylases .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (6) : 488-492 .  499.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Quantitative analyses by RP-HPLC of storage protein breakdown in Canadian wheat upon germination .  (Fifth International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals, Norway, June 5-9, 1989).  1990;   ( ) : 139-150 .  634.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Selection of column and operating conditions for reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of proteins in Canadian wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1985; 65 ( ) : 285-298 .  553.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   A comparison of the catalysis of starch components by isoenzymes from the two major groups of germinated wheat alpha-amylase .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1985; 62 (1) : 11-18 .  548.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Note on the presence of debranching enzymes in immature wheat kernels .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (4) : 529-533 .  391.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Analysis by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of changes in high molecular weight subunit composition of wheat storage proteins during germination .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1990; 67 (2) : 141-147 .  643.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Examination of the mobilization of storage proteins of wheat kernels during germination by high-performance reversed-phase and gel permeation chromatography .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1985; 62 (1) : 1-5 .  547.

Kruger, J.E.;Marchylo, B.A.;Hatcher, D.W.   Preliminary assessment of a sequential extraction scheme for evaluating quality by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and electrophoretic analysis of gliadins and glutenins .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1988; 65 (3) : 208-214 .  607.

Kruger, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.   Comparison of alpha-amylase and simple sugar levels in sound and germinated durum wheat during pasta processing and spaghetti cooking .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (1) : 26-31 .  480.

Kruger, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Preston, K.   A Comparison of methods for the prediction of Cantonese noodle colour .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1992; 72 ( ) : 1021-1029 .  674.

Kruger, J.E.;Morgan, B.;Preston, K.R.;Matsuo, R.R.   Evaluation of some characteristics of Chinese steamed buns prepared from Canadian wheat flours .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1992; 72 ( ) : 369-375 .  665.

Kruger, J.E.;Preston, K.R.   The distribution of carboxypeptidases in anatomical tissues of developing and germinating wheat kernels .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1977; 54 (1) : 167-174 .  363.

Kruger, J.E.;Preston, K.R.   Changes in aminopeptidases of wheat kernels during growth and maturation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (3) : 360-372 .  388.

Kruger, J.E.;Preston, K.R.   The nature and role of proteolytic enzymes during early germination .  (Cereal Research Communications).  1976; 4 (2) : 213-219 .  348.

Kruger, J.E.;Ranum, P.M.;MacGregor, A.W.   Note on the determination of alpha-amylase with the Perkin Elmer Model 191 grain amylase analyzer .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (3) : 209-212 .  411.

Kruger, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Relationships between falling number, amylograph viscosity and alpha-amylase activity in Canadian wheat .  (Cereal Research Communications).  1980; 8 (1) : 97-105 .  420.

Kruger, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Modified procedure for use of the Perkin-Elmer model 191 grain amylase analyzer in determining low levels of alpha-amylase in wheats and flours .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1981; 58 (4) : 271-274 .  461.

Kruger, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Some experiences with monitoring alpha-amylase levels in Canadian wheat .  (Third International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1983;   ( ) : 125-131 .  491.

Kruger, J.E.;Tipples, K.H.   Comparison of the Hagberg falling number and modified grain amylase analyzer methods for estimating sprout damage in rye .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1982; 62 ( ) : 839-844 .  502.

Kruger, J.E.;Tkachuk, R.   Wheat alpha-amylases. I. Isolation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1969; 46 (2) : 219-226 .  275.

Kulp, K.;Ranum, P.M.;Williams, P.C.;Yamazaki, W.T.   Natural levels of nutrients in commercially milled wheat flours. I. Description of samples and proximate analysis .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1980; 57 (1) : 54-58 .  432.

LaBerge, D.E.   Anatomical distribution of peroxidase isozymes in barley kernels .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1975; 55 (3) : 661-666 .  344.

LaBerge, D.E.   Determination of specific gravity of malt extracts, worts, and beer .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1979; 37 (2) : 105-106 .  408.

LaBerge, D.E.;Clayton, J.W.;Meredith, W.O.S.   The effect of thioglycerol on the chromatographic and electrophoretic behavior of barley beta-amylases .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1967;   ( ) : 18-23 .  265.

LaBerge, D.E.;Kruger, J.E.   Changes in barley peroxidase activity during kernel development .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1976; 53 (5) : 762-767 .  356.

LaBerge, D.E.;Kruger, J.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Peroxidase isozymes in mature barley kernels .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1973; 53 (4) : 705-713 .  326.

LaBerge, D.E.;MacGregor, A.W.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Changes in the free sugar content of barley kernels during maturation .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1973; 79 (6) : 471-477 .  327.

LaBerge, D.E.;MacGregor, A.W.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Changes in alpha-and beta-amylase activities during the maturation of different barley cultivars .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1971; 51 ( ) : 469-477, 861 .  304.

LaBerge, D.E.;MacGregor, A.W.;Metcalfe, D.R.   Screening for high-lysine cultivars in a barley breeding program .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1976; 56 ( ) : 817-821 .  360.

LaBerge, D.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Changes in beta-amylase enzymes during kernel development of barley and the effect of papain as an extractant .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1986; 44 (1) : 16-19 .  565.

LaBerge, D.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Heterogeneity of the beta-amylase enzymes of barley .  (American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1983; 41 (4) : 120-124 .  520.

LaBerge, D.E.;Marchylo, B.A.   Changes in beta-amylase enzymes of barley during malting .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1987; 45 (4) : 140-145 .  594.

LaBerge, D.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Factors affecting losses of sugars during acid hydrolysis of polysaccharides .  (Laboratory Practice).  1970; 19 (11) : 1121-1123 .  293.

LaBerge, D.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   The beta-amylase enzymes of barley and malt. I. Purification of the malt enzymes .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1971; 77 (5) : 436-442 .  299.

LaBerge, D.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   The chromatographic properties of barley and malt beta-amylases .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1969; 75 (1) : 19-25 .  272.

LaBerge, D.E.;Metcalfe, D.R.;Tkachuk, R.   Comparison of methods for lysine screening in barley .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1976; 56 ( ) : 25-30 .  352.

Larmour, R.K.;Hulse, J.H.;Anderson, J.A.;Dempster, C.J.   Effect of package type on stored flour and farina .  (Cereal Science Today).  1961; 6 (5) : 158-164 .  196.

Law, D.P.;Tkachuk, R.   Near infrared diffuse reflectance spectra of wheat and wheat components .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1977; 54 (2) : 256-265 .  366.

Law, D.P.;Tkachuk, R.   Determination of moisture content in wheat by near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectrophotometry .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1977; 54 (4) : 874-881 .  376.

Lazaridou, Athina; Biliaderis, Costas G.; Roukas, Triantafyllos; Izydorczyk, Marta   Production and characterization of pullulan from beet molasses using a nonpigmented strain of Aureobasidium pullulans in batch culture .  (Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology).  2002; 97 ( ) : 1-22 .  M288.

Lee, C.C.;Tkachuk, R.   A note on self-diffusion in dough containing Br82-labeled bromate .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1961; 38 (2) : 194-197 .  190.

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Lehberg, F.H.;Geddes, W.F.   Flax studies. III. A refractometric method for the estimation of iodine value of raw linseed oil .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1937; 15 ( ) : 349-361 .  28.

Lehberg, F.H.;McGregor, W.G.;Geddes, W.F.   Flax studies. IV. The physical and chemical characteristics of flaxseed at progressive stages of maturity .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1939; 17 ( ) : 181-194 .  43.

Lenoir, P.;MacGregor, A.W.;Moll, M.;Daussant, J.   Physiologie vegetale. Identification de la R-enzyme de l'orge et du malt par focalisation isoelectrique .  (Comptes Rendus Des Sciences de l'Academie des Sciences.).  1984; 3 (8) : 243-248 .  539.

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Levi, I.;Mazur, P.B.;Nowicki, T.W.   Rapid screening method for the determination of organochlorine pesticide residues in wheat by electron capture gas chromatography .  (Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists).  1972; 55 (4) : 794-799 .  316.

Levi, I.;Nowicki, T.W.   Spurious GLC peaks in cereal grains stored in cloth bags .  (Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology).  1972; 7 (2/3) : 133-136 .  301.

Levi, I.;Nowicki, T.W.   Interfering GLC peaks from materials and chemicals in pesticide residue analysis .  (Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology).  1972; 7 (4) : 193-199 .  307.

Levi, I.;Nowicki, T.W.   Fritted disc funnels and tapered stainless steel tubes and stoppers for use in pesticide residue analysis .  (Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology).  1973; 9 (1) : 20-23 .  317.

Levi, I.;Nowicki, T.W.   Rapid screening method for simultaneous determination of organochlorine and organophosphate pesticide residues in wheat by gas-liquid chromatography .  (Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists).  1974; 57 (4) : 924-929 .  335.

Lukow, O.M.; Preston, K.R.   Effects of protein content on wheat quality .  (Wheat protein production and marketing).  1998;   ( ) : 48-52 .  M237.

Lukow, O.M.;Payne, P.I.;Tkachuk, R.   The HMW glutenin subunit composition of Canadian wheat cultivars and their association with bread-making quality .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  1989; 46 ( ) : 451-460 .  613.

MacGregor, A. W.   Opportunities for improving malting barley quality through genetic engineering .  (Cereals '95 : Proceedings of the 45th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Adelaide, South Australia, September 10-14, 1995).  1995;   ( ) : 128-132 .  M205.

MacGregor, A. W.   Biochemistry of malting : the way forward .  (Proceedings of the 5th International Oat Conference and 7th International Barley Genetics Symposium, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, July 30-August 6, 1996).  1996; 1 ( ) : 1-6 .  M207.

MacGregor, A. W.   Constraints on starch breakdown during mashing .  (Proceedings of the 7th Australian Barley Technical Symposium, Perth, Western Australia, September 17-21, 1995).  1995;   ( ) : 151-155 .  M204.

MacGregor, A. W.   Malting and brewing science : challenges and opportunities .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1996; 102 ( ) : 97-102 .  M201.

MacGregor, A. W.;Macri, L. J.;Bazin, S. L.;Sadler, G. W.   Limit dextrinase inhibitor in barley and malt and its possible role in malting and brewing .  (EBC Congress 1995).  1995;   ( ) : 185-192 .  M195.

MacGregor, A. W.;Morgan, J.E.;and MacGregor, E.A.   The Action of germinated barley alpha-amylases on linear maltodextrins. .  (Carbohydrate Research).  1992; 227 ( ) : 301-313 .  671.

MacGregor, A.W.   Effect of substrate on the electrophoretic mobility of alpha-amylase .  (Analytical Biochemistry).  1977; 79 ( ) : 605-609 .  369.

MacGregor, A.W.   Isolation of large and small granules of barley starch and a study of factors influencing the adsorption of barley malt alpha-amylase by these granules .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (5) : 430-434 .  417.

MacGregor, A.W.   Changes in alpha-amylase enzymes during germination .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1978; 36 (1) : 1-5 .  377.

MacGregor, A.W.   Cereal endosperm degradation during initial stages of germination .  (Third International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1983;   ( ) : 162-168 .  492.

MacGregor, A.W.   Isolation, purification and electrophoretic properties of an alpha-amylase from malted barley .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1977; 83 ( ) : 100-103 .  371.

MacGregor, A.W.   The effect of barley structure and composition on malt quality. .  (Invited Lectures-EBC Congress).  1991;   ( ) : 37-50 .  M173.

MacGregor, A.W.   Alpha-amylase, limit dextrinase, and alpha-glucosidase enzymes in barley and malt .  (CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology).  1987; 5 (2) : 117-128 .  M147.

MacGregor, A.W.   Action of malt alpha-amylases on barley starch granules .  (Master Brewers Association of America Technical Quarterly).  1980; 17 (4) : 215-221 .  452.

MacGregor, A.W.   Barley .  (Encyclopaedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition).  2003; 1 ( ) : 379-382 .  C72.

MacGregor, A.W.   Starch degrading enzymes .  (Ferment).  1991; 4 (3) : 178-182 .  M213.

MacGregor, A.W.   A note on the formation of alpha-amylase in de-embryonated barley kernels .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1976; 53 (5) : 792-796 .  355.

MacGregor, A.W.   Cereal alpha-amylases: synthesis and action pattern .  (Seed Proteins, Annual Proceedings of the Phytochemical Society of Europe).  1982; 20, Chapter 1 ( ) : 1-34 .  500.

MacGregor, A.W.   Alpha-amylase I from malted barley. Physical properties and action pattern on amylose .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (5) : 754-765 .  398.

Macgregor, A.W. Bazin, S.L.; Schroeder, S.W.   Effect of Starch Hydrolysis Products on the Determination of Limit Dextrinase and Limit Dextrinase Inhibitors in Barley and Malt .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  2002; 35 ( ) : 17-28 .  819.

MacGregor, A.W.; Bazin, S.L.; Izydorczyk, M.S.   Gelatinisation Characteristics and Enzyme Susceptibility of Different Types of Barley Starch in the Temperature Range 48-72ºC .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  2002; 108 (1) : 43-47 .  823.

MacGregor, A.W.; Bazin, S.L.; Macri, L.J.; Babb, J.C.   Modelling the contribution of Alpha-Amylase, Beta-Amylase and limit dextrinase to starch degradation during mashing .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1999; 29 ( ) : 161-169 .  780.

MacGregor, A.W.; Dushnicky, L.   Development and maturation of barley kernel tissues: a microscopy study .  (Barley Genetics V).  1986; V ( ) : 793-799 .  M216.

MacGregor, A.W.;Ballance, D.   Quantitative determination of alpha-amylase enzymes in germinated barley after separation by isoelelectricfocusing .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1980; 86 ( ) : 131-133 .  425.

MacGregor, A.W.;Ballance, D.L.   Hydrolysis of large and small starch granules from normal and waxy barley cultivars by alpha-amylases from barley malt .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1980; 57 (6) : 397-402 .  439.

MacGregor, A.W.;Ballance, G.M.;Dushnicky, L.   Fluorescence microscopy studies on (1,3)-beta-d-glucan in barley endosperm .  (Food Microstructure).  1989; 8 ( ) : 235-244 .  637.

MacGregor, A.W.;Daussant, J.   Evolution of alpha-amylase components during initial stages of barley germination with and without prior steeping .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1979; 56 (6) : 541-545 .  424.

MacGregor, A.W.;Daussant, J.   Isoelectricfocusing and immunochemical analysis of germinated barley alpha-amylases after freeze-drying and kilning .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1981; 87 ( ) : 155-157 .  451.

MacGregor, A.W.;Daussant, J.;Niku-Paavola, M.L.   Further purification and characterization of a new amylase found in barley .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  1979; 30 ( ) : 1071-1076 .  422.

MacGregor, A.W.;Dushnicky, L.   Alpha-amylase in developing barley kernels - a reappraisal .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1989; 95 ( ) : 29-33 .  612.

MacGregor, A.W.;Dushnicky, L.   Starch degradation in endosperms of developing barley kernels .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1989; 95 ( ) : 321-325 .  632.

MacGregor, A.W.;Dushnicky, L.   Changes in the structure and composition of barley kernels during development .  (Proceedings of the 39th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Perth, W A, 11th-14th Sept).  1989;   ( ) : 80-82 .  M161.

MacGregor, A.W.;Dushnicky, L.G.;Schroeder, S.W.;Ballance, G.M.   Changes in barley endosperms during early stages of germination .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1994; 100 ( ) : 85-90 .  701.

MacGregor, A.W.;Dushnicky, Len   Development and maturation of barley kernel tissues: a microscopy study .  (Barley Genetics V. Proceedings of the Fifth International Barley Genetics Symposium. October 6-11, 1986. Okayama, Japan).  1986;   ( ) : 793-799 .  M223.

MacGregor, A.W.;Gordon, A.G.;Meredith, W.O.S.;Lacroix, L.   Site of alpha-amylase in developing barley kernels .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1972; 78 (2) : 174-179 .  310.

MacGregor, A.W.;LaBerge, D.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Changes in barley kernels during growth and maturation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1971; 48 ( ) : 255-269 .  296.

MacGregor, A.W.;LaBerge, D.E.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Separation of alpha-and beta-amylase enzymes from barley malt by ion-exchange chromatography .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1971; 48 ( ) : 490-498 .  302.

MacGregor, A.W.;Lenoir, C.E.   Studies on alpha-glucosidase in barley and malt .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1987; 93 ( ) : 334-337 .  567.

MacGregor, A.W.;MacDougall, F.H.;Mayer, C.;Daussant, J.   Changes in levels of alpha-amylase components in barley tissues during germination and early seedling growth .  (Plant Physiology).  1984; 75 ( ) : 203-206 .  531.

MacGregor, A.W.;MacGregor, E.A.   The action of cereal alpha-amylases on solubilized starch and cereal starch granules. .  (New Approaches to Research on Cereal Carbohydrates: Progress in Biotechnology).  1985; 1 ( ) : 149-160 .  535.

MacGregor, A.W.;Macri, L.J.;Schroeder, S.W.;Bazin, S.L.   Purification and characterisation of limit dextrinase inhibitors from barley .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1994; 20 ( ) : 33-41 .  713.

MacGregor, A.W.;Macri, L.J.;Schroeder, S.W.;Bazin, S.L.   Limit dextrinase from malted barley: extraction, purification, and characterization .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1994; 71 (6) : 610-617 .  721.

MacGregor, A.W.;Marchylo, B.A.   Alpha-amylase components in excised, incubated barley embryos .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1986; 92 ( ) : 159-161 .  557.

MacGregor, A.W.;Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.   Multiple alpha-amylase components in germinated cereal grains determined by isoelectric focusing and chromatofocusing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1988; 65 (4) : 326-333 .  611.

MacGregor, A.W.;Matsuo, R.R.   Starch degradation in endosperms of barley and wheat kernels during initial stages of germination .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (3) : 210-216 .  486.

MacGregor, A.W.;Meredith, W.O.S.   A low pH disc electrophoresis system for studying alpha-amylase enzymes .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1971; 77 (6) : 510-512 .  305.

MacGregor, A.W.;Morgan, J.E.   Structure of amylopectins isolated from large and small starch granules of normal and waxy barley .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1984; 61 (3) : 222-228 .  528.

MacGregor, A.W.;Morgan, J.E.   Determination of specific activities of malt-amylases .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1992; 16 ( ) : 267-277 .  679.

MacGregor, A.W.;Morgan, J.E.   Hydrolysis of barley starch granules by alpha-amylases from barley malt .  (Cereal Foods World).  1986; 31 (9) : 688-693 .  586.

MacGregor, A.W.;Morgan, J.E.   Properties of alpha-amylase from malted barley .  (Proceedings of the 39th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Perth, W A, 11th-14th Sept).  1989;   ( ) : 70-74 .  M162.

MacGregor, A.W.;Nicholls, P.B.;Dushnicky, L.   Endosperm degradation in barley kernels that synthesize alpha-amylase in the absence of embryos and exogenous gibberellic acid .  (Food Microstructure).  1983; 2 ( ) : 13-22 .  512.

MacGregor, A.W.;Thompson, R.G.;Meredith, W.O.S.   Alpha-amylase from immature barley: Purification and properties .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1974; 80 ( ) : 181-187 .  331.

MacGregor, A.W.;Weslake, R.J.;Hill, R.D.;Morgan, J.E.   Effect of an alpha-amylase inhibitor from barley kernels on the formation of products during the hydrolysis of amylose and starch granules by alpha-amylase II from malted barley .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1986; 4 ( ) : 125-132 .  568.

MacGregor, A.W.;Yin, X.S.   Beta-glucan solubilase from barley-further observations .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1990; 48 (2) : 82-84 .  645.

MacGregor, E.A.; Bazin, S.L.; Ens, E.W.; Lahnstein, J.; Macri, L.J.; Shirley, N.J.; MacGregor, A.W.   Structural Models of Limit Dextrinase Inhibitors from Barley .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  2000; 31 ( ) : 79-90 .  787.

MacGregor, E.A.;MacGregor, A.W.   A model for the action of cereal alpha-amylases on amylose .  (Carbohydrate Research).  1985; 142 ( ) : 223-236 .  562.

MacGregor, E.A.;MacGregor, A.W.   Studies of cereal alpha-amylases using cloned DNA .  (CRC Critical Reviews in Biotechnology).  1987; 5 (2) : 129-142 .  M146.

MacGregor, E.A.;MacGregor, Alex W.;Macri, L.J.   Influence of pH on the hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl maltodextrins by alpha-amylase 2 from malted barley .  (Carbohydrate Research).  1998; 313 ( ) : 139-143 .  773.

MacGregor, E.A.;MacGregor, Alex W.;Macri, L.J.;Morgan, Joan E.   Models for the action of barley alpha-amylase isozymes on linear substrates .  (Carbohydrate Research).  1994; 257 ( ) : 249-268 .  708.

Macri, L.J.; MacGregor, A.W.;Schroeder, S.W.;Bazin, S.L.   Detection of a limit dextrinase inhibitor in barley .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1993; 18 ( ) : 103-106 .  696.

Mailer, R. J.;Daun, J. K.;Scarth, R.   Optimisation and evaluation of reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography for cultivar identification of Brassica napus L. .  (GCIRC Bulletin).  1995; 11 ( ) : 106-113 .  M187.

Mailer, R.J.;Daun, J.;Scarth, R.   Cultivar identification in Brassica napus L. by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of ethanol extracts .  (Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society).  1993; 70 (9) : 863-866 .  697.

Malcolmson, L.J.; Przybylski, R.; Daun, J.K   Storage Stability of Milled Flaxseed .  (JAOCS).  2000; 77 (3) : 235-238 .  797.

Malcolmson, L.J.;Matsuo, R.R.   Effects of cooking water composition on stickiness and cooking loss of spaghetti .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1993; 70 (3) : 272-275 .  677.

Malcolmson, L.J.;Matsuo, R.R.;Balshaw, R.   Textural optimization of spaghetti using response surface methodology effects of drying temperature and durum protein level .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1993; 70 (4) : 417-423 .  682.

Malcolmson, L.J.;Matsuo, R.R.;Balshaw, R.   Effects of drying temperature and farina blending on spaghetti quality using response surface methodolgy .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1993; 70 (1) : 1-7 .  681.

Malley, Diane; Williams Phil   Making light work in analysis of oilseeds, fibre, and fermented beverages .  (The Hemp Commerce & Farming Report).  1999; 1 (2) :   .  M277.

Malloch, J.G.;Geddes, W.F.;Larmour, R.K.;McCalla, A.G.   The quality and grading of frosted wheat. Annual surveys of the 1930 to 1935 western Canadian crops .  (Canadian Journal of Research, C.).  1937; 15 ( ) : 567-592 .  34.

Marchylo, B.A.   Practical considerations in the RP-HPLC analysis of cereal and legume proteins .  (HPLC: high-performance liquid chromatography of cereal and legume proteins).  1994;   ( ) : 15-50 .  C43.

Marchylo, B.A.   Barley cultivar identification by SDS gradient page analysis of hordein .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1987; 67 ( ) : 927-944 .  596.

Marchylo, B.A.   Identification of Canadian and American wheat cultivars by SDS gradient page analysis of gliadin and glutenin subunits .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1987; 67 ( ) : 945-952 .  597.

Marchylo, B.A.; Dexter, J.E.   Durum wheat and pasta quality now and into the 21st century .  (Cereals '96).  1996;   ( ) : 345-352 .  M243.

Marchylo, B.A.; Dexter, J.E.   Wheat gluten - more than just bread! Pasta. .  (PBI Bulletin).  1997;   (September) : 8-9 .  M215.

Marchylo, B.A.; Dexter, J.E. and Malcolmson, L.J.   Improving the texture of pasta .  (Texture in food: solid foods).  2004; 2 ( ) : 475-500 .  861.

Marchylo, B.A.; Dexter, J.E.; Clark, F.R.; Clarke J.M.; Preston, K.R.   Relationships among bread-making quality, gluten strength, physical dough properties, and pasta cooking quality for some Canadian durum wheat genotypes .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  2001; 81 ( ) : 611-620 .  818.

Marchylo, B.A.; Dexter, J.E.; Clarke, J.M.; Ames, N.   Effects of protein content on CWAD quality .  (Wheat protein production and marketing).  1998;   ( ) : 53-62 .  M226.

Marchylo, B.A.; Lukow, O.M.; Kruger, J.E.   Quantitative variation in high molecular weight glutenin subunit 7 in some Canadian wheats. .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1992; 15 ( ) : 29-37 .  658.

Marchylo, B.A.;Handel, K.A.;Mellish, V.J.   Fast horizontal sodium dodecyl sulfate gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis for rapid wheat cultivar identification and analysis of high molecular weight glutenin subunits .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1989; 66 (3) : 186-192 .  627.

Marchylo, B.A.;Hatcher, D.W.;Kruger, J.E.   Identification of wheat cultivars by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography of storage proteins .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1988; 65 (1) : 28-40 .  601.

Marchylo, B.A.;Hatcher, D.W.;Kruger, J.E.;Kirkland, J.J.   Reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of wheat proteins using a new, highly stable column .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1992; 69 (4) : 371-378 .  670.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.   Identification of Canadian barley cultivars by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1984; 61 (4) : 295-301 .  537.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.   Degradation of starch granules in maturing wheat and its relationship to alpha-amylase production by the embryo .  (Fourth International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1987;   ( ) : 483-493 .  572.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.   A sensitive automated method for the determination of alpha-amylase in wheat flour .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (2) : 188-196 .  382.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.   The effect of injection volume on the quantitative analysis of wheat storage proteins by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1988; 65 (3) : 192-198 .  606.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.   Separation of wheat alpha-amylase isoenzymes by chromatofocusing .  (Third International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1983;   ( ) : 96-104 .  490.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.   Assessment of RP-HPLC columns to separate hordein proteins and identify cultivars of barley and barley malt .  (Journal of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1985; 43 (1) : 29-35 .  554.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.;Hatcher, D.   High-performance liquid chromatographic and electrophoretic analysis of hordein during malting for two barley varieties of contrasting malting quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1986; 63 (3) : 219-231 .  580.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.;Hatcher, D.W.   Effect of environment on wheat storage proteins as determined by quantitative reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1990; 67 (4) : 372-376 .  647.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.;Hatcher, D.W.   Quantitative reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of wheat storage proteins as a potential quality prediction tool .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1989; 9 ( ) : 113-130 .  624.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.;Irvine, G.N.   Alpha-amylase from immature hard red spring wheat. I. Purification and some chemical and physical properties .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1976; 53 (2) : 157-173 .  350.

Marchylo, B.A.;Kruger, J.E.;MacGregor, A.W.   Production of multiple forms of alpha-amylase in germinated, incubated, whole, de-embryonated wheat kernels .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1984; 61 (4) : 305-310 .  538.

Marchylo, B.A.;LaBerge, D.E.   Barley cultivar identification by electrophoretic analysis of hordein proteins. I. Extraction and separation of hordein proteins and environmental effects on the hordein electrophoregram .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1980; 60 ( ) : 1343-1350 .  444.

Marchylo, B.A.;LaBerge, D.E.   Barley cultivar identification by scanning electron microscopic analysis of the rachilla .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1981; 61 ( ) : 535-542 .  446.

Marchylo, B.A.;LaBerge, D.E.   Barley cultivar identification by electrophoretic analysis of hordein proteins. II. Catalogue of electrophoregram formulae for Canadian-grown barley cultivars .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1981; 61 ( ) : 859-870 .  459.

Marchylo, B.A.;LaCroix, L.J.;Kruger, J.E.   Alpha-amylase synthesis in wheat kernels as influenced by the seed coat .  (Plant Physiology).  1981; 67 ( ) : 89-91 .  447.

Marchylo, B.A.;LaCroix, L.J.;Kruger, J.E.   The synthesis of alpha-amylase in specific tissues of the immature wheat kernel .  (Cereal Research Communications).  1980; 8 (1) : 61-68 .  421.

Marchylo, B.A.;LaCroix, L.J.;Kruger, J.E.   Alpha-amylase isoenzymes in Canadian wheat cultivars during kernel growth and maturation .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1980; 60 ( ) : 433-443 .  426.

Marchylo, B.A.;MacGregor, A.W.   Separation of barley malt alpha-amylase by chromatofocusing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1983; 60 (4) : 311-314 .  510.

Marchylo, B.A.;MacGregor, A.W.;Kruger, J.E.   Quantitative analysis of multiple forms of alpha-amylase produced in germinating cereals .  (Fourth International Symposium on Pre-harvest Sprouting in Cereals).  1987;   ( ) : 522-533 .  571.

Marchylo, B.A.;MacGregor, A.W.;Kruger, J.E.   Production of alpha-amylases in germinating whole and incubating de-embryonated barley kernels .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1985; 91 ( ) : 161-165 .  544.

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Marchylo, B.A.;Mellish, V.J.   Comparison of some electrophoretic techniques for wheat and barley varietal identification .  (IV International Symposium on Development and Application of New Technologies for Varietal Identification).  1991;   ( ) :   .  630.

Marek, C.J.;Bushuk, W.   Study of gas production and retention in doughs with a modified Brabender oven-rise recorder .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1967; 44 (3) : 300-307 .  263.

Marek, C.J.;Bushuk, W.;Irvine, G.N.   Gas production & retention during proofing of bread doughs .  (Cereal Science Today).  1968; 13 (1) : 4-6, 13 .  M074.

Markowski, M.; Cenkowski, S.; Hatcher, D.W.; Dexter, J.E.; Edwards, N.M.   The effect of superheated-steam dehydration kinetics on textural properties of asian noodles .  (Transactions of the ASAE).  2003; 46 (2) : 389-395 .  852.

Martens, V.G.;Hlynka, I.   Protein content of Canadian wheat 1927-1968 .  (Board of Grain Commissioners for Canada, Department of Agriculture, Canada).  1969;   ( ) :   .  M089.

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Martin, V.G.;Anderson, J.A.   Apparatus and technique for photographing grain kernels and small objects .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1946; 26 (9) : 419-425 .  86.

Martin, V.G.;Irvine, G.N.;Anderson, J.A.   A micro method for making macaroni .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1946; 23 (6) : 568-579 .  85.

Matsumoto, H.;Hlynka, I.   Some aspects of the sulfhydryl-disulfide system in flour and dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1959; 36 (6) : 513-521 .  176.

Matsumoto, H.;Nishiyama, J.;Hlynka, I.   Internal pressure in yeasted dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1971; 48 (6) : 669-676 .  306.

Matsumoto, H.;Nishiyama, J.;Hlynka, I.   Internal pressure in yeasted dough II. .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1973; 50 ( ) : 363-371 .  324.

Matsumoto, H.;Oshima, I.;Hlynka, I.   Effect of bisulfite and acetaldehyde on the disulfide linkage in wheat protein .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1960; 37 (6) : 710-720 .  185.

Matsuo, R.R.   Uniqueness of pasta .  (Cereal Foods World).  1975; 20 (10) : 485-486, 490 .  M105.

Matsuo, R.R.   Quality evaluation of new durum wheat varieties in Canada .  (Getreide, Mehl und Brot).  1974; 28 (7) : 169-171 .  M101.

Matsuo, R.R.   Note on a method for testing gluten strength .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (2) : 259-262 .  384.

Matsuo, R.R.;Bradley, J.W.;Irvine, G.N.   Studies on pigment destruction during spaghetti processing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1970; 47 (1) : 1-5 .  285.

Matsuo, R.R.;Bradley, J.W.;Irvine, G.N.   Effect of protein content on the cooking quality of spaghetti .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1972; 49 ( ) : 707-711 .  320.

Matsuo, R.R.;Dexter, J.E.   Comparison of experimentally milled durum wheat semolina to semolina produced by some Canadian commercial mills .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1980; 57 (2) : 117-122 .  433.

Matsuo, R.R.;Dexter, J.E.   Relationship between some durum wheat physical characteristics and semolina milling properties .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  1980; 60 ( ) : 49-53 .  430.

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Matsuo, R.R.;Dexter, J.E.;Dronzek, B.L.   Scanning electron microscopy study of spaghetti processing .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (5) : 744-753 .  395.

Matsuo, R.R.;Dexter, J.E.;Kosmolak, F.G.;Leisle, D.   Statistical evaluation of tests for assessing spaghetti-making quality of durum wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (3) : 222-228 .  487.

Matsuo, R.R.;Dexter, J.E.;MacGregor, A.W.   Effect of sprout damage on durum wheat and spaghetti quality .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (6) : 468-472 .  483.

Matsuo, R.R.;Irvine, G.N.   Rheology of durum wheat products .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1975; 52 ( ) : 131r-135r .  341.

Matsuo, R.R.;Irvine, G.N.   Research note- Relationship between the GRL spaghetti tenderness tester and sensory testing of cooked spaghetti .  (Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology Journal).  1974; 7 (2) : 155-156 .  329.

Matsuo, R.R.;Irvine, G.N.   Effect of gluten on the cooking quality of spaghetti .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1970; 47 (2) : 173-180 .  287.

Matsuo, R.R.;Irvine, G.N.   Macaroni brownness .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1967; 44 (1) : 78-85 .  261.

Matsuo, R.R.;Irvine, G.N.   Note on an improved apparatus for testing spaghetti tenderness .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1971; 48 ( ) : 554-558 .  300.

Matsuo, R.R.;Irvine, G.N.   Spaghetti tenderness testing apparatus .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1969; 46 (1) : 1-06 .  274.

Matsuo, R.R.;Malcolmson, L.J.;Edwards, N.M.;Dexter, J.E.   A colorimetric method for estimating spaghetti cooking losses .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1992; 69 (1) : 27-29 .  664.

Matsuo, R.R.;McCalla, A.G.   Physicochemical properties of gluten from three types of wheat .  (Canadian Journal of Biochemistry).  1964; 42 ( ) : 1487-1498 .  241.

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McComb, Mark E.; Oleschuk, Richard D.; Chow, Art; Perreault, Helene; Dworschak, Ragnar G; Znamirowsk, Marek; Ens, Werner; Standing, Kenneth G.; Preston, Ken R.   Application of nonporous polyurethane (PU) membranes and porous PU thin films as sample supports for MALDI-MS of wheat proteins .  (Canadian Journal of Chemistry).  2001; 79 ( ) : 437-447 .  858.

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Meredith, P.;Bushuk, W.   The effects of iodate, N-ethylmaleimide, and oxygen on the mixing tolerance of doughs .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1962; 39 (6) : 411-426 .  215.

Meredith, P.;Hlynka, I.   The action of reducing agents on dough .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1964; 41 (4) : 286-299 .  232.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Inter-laboratory errors in malt analyses as determined from the results of check test over five years .  (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1947;   ( ) :   .  91.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Combined action of alpha-and beta-amylases in saccharification .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1965;   ( ) : 5-10 .  250.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Studies on wort nitrogen. IV. Starch gel electrophoresis of TCA precipitates .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1963;   ( ) : 5-11 .  224.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Observations on studies on the composition of chill haze and its origin .  (Brewers Digest).  1963; 38 (9) : 54-58 .  219.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Betrachtungen und untersuchungen uber zusammensetzung und herkunft der kaltetrubung. .  (Brauwissenschaft).  1963; 16 (6) : 215-221 .  219.

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Meredith, W.O.S.   Studies on wort nitrogen .  (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1947;   ( ) :   .  92.

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Meredith, W.O.S.   Distribution of protein and free and bound amylase in cereal species .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1966;   ( ) : 32-38 .  255.

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Meredith, W.O.S.   Anthocyanogen contents of barley, malt, and beer. II. Location and methods of extraction of barley and malt anthocyanogens .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1961;   ( ) : 56-60 .  201.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Analysis of data for A.A.C.C. check sample service. II. Protein and thiamine results, 1944-45 .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1946; 23 (6) : 585-590 .  87.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Free pentoses in malt extracts and worts .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1957; 34 (4) : 246-251 .  159.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Note on the malting quality of peeled barley .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1959; 65 (1) : 31-33 .  168.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Wort properies: A review .  (Wallerstein Laboratories Communications).  1950; 13 (42) : 223-238 .  M008.

Meredith, W.O.S.   A simplified procedure for the determination of barley extract .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1947; 24 (3) : 225-227 .  90.

Meredith, W.O.S.   A note on the calculation of wort nitrogen content .  (Brewing Chemist's News Letter).  1947; 7 (3) : 1-3 .  93.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Barley research and the changes in pattern of Canadian barley production .  (Proceedings of the Canadian Barley and Oil Seeds Conference).  1962;   ( ) : 55-61 .  M051.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Studies on wort nitrogen. II. Fractionation .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1959;   ( ) : 125-128 .  177.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Malting quality of Canadian barleys: V. Summary of seven years tests on Montcalm, a new smooth awned variety .  (Scientific Agriculture).  1946; 26 (11) : 560-565 .  89.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Analysis of data for A.A.C.C. check sample service. I. Protein and thiamine results, 1943-44 .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1945; 22 (5) : 437-448 .  77.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Anthocyanogen contents of barley, malts, and beer. I. Methods of analysis .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1960;   ( ) : 48-50 .  187.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Barley and malt gums: A review .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists, Annual Meeting).  1952;   ( ) : 93-97 .  M013.

Meredith, W.O.S.   Note on the adsorption of chill haze protein from barley, malt, wort and beer by nylon .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1961; 67 (3) : 254-256 .  194.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.   Biochemistry of the malting process .  (Wallerstein Laboratories Communications).  1953; 16 (53) : 169-179 .  M019.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.   Laboratory evaluation of the malting quality of Montcalm - a new smooth awned variety .  (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1946;   ( ) : 1-11 .  88.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.   Malting quality of Canadian barleys. VI. Commercial shipments .  (Agricultural Institute Review).  1952;   ( ) :   .  117.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.   Comparisons between malt and barley gums isolated by various procedures .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1955; 32 (3) : 183-191 .  139.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Anderson, J.A.;Hudson, L.E.   Evaluation of malting barley .  (Barley and Malt - Biology, Biochemistry, and Technology).  1962;   (Chapter 6) : 207-270 .  M047.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Bass, E.J.;Anderson, J.A.   Some characteristics of barley, malt and wort gums .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1951; 28 (3) : 177-188 .  108.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Bendelow, V.M.   Additional criteria of malting quality in varietal studies .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1956;   ( ) : 77-82 .  164.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Bettner, R.E.   Comparison of EBC and ASBC malt mills for malt analysis .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1964;   ( ) : 119-124 .  237.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Bettner, R.E.;Anderson, J.A.   Laboratory drum-malting equipment .  (Proceedings of the European Brewery Convention).  1957;   ( ) : 92-103 .  161.

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Meredith, W.O.S.;Madden, M.G.   Studies on wort nitrogen. III. Effects on brewing properties of varietal and environmental differences in nitrogen level .  (Proceedings of the American Society of Brewing Chemists).  1961;   ( ) : 51-55 .  200.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Sallans, H.R.   Varietal differences in barleys and malts. XIV. Intervarietal relations between wort properties and barley and malt properties .  (Canadian Journal of Research, F.).  1945; 23 ( ) : 132-142 .  75.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Tkachuk, R.   Chill haze protein of barley, malt and beer .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1964; 70 (5) : 410-415 .  239.

Meredith, W.O.S.;Watts, T.A.;Anderson, J.A.   Comparison of barley gums isolated by various procedures .  (Canadian Journal of Chemistry).  1953; 31 ( ) : 653-664 .  124.

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Nemeth, L.J.;Williams, P.C.;Bushuk, W.   A Comparative study of the quality of soft wheats for Canada, Australia, and the United States .  (Cereal Foods World).  1994; 39 (9) : 691-700 .  720.

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Nightingale, M.J; Marchylo, B.A.; Clear, R.M.; Dexter, J.E.; Preston, K.R.   Fusarium head blight: effect of fungal proteases on wheat storage proteins .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1999; 76 (1) : 150-158 .  777.

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Nowicki, T.W.;Gaba, D.G.;Dexter, J.E.;Matsuo, R.R.;Clear, R.M.   Retention of the fusarium mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in wheat during processing and cooking of spaghetti and noodles .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1988; 8 ( ) : 189-202 .  614.

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Paulley, G; Vazquez, D.; Lysenko, E.; Preston, K.R.   Development of a laboratory baking test for Uruguayan French style hearth bread using Canadian wheat flour .  (Canadian Journal of Plant Science).  2004; 84 (4) : 949-954 .  863.

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Payeras, Enrique; Dexter, James   An overview of the Columbian wheat processing industry .  (Association of Operative Millers - Bulletin).  1999;   (December) : 7369-7377 .  M257.

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Tsen, C.C.   A note on effects of pH on sulfhydryl groups and rheological properties of dough and its implication with the sulfhydryl-disulfide interchange .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1966; 43 (4) : 456-460 .  256.

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White, N.D.G.;Nowicki, T.W.;Watters, F.L.   Comparison of fenitrothion and malathion for treatment of plywood and galvanized steel surfaces for control of the red flour beetle (coleoptera: tenebrionidae) and the rusty grain beetle (coleoptera: cucujidae) .  (Journal of Economic Entomology).  1983; 76 (4) : 856-863 .  498.

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Williams, P.C.   New applications of near-infrared technology .  (Proceedings of the ICC '89 Symposium, June 13-15, Lahti, Finland).  1989;   (Chapter 5) : 391-409 .  M159.

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Williams, P.C.;El-Haramein, F.J.;Ortiz-Fereira, G.;Srivastava, J.P.   Preliminary observations on the determination of wheat strength by near-infrared reflectance .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1988; 65 (2) : 109-114 .  603.

Williams, P.C.;El-Haramein, F.J.;Sayegh, A.;Nachit, M.;Srivastava, J.P.   Durum wheat utilization in West Asia/North Africa .  (Proceedings of the ICC '89 Symposium, June 13-15, Lahti, Finland).  1989;   (Chapter 6) : 555-565 .  M158.

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Williams, P.C.;Hlynka, I.   A note on the influence of high-vacuum drying on the starch of Canadian wheat flours .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1968; 45 (3) : 280-285 .  271.

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Williams, P.C.;Krischenko, V.P.   A comparative study of two computerized spectrophotometers for the near-infrared analysis of wheat for protein .  (Applied Spectroscopy).  1986; 40 (6) : 785-790 .  583.

Williams, P.C.;Kuzina, F.D.;Hlynka, I.   A rapid colorimetric procedure for estimating the amylose content of starches and flours .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1970; 47 (4) : 411-420 .  288.

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Williams, P.C.;Norris, K.H.   Effect of mutual interactions on the estimation of protein and moisture in wheat .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1983; 60 (3) : 202-207 .  509.

Williams, P.C.;Norris, K.H.;Gehrke, C.W.;Bernstein, K.   Comparison of near-infrared methods for measuring protein and moisture in wheat .  (Cereal Foods World).  1983; 28 (2) : 149-152 .  505.

Williams, P.C.;Norris, K.H.;Johnsen, R.L.;Standing, K.;Fricioni, R.;MacAffrey, D.;Mercier, R.;   Comparison of physicochemical methods for measuring total nitrogen in wheat .  (Cereal Foods World).  1978; 23 (9) : 544-547 .  M112.

Williams, P.C.;Norris, K.H.;Sobering, D.C.   Determination of protein and moisture in wheat and barley by near-infrared transmission .  (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry).  1985; 33 (2) : 239-244 .  550.

Williams, P.C.;Norris, K.H.;Zarowski, W.S.   Influence of temperature on estimation of protein and moisture in wheat by near-infrared reflectance .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (6) : 473-477 .  497.

Williams, P.C.;Preston, K.R.;Norris, K.H.;Starkey, P.M.   Determination of amino acids in wheat and barley by near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy .  (Journal of Food Science).  1984; 49 (1) : 17-20 .  524.

Williams, P.C.;Sigurdson, J.T.   Implications of moisture loss in grains incurred during sample preparation .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (2) : 214-229 .  385.

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Williams, P.C.;Sobering, D.C.   Attempts at standardization of hardness testing of wheat. II. The near-infrared reflectance method .  (Cereal Foods World).  1986; 31 (6) : 417-420 .  579.

Williams, P.C.;Sobering, D.C.   New applications of near-infrared technology .  (Proceedings of the 39th Australian Cereal Chemistry Conference, Perth, W A, 11th-14th Sept).  1989;   ( ) : 8-14 .  M163.

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Williams, P.C.;Starkey, P.M.   Note- A modification of the crude fiber test for application to flour .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1982; 59 (4) : 318 .  488.

Williams, P.C.;Stevenson, S.G.   Near-infrared reflectance analysis: food industry applications .  (Trends in Food Science & Technology).  1990; 1 (2) : 44-48 .  M169.

Williams, P.C.;Stevenson, S.G.;Irvine, G.N.   Testing wheat for protein and moisture with the automated digital analyzer .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (3) : 263-279 .  386.

Williams, P.C.;Stevenson, S.G.;Starkey, P.M.;Hawtin, G.C.   The application of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy to protein - testing in pulse breeding programmes .  (Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture).  1978; 29 ( ) : 285-292 .  378.

Williams, P.C.;Tahir, M.;El-Haramein;Sayegh, A.   Utilization of Triticum dicoccoides in crosses for improving durum wheat quality .  (Wheat genetic resources: meeting diverse needs).  1990;   ( ) : 327-332 .  M221.

Williams, P.C.;Thompson, B.N.   Influence of whole meal granularity on analysis of HRS wheat for protein and moisture by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1978; 55 (6) : 1014-1037 .  403.

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Yamada, Y.;Preston, K.R.   Effects of individual oxidants on oven rise and bread properties of Canadian short process bread .  (Journal of Cereal Science).  1992; 15 ( ) : 237-251 .  676.

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Yasunaga, T.;Bushuk, W.;Irvine, G.N.   Effect of papain on amylograph viscosity of flour .  (Cereal Chemistry).  1968; 45 (3) : 260-268 .  269.

Yin, X.S.;MacGregor, A.W.   Substrate specificity and nature of action of barley beta-glucan solubilase .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1989; 95 ( ) : 105-109 .  620.

Yin, X.S.;MacGregor, A.W.   An approach to the identification of a beta-glucan solubilase from barley .  (Journal of the Institute of Brewing).  1988; 95 ( ) : 327-330 .  610.

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