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In the Museum

Canadian Museum of Nature—240 McLeod St., Ottawa, Ont., Canada. Hours & Visitor Info.

Special Exhibitions

Albert Einstein.


October 20, 2006 to January 14, 2007
Albert Einstein is the most famous scientist of the 20th century. He was daring, wildly ingenious and passionately curious. This fascinating exhibition examines his breakthrough scientific theories, and offers a glimpse into his social and political life. See letters, personal effects and copies of rare manuscripts. You can even experiment with bending the space-time fabric.


Fossil Gallery.

Talisman Energy Fossil Gallery

Travel back to the 50 million-year-long slice of time that saw the end of the age of dinosaurs, their extinction, and the beginning of the age of mammals. An unprecedented number of real specimens are complemented by vivid diorama scenes with life-like, fleshed-out models. Meet many other unusual animals that lived long ago. Experience the catastrophic asteroid collision that marked the end of the dinosaurs in our Extinction Theatre. Stunning 3D animation and eight learning stations will enhance your journey back in time.

Mammal Gallery.

Mammal Gallery

See Canadian mammals up close and discover the amazing adaptations they've developed to survive in many of Canada’s rugged, often harsh, habitats. Come face-to-face with a polar bear hunting a seal. Stand mesmerized before 16 unique diorama scenes that reveal the beauty of Canada's wild places and wildlife. A special play area for kids offers puzzles, books, puppets and the chance to have fun with their own diorama.

Bird Gallery.

Bird Gallery

Ornithologists and budding birders will delight in this indoor bird-watching adventure! With an amazing array of more than 450 species, this new gallery presents the largest collection of Canadian birds on display in the world. This is a chance to study the detail and beauty of these winged creatures without the difficulties of birdwatching in the great outdoors. Also, numerous interactive offerings will engage your interest in these intriguing beauties. Opens December 26, 2006.

Discovery Zone.

Discovery Zone

This multi-purpose space is busy with general programmes, hi-def movies and school-group programmes.